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Bride of Mr.Billion

Chapter 50
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Chapter 50

Bella’s POV

“Didn’t Sir tell you?* Miranda asked in surprise

I was stunned for a moment and said, “You should know that he doesn’t want to talk about his lamily”

“Yes, his character is indeed like that.” Miranda nodded.

I breathed a sigh of relief “It seems that my observation is correct”

After a while, Miranda said, “Mr. Herbert’s grandfather and grandmother are gone. His parents are still

there, and he has a sister. But then she went abroad to study, and Mr. Herbert doesn’t go back to the

family villa often.”

“Oh” I nodded

It seems that his family is not complicated, but it doesn’t seem to have much to do with me

Although he and I have gotten our marriage certificate, we are not a normal couple. Maybe I don’t have

to deal with his family at all.

I’ve just finished my meal. Miranda started to clean up. I want to help. She asked me to rest.

I had no choice but to come to the living room. As soon as I sat down on the sofa, I saw Herbert coming


As soon as he went downstairs, my eyes were completely attracted by him.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Because he had changed his clothes. Instead of wearing the same black suit, he had changed into a

silver suit with a sky-blue shirt and a wine-red tie around his neck

I bought this set of clothes for him

He had thought that every one of them could match his black suit.

But now, he didn’t expect to wear all his clothes at once

At this moment, he looked very fancy

I couldn’t help laughing

“What are you laughing at?” Herbert asked me.

I didn’t say that it was because of the clothes, so I casually found an excuse. “I just thought about a

funny joke

11 was not easy to fool him. He continued to look at me with suspicion “I’m not used to it Why don’t you

change my clothes back?”

I quickly got up and grabbed his arm, saying. “You will get used to it. It’s more beautiful than a black suit

You used to be dressed in black, like a black crow”

“Really?” It was the first time that Herbert was a little uncertain

Its true it’s true!” i nodded.

Looking down at himself again, he decided, “Well, I’ll listen to you this time

I nodded desperately. indicating that he should listen to me. But his current clothes were really a little

eye-catching and needed to be matched

Before he left, he whispered in my ear, “Move back to the master bedroom tonight.”

“Oh?” I looked at Herbert in astonishment. Herbert didn’t say anything. He just picked up his briefcase

and walked out of the house, After Herbert left, I sat on the sofa and couldn’t help laughing when I

thought of his clothes, The usually serious Herbert actually had such a lovely side. That afternoon, I

moved into the master bedroom from the second bedroom to rest. Miranda asked, “Madam, are you

sleeping in the same bed as Sir?” I immediately explained, “Oh, I’m having a strong pregnancy reaction

now. I don’t have much sleep Sometimes, he snores, which affects my sleep. So when he’s in his sleep,

I’ll go to the second bedroom to sleep.”

When she heard this, Miranda said, “So that’s how it is. You‘re in a special period now. You can do this,

but you can’t do it in the future. Let me tell you, this couple’s feelings for each other will fade away once

they sleep together.”

After getting along with him for half a day. I learned Miranda was a talkative person, and she was a real

diligent woman. She was efficient and paid great attention to cleaning, so I didn’t mind with her around

As for Miranda’s words, I didn’t say anything else. I just smiled politely

But Miranda didn’t intend to stop. “Madam, you have to believe what I said, Old Master and Madam also

began to sleep separately more than ten years ago. The colder the days are, the worse the relationship


Hearing this, I looked at Miranda in surprise and thought, “is the relationship between Herbert’s parents

not good?”

Miranda seemed to realize that she had said too much, so she didn’t continue. Instead, she immediately

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

changed the subject. “Oh, Young Master told me to let you rest more. Look, I’m talking to you again. I’m

going to clean up. Have a rest!” After that, she took the rag and left

After Miranda left, I couldn’t help but think, “No wonder Herbert is so cold. Does it have something to do

with his growing environment? A couple with an indifferent relationship can easily affect a child’s

sexiness. I can’t help but sympathize with him in my heart.”

Although he was born into a rich family, he might not be happy in his childhood, just like how it felt to

grow up in a broken family. Thinking of this, I felt a little more distressed for Herbert

Because I’m pregnant, I like to sleep. I’m sleepy in the afternoon.

I fell asleep in bed very soon.

At six o’clock in the afternoon, the sound of the door opening woke me up.

I opened my eyes and saw the solemn expression on Herbert’s face He took off his silver suit, pulled off

his wine-red tie, and threw it on the sofa. After sitting on the sofa, he untied a few buttons on his shirt

with emotion Seeing that he was in a bad mood, I asked carefully. “Why did you come back so early

today?” “Or should I stay there and enjoy others making fun of me?” Herbert said coldly

I got out of bed. poured a glass of water, put it in front of him, and said with a smile. “Who dares to laugh

at you!”

1711 “Did you do it on purpose?” Herbert stared at me. “What on purpose?” I don’t understand what he


“The clothes.” Herbert glanced at the clothes on his body. I finally understood what he meant. He must

have been laughed at by others in his clothes. It was really funny. However, I couldn’t laugh in front of

Herbert, so I had to continue to pretend to be innocent. “Who said that this attire is not good?”