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Bride of Mr.Billion

Chapter 71
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Chapter 71

Caroline‘s POV Since I came back from Europe, he has been very cold to me. Although he had helped

me a lot because of our friendship in the past, I always felt that there seemed to be a great distance

between him and I I made some efforts for this. I successfully caused Bella and Herbert to burst into a

quarrel. That woman named Bella was just an ordinary commoner. What right did she have to compete

with me?

Herbert cared more about that woman than I had imagined. I had confidence in myself. I grew up with

Herbert, and we once loved each other. I thought that he would come back to me sooner or later.

But I didn‘t expect that a few months had passed.

But there was still no improvement, and Herbert and that woman had not divorced yet. Just now, when I

was on the phone with Herbert, he was very impatient. He did not say where he had gone to. But I could

roughly guess that he must have gone to see Bella. This was too infuriating. In a few months, the

woman‘s child would be born. Did I have to witness the happy life of Herbert, the child, and other

women? This was absolutely intolerable. I threw my phone on the bed angrily, and then I fell on the bed.

I laid in bed and stared at the ceiling for a long time. Suddenly, an idea came to my mind. The next day, I

dressed in a milky white dress and rang the doorbell of the Wharton house. The person who came to

open the door was a maid I didn‘t know.

It was normal that she didn‘t know me. After all, when I had often visited the Wharton house, this maid

hadnt appeared yet. “Miss, who are you looking for?‘ asked the maid. I‘m here to pay a visit to Mrs.

Wharton. I‘d like to trouble you to inform her that Caroline is here to Visit I was very confident

*Please wait a moment. The maid was about to close the door. I added, “By the way, tell Mrs. Wharton

that I came here from Herbert‘s place.” *Alnight. The maid hurriedly reported. Just as I had expected, two

minutes later, I was invited into the Wharton house However, I was not invited into the living room.

Instead, I was arranged to sit in front of a stone table in the yard, but there was at least a cup of tea for

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This kind of treatment could be regarded as indifferent, but I was not surprised at all.

But I didnt come here today to seek any good treatment. As long as she was willing to see me, would

have a chance to achieve my goal.

Five minutes later, McKenna had yet to come out from the room. I wasn‘t surprised at all. I knew her well

Mrs. Wharton was a very pretentious rich woman. No matter who they were, she had to put on air before

coming out.

I leisurely drank up the tea in my cup, and then McKenna came out of the room in exquisite clothes.

Seeing her walking over, I rose to my feet and laughed. “Mrs. Wharton, it‘s been so many years since we

last met, but you are still so young and beautiful!”

I put the gifts I brought in advance on the stone table and said with a smile, “These are some gifts

brought back from Europe. Please accept them.” McKenna didnt take my gift. She just sneered. “I didn‘t

expect you to still remember me after so many years. “You‘re Herbert‘s mother. Of course I‘ll keep it in

mind all the time.” I said. There was a hint of pride on her cold face. You‘ve already met Herbert?” ‘Yes.” I


“You should know that Herbert is married, and his wife Bella is pregnant. Herbert is about to become a

father.” I knew her very well. The reason she told me this was definitely not because she liked Bella very


It was just to make me angry. But I was not very angry. I had my own purpose. “He told me all this.” I

nodded with a calm expression. The expression on Mckenna‘s face was a bit surprised. Since you

already know, why are you still looking for me? I chuckled, then took out a photo from my bag and placed

it in front of her. Staring at her face, I said, “When I returned home, I packed up the room and

accidentally saw this photo from back then. That‘s why I wanted to bring it over and hand it over to Mrs.

Wharton in person.” Just as I had expected, the proud and calm expression on her face suddenly

became very unsightly. She glared at me, looking very angry. But there was still a maid, so she did not

get angry and said, “Anne, I suddenly want to eat some cherries. Go buy some.” “Got it.” Anne, who was

sweeping the yard, quickly took the bag and went out.

She actually sent the maid away? Seeing that I had grabbed hold of her sore spot, I felt very happy.

