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Bride of Mr.Billion

Chapter 455
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Chapter 455

Bella‘s POV: Herbert‘s big hand that was on her waist exerted a lot more force, and I couldn‘t help but


“It hurts...” I cried out in a low voice.

Herbert put his face close to my ear and said in a hoarse voice, “You are deliberately presumptuous.

Don‘t beg for mercy in bed next time.”

I looked at Herbert, and my eyes fell on his sexy Adam‘s apple.

I was about to continue teasing him when I looked up in the direction of the door. Suddenly, I saw

someone standing at the door. “Who let you in?”

Hearing this, Herbert loosened his grip and looked up in the direction of the door.

I took the opportunity to push Herbert. He was not prepared at all, so he stumbled and almost fell off

the sofa, while I turned around and ran in the direction of the door!

Suddenly, there was a force behind me that pulled me back.

I lost my balance and leaned back. I was about to fall back! With a scream, I had already leaned over,

and my body and head were about to fall to the ground. At this time, I closed my eyes in fear. I knew

that I would definitely fall down. Maybe I would have a concussion, but the pain I imagined did not

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come. I felt that my whole body was wrapped by a soft and flexible thing.

I seemed to have fallen into a warm embrace.

I knew that he would not let me fall, so a happy smile appeared on my face. The next moment, I heard

his unique voice. “You seem to enjoy it a lot?” I smiled and said, “Of course. I know you won‘t watch me

fall down. If I fall down, your children will have no mother!” At this time, I opened my eyes and saw a

handsome face with a smile.

At this moment, Herbert was kneeling on one knee, with half of my body in his arms and the other half

on the floor. “You want to run away in such a long dress? You‘re acting recklessly.” Herbert deliberately

tightened his face.

“The hem of this dress is really too long. I have to ask the shop assistant to cut off more than half of it

later.” I looked down at the hem of the dress and said angrily. “No!” Herbert said in a domineering

manner. “Why?” I looked up and asked. “I feel that the best part of this skirt is the long skirt. You can‘t

run fast, and you can never escape from my sight!” Herbert said with a smile. “It‘s getting late. Why

don‘t we take a wedding photo as soon as possible? Otherwise, we won‘t be able to finish it today,” I

said with a smile. “Do you have such a bad memory? The fire that you just provoked has not been put

out yet?”

Herbert‘s eyes were very dangerous at the moment. My heart was beating fast, and I quickly said, “I

think this fire can be put out at home.” “That won‘t do. We have to put it now.” Herbert lowered his head

and kissed me on the neck. “Ah...” At this time, I shouted at the top of my voice. Herbert frowned when

he heart my shout. The next moment, the door was pushed open by the makeup artist and her

assistant from outside. They nervously came in and asked, “What‘s wrong? Did something happen?”

Seeing the makeup artist and her assistant coming in, I quickly answered while half lying on the

ground, “... accidentally fell down!” At this moment, it was obvious that I had fallen down when they saw

our position. Therefore, the makeup artist and her assistant immediately panicked and hurried forward

to help me up.

“Mrs. Wharton, are you all right? Do you want to go to the hospital for an examination?” The makeup

artist and her assistant asked with great concern. I tidied up the wedding dress on my chest and said

with a smile, “I‘m fine. I‘m fine. I just got a fright.” At this time, I sneaked a peek at Herbert, who was

beside me, and found that he looked terrible. After all, I framed him again this time, and his plot failed

again. I felt very happy at the thought of it. After all, I had won a round today. “That‘s good, that‘s good.”

The makeup artist and her assistant respectively wiped the sweat on their foreheads. It could be seen

that they were very nervous.

“Can we start shooting?” I asked quickly. The assistant immediately nodded and said, “The studio and

the photographer are ready. Please go to the studio now.”

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“Okay.” I nodded and then reached out with a smile to hold Herbert‘s arm.

Herbert didn‘t refuse. He followed me to the studio.

The background of the studio was exquisitely designed. Herbert sat in front of the background, and the

photographer kept shouting, “Sir, smile, smile more!” However, Herbert had been pulling a long face,

and in the end, the photographer could do nothing about it.

The photographer had no choice but to hold the camera in his hand. He smiled helplessly at Herbert

and said, “Sir, can you smile? Marriage is a happy thing. Aren‘t you happy to marry such a beautiful


Seeing this, I had to apologize to the photographer and said, “I‘m sorry. My husband didn‘t sleep well

last night. Let him have a glass of water and have a rest. Can we take a picture later?” “Okay.” The

photographer nodded. The next moment, the assistant passed a cup of coffee to Herbert. “Sir, would

you like to have a cup of coffee?”

Herbert‘s face was still stern, and he didn‘t even look at the assistant

The assistant suddenly felt a little embarrassed, but she still had a smile on her face.

I quickly took the coffee from her hand and said, “Thank you.”

“You‘re welcome.” The assistant smiled and left the studio. For a moment, only he and I were left in the

studio. I shook my head in amusement. Then, I handed the cup of coffee in my hand to Herbert and

said teasingly, “Mr. Wharton, have a cup of coffee.” Herbert rolled his eyes at her, took the coffee, and

took a sip. “Are you still angry?” I leaned my head on Herbert‘s shoulder and asked softly.

Herbert frowned to show that he was unhappy. “How can I not be angry when I was fooled?”