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Bride of Mr.Billion

Chapter 434
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Chapter 434

Bella‘s POV:

I walked to Joey, who was washing a towel in front of the sink. She looked at me from head to toe and

said, “Wait a minute. Why are you blushing?”

“Nonsense, how can I be blushing?” Hearing this, Joey immediately threw away the towel in her hand

and explained eagerly.

Seeing this, I crossed my arms in front of my chest, tilted my head, and said, “Something‘s wrong with

you today. Oh, I got it. Do you have a good impression of Connor?”

I remembered now. Just now, Joey only came into contact with Connor. Could it be...

At this time, Joey flew into a rage. “Hey, what did you and Herbert… do in the office just now?”

Hearing this, I put down my arm and didn‘t dare to look directly into Joey‘s eyes. “I... What could we

do? We were talking.”

Joey continued, “We heard a scream coming from inside, and then there was no sound. Even a fool

knows what you are doing in the room. Although this is an open society, you‘d better consider the

feelings of us outsiders. And you are still in the office.”

Joey said with a smile, in a joking tone. “Hey, I‘m talking about your matter. Why did you frame me?” I

came to my senses and immediately asked.

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“I... I remember. I haven‘t called a client yet. I‘m not going to talk to you anymore.” Joey said as she

hurried away

This was Joey‘s random excuse.

But I didn‘t continue to ask. After all, I couldn‘t get the answer even if I went to ask her now.

Joey‘s POV:

I reached out and touched my cheek. It was so hot there. I didn‘t know what was going on with me

today either. Logically speaking, this wasn‘t the first time had seen Connor, but why was there such a

strange feeling in my heart today? When I squatted in front of him and wiped the stain on his pants, my

heart really beat fast. Soon, it seemed that for so many years, my heart had never beat so fast for any

man. Connor was very handsome. He could be considered a senior staff in Wharton Group...there was

a huge difference between his status and mine.

I couldn‘t like himn. Those who pursue Connor might have already lined up from here to the train


I was just an ordinary 30–year–old woman.

How could he like me?

I kept telling myself in my heart that I probably wanted to fall in love recently, so I had some

hallucinations when I met a man.

No, if there was a suitable man, I must try to fall in love.

If I continued to be alone, there would definitely be psychological problems, Chapter 134

On the weekend, I was going to the sanatorium in the suburbs to visit my mom and Betty.

In the clean ward, Betty was wearing a hospital gown, sitting on the balcony and basking in the sun. I

looked at her carefully. Her eyes were empty and dull. She kept looking at the distant scenery as if she

didn‘t see me.

Seeing her like this, my heart ached.

“Mom, how‘s Betty doing recently?” I asked in a low voice.

Although Betty used to be hostile to me and never regarded me as her elder sister, I was still very sad

to see her like this today.

“She‘s been much better recently, although she misses Anne. She sits there alone every day holding

Anne‘s photos in her arms. Her temper has improved a lot. The doctor said that she could be

discharged from the hospital next month and asked her to go home to recuperate,” mother replied.

“That‘s good.” I nodded. I hoped Betty would be able to pick herself up again in the future after a short

period of depression. Then, mother suddenly asked, “In the past few days, Ryan has not been able to

find us. Did he find trouble with you?”

Hearing that, I lowered my head and said nothing.

Mother frowned and said, “I knew he would definitely bother you if he wasn‘t be able to find us..”

“Mom, it doesn‘t matter to me. It‘s just that after you and Betty go home, he will definitely come to find

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you. What should we do then? I‘m afraid that it will affect Betty‘s illness,” I said worriedly.

Mother lowered her head and thought for a moment, then said, “Don‘t worry. I‘ve made up my mind this

time. I won‘t have anything to do with him anymore, and I won‘t allow him to get close to Betty. Betty‘s

current state is partly due to him. If he dares to harass us, I‘ll call the police directly, or I‘ll fight him to

the death!”

Seeing the determination and cruelty on mother‘s face, I knew that mother had made up her mind this

time, so I was no longer worried. In fact, Ryan was bullying the weak, but in the face of strong enemies,

he did not dare to continue to be arrogant.

After sitting for a while, I got up and said, “Mom, I bought you and Betty some of your favorite things.

It‘s getting cold. I brought you your clothes and bought you two thick clothes and pants. Call me if you

need anything.” “Got it. I’ll send you out.” Mother also got up and said. Before I left, I looked back at

Betty, who was sitting on the balcony, and then took mother‘s hand and left the ward.

Before leaving, I grabbed my mother‘s hand and said, “Mom, I‘m going to hold a wedding ceremony

with Herbert next month. By the way, we‘ve got our marriage certificate.”

Hearing this, mother smiled happily and said, “That‘s great. You already have two children, and it‘s tirne for you to settle down. You are the mother of the two children, and you can‘t be capricious in the future.

Herbert is also a good person. You should cherish him. Moreover, his family is much better than yours.

If there is anything wrong with him, you should try to tolerate him

I disagreed with my mother‘s words, so I said with a naughty smile, “Mom, I‘m not bad either Everyone has two eyes and one nose, right? There is no such thing as who is more nobleTM

11:08 I went on to say, “Mom, don‘t worry. I‘ll take care of myself. Don‘t worry.”

“Okay.” Mother sighed and said, “I hope your sister can get better soon.”

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