Because I knew that I had already succeeded by half. After Anne left, she tore the photo in her hand in

anger. I couldn‘t help but laugh. “Mrs. Wharton, I still have a lot of this photo. You won‘t be able to tear it

all to shreds.”

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18491 “How did you get this photo?” McKenna lowered her voice and asked. I looked at the twisted

expression on her face and pursed my lips into a smile. “I remember back then, I hadn‘t graduated from

university yet. Herbert and I were planning to go out for a trip, but I had my period, so I didn‘t go. When

he was reading in the room, I took a camera and took a picture of the parasol tree outside the window. I

didn‘t expect that the door of the yard would suddenly open. It was you and a man who came in. Then

you suddenly closed the door, and the man put his arms around your waist and began to kiss you...”

“Stop it!” The arrogant look on McKenna‘s face had become a bit awkward. I didn‘t intend to let her go. I

continued, “I remember that day, Mr. Wharton must have gone to a meeting at the White House. You also

thought that Herbert and I went out for a trip. You and that man began to take off your clothes in the yard.

I saw that both of you entered the room while taking off your clothes...” “Shut up!” McKenna suddenly

erupted and roared at me. I paused for a moment and continued, “Herbert saw you and that man‘s

behavior through the window. He wanted to kill you. After all, it‘s his family‘s business. It‘s not good for

him to spread the news. He asked me to stay in the room and not come out. I can only listen to him. After

all, I have to get along with you in the future!” Only after a long time had passed did McKenna raise her

head and say with a cold laugh, “Caroline, what exactly do you want to do?” “What can I do? I just want

to be with Herbert in the future. It‘s all my fault. If it hadn‘t been for the sudden change in my family,

Herbert and my children would have called you grandma!” I expressed my attitude.

“But he‘s already married...” I cut her off. “He doesn‘t love that woman at all. I‘m the one he loves!” “Well,

as long as you have the ability to make him divorce and marry you, I won‘t interfere, okay? And I will

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sincerely accept you and hold a grand wedding for you.” said McKenna. I still hadn‘t achieve my goal, so

of course I couldn‘t stop. I continued, “Just no interfere from you won‘t do. I need your support. Help me

chase that woman out of the Wharton Family!” Hearing this, McKenna frowned. “After all, this is your

relationship problem. As Herbert‘s mother, how can I interfere and help you?” I looked elsewhere and

said, “I know you must have a way. I will give you a week. If you can‘t think of a way, I will send this photo

to the major media, and then you will be famous!” After that, I got up, picked up my bag, and was about

to leave. “You‘re nothing more than a bandit!” McKenna said angrily. I stopped in my tracks and turned

my back to her. “I can‘t be bothered with anything else in order to be with Herbert.”

“Hehe...” McKenna laughed coldly and said, “Little girl, you‘re still too young. With my power, killing you

is like stepping on an ant. Do you really think you can threaten me?”

I turned to look into her astute eyes and said, “Mrs. Wharton, of course I came here prepared. The house

in J City that I live in is under Herbert‘s name. My relationship with him is stable now. If anything happens

to me, do you think he won‘t help me?”

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“Are you threatening me with Herbert?” McKenna suddenly rose to her feet.

I suddenly laughed. “Mrs. Wharton, in all these years, the mother–and–son relationship between you and

Herbert is most likely superficial. He‘s your only son. Do you want to put the last straw on the camel?

I was sure that my words were very intimidating, because the arrogant McKenna was already sitting on

the stone bench.

Mckenna had already compromised.

I stepped forward, and my attitude became much more respectful. I reached out to stroke her shoulder

and said, “Auntie, in fact, I have no malice. I just love Herbert too much. If I can marry him in the future, I

will definitely help him ease the relationship between you two.” “I hope you remember what you said

today.” This sentence meant that we had reached an agreement.

I‘ve achieved my goal.

“I swear in the name of God that if I violate my promise in the future, I will die!” I immediately raised my

left hand and said,

“After this is over, remember to destroy all the evidence.” McKenna raised her head and stared at me.

“Don‘t worry, I will.” I nodded.