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Bride of Mr.Billion

Chapter 439
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Chapter 439

Bella‘s POV:

I stopped immediately and turned around to look Herbert‘s cloudy face. I asked while frowning, “What‘s


“What are you wearing today?” Herbert stared at the long dress on my body with disdain.

I looked down at my clothes and was very confused. “Didn‘t you just say that it was very good? Joey

and I bought it after work yesterday. I bought a limited edition this time. It‘s said that there‘s only two in

A City.”

“I knew it must be that crazy woman, Joey who asked you to buy this dress. Go back and change it!”

Herbert said with disgust.

“What does this have to do with Joey? I bought it myself. What‘s wrong with it?” I looked in the mirror in

front of the entrance and said to myself.

At this time, I noticed that Herbert in the mirror was looking at my back.

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I suddenly understood the reason.

More than half of my back was exposed behind the dress, but this was also the most beautiful part of

the dress. It perfectly outlined the lines on my back, which made my skin look very good. It was just half

of my back. I could still accept it. But I didn‘t expect that Herbert would be so stingy as to get angry

about this dress.

“Hurry up and get changed. Do you hear me?” said Herbert.

As for this petty man, I could only take his arm and coax him. “This dress is very conservative. Many

evening dresses are exposed here. Isn‘t it a decent evening dress?”

As I spoke, my hand moved to my chest.

“You can‘t go out in that kind of clothes! I can‘t accept it,” said Herbert.

“That‘s why I didn‘t dare to buy it.” I chuckled.

At this moment, Connor, who had been waiting outside, walked in.

“Mr. Wharton, if we don‘t leave now, we‘ll definitely be late.” Connor lowered his head and reminded.

Herbert hesitated for a moment. I hurriedly raised my head and said to Connor, “Let‘s go We‘ll leave

right away”

*Then I‘ll want outside.” Connor naturally saw that the expression on Herbert‘s face wasn‘t right, and as such, he promptly left.

Watching Connor leave, I quickly grabbed Horbert‘s ann and looked at him ‘Look, it‘s already too late if

we don‘t leave now Ill go upstairs and change clothes, it‘ll definitely lake hall an hou Didnt you say that

there are many celebrities in the business world? Although you have a very high stalus in the business world of A Cily, there are still elders who have higher status than you if you are late, people will

definitely say that you are arrogant, right? Besides, I don‘t have sulable clothes I‘ll wear this one.”

After talking for a long time, he didn‘t respond, so I had to shake his ar

At this time, Herbert pursed his lips and finally said something. “I found out that you‘ve improved a lot in

your coquettish skills recently!”

After that, Herbert stepped out of the entrance,

I quickly followed him, “Really? I think so too.” As soon as I finished speaking, Herbert stopped. I

quickly stopped as well. Otherwise, I would have bumped into his back.

The next moment, he turned to look at me and warned, “Don‘t be too proud. I won‘t compromise every

time you act like a spoiled child to me. I am a man of principle!”

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“I... Of course I understand.” I nodded with a smile. He was really a man of principle. He had

compromised in less than two minutes.

“Let‘s go.” Herbert was in a better mood. He turned around and walked out of the villa with me.

I, who was following behind him, curled my lips at the back of Herbert. After these days of observation,

I found that sometimes I couldn‘t be too tough when dealing with Herbert

When I was tough, he would only be stronger than me.

So sometimes I had to use a gentle method.

So sometimes I also learnt to be a good girl. When he was in a bad temper, I would act like a spoiled

child and talk softly Every time, it worked. The trick of being coquettish gradually became my trump

card. It was very useful. Soon, the car stopped in front of the gate of the reception party in A City The

uniformed waiter stepped forward and opened the back door of the car. Herbert and I got out of the car

one after another, and then Connor drove the car away. I took Herbert‘s arm and walked into the lobby

of the Hilton Hotel. “Do you still remember this place?” As soon as Herbert stepped into the hall, he

looked at the huge crystal chandelier in front of him. Hearing this, I was stunned, I turned around and

saw that his eyes were shining under the light, and there was a playful smile in his eyes At this time, I

immediately remembered that Hilton Hotel was the hotel where we stayed that night after we first met.

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