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Bride of Mr.Billion

Chapter 424
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Chapter 424

Bella‘s POV:

Soon, a little boy in a white shirt and a black school uniform walked to the gate with a schoolbag on his



“Lucas!” Herbert and I waved our hands at Lucas.

Lucas saw us, so he ran quickly to us. “Daddy, mommy, why did you come to pick me up from school

together?” Lucas was very happy as he held Herbert and my hands.

“Daddy and mommy are both free today, so we came to pick you up from school. Are you happy?”

Herbert looked down at our son and asked.

“I‘m happy! It‘ll be great if daddy and mommy can pick me up every day in the future.” Lucas

immediately replied.

Hearing this, Herbert and I looked at each other. He lowered his head and touched Lucas‘s head,

saying, “You are really greedy to ask us to pick you up every day. Well, as long as daddy and mommy

are free, we will pick you up, okay?” “Okay!” Lucas nodded obediently. At this time, Herbert suddenly

asked, “Lucas, how about daddy and mommy take you and your sister out for a big meal today?”

“Okay, okay, I want to eat steak and ice cream!” Lucas clapped his little hands happily.

“Alright, let‘s eat steak and ice cream.” Herbert nodded in agreement.

Lucas jumped with joy. Seeing that my son was so happy, I kept smiling. Following that, Connor

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brought us to pick Lucky up. Then, our family of four sat in a well–known restaurant. Lucky sat on the

children‘s chair, and there were already chopped steak and vegetables on the plate in front of her.

She grabbed it and stuffed it into her mouth.

She had already put the food into her mouth very accurately.

At this moment, I suddenly remembered something. I glanced at Herbert and didn‘t know what to say.

“What do you want to say?” Herbert saw that I had something to say.

Hearing this, I quickly said, “Herbert, don‘t make things difficult for John, okay? It‘s not easy for him to

start a company, and he has to support his mother and child. He can‘t suffer such a blow!”

Hearing this, Herbert looked up at me,

His gaze made me feel a little uncomfortable. Then, I curled my lips and said, “Why are you looking at

me like that? I think you look down on me at times. If I wanted to find another man, I will find a young

and handsome man. I won‘t fall in love with an old man!”

Chapter 424

10101 Hearing these words, Herbert pursed his lips into a smile. “What are you laughing at?” Seeing

him suddenly laugh, I frowned. Herbert held back his smile and said, “That‘s just like you. The way you

talked to me just now was obviously very hypocritical.”

He saw through me. I smiled and stuck out my tongue.

To be honest, I really felt that Mr. Hall was very innocent. Because I had an argument with Herbert, he

was the one who got implicated in the end. I couldn‘t watch his company close down and do nothing.

But I also knew that Herbert seemed to have a bad relationship with John and had a special prejudice

against this man.

In my opinion, I couldn‘t be too aggressive toward him, which was why I wanted to speak in a gentle


I didn‘t expect to be teased for being hypocritical.

“I… I‘m not a hypocrite.” I pouted.

The next moment, Herbert warned me in a very serious tone, ‘In the future, no matter old man or young

man, you can‘t meet them alone at night, especially drinking so much with them. You are absolutely not

allowed to.”

“You‘re too overbearing, aren‘t you? Even if I don‘t have any male friends, I‘m a businesswoman. I‘ll

meet men at work.” I complained, but I didn‘t dare to provoke him at this time.

Herbert then said, “Then you can talk about business and work in the company. You can‘t go out


At this time, I almost lost my temper, but when I thought about the things that had not been solved. I

suppressed the anger in my heart and tried to argue in a calm tone, “Can you not be so overbearing?

It‘s normal to have social activities in business.”

“If there is dinner that you need to attend, I can go with you!” Herbert‘s attitude was very firm and there

was no room for compromise.

I knew that I couldn‘t fight with him now, so I‘d better compromise for the time being and let him agree

to the deal first. Then, I nodded and said, “Well, I‘ll listen to you. Can you stop targeting John?”

At this time, he nodded and said, “Okay, I will let it slide this time.”

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I picked up his phone and put it in front of him. Then I said with a flattering smile, “Then please make a

phone call and tell your subordinates now.”

Herbert took the phone and dialed a number.

“Connor, let‘s stop going against John. You should immediately inform those merchants not to make

things difficult for him. We can also help to take care of his business. After the phone was connected,

he said a few words to the phone and hung up.

Then, he handed the phone to me and said with a smile, “Are you satisfied?”

I pursed my lips and smiled. “I‘m satisfied.”

Finally, I was relieved. Otherwise, I really didn‘t know how to deal with it if John complained to me again


At this time, Lucas with sharp eyes suddenly said, ‘Mommy, the new ring you bought is so beautiful

Heanng this, I looked down at the sapphire ring on my finger and said with a smile, ‘It was bought by

your daddy for me

“In the future, I also want to buy a bigger gem ring for my child‘s mother, Lucas suddenly said

Hearing this, I couldnt help laughing.

Herbert patted the back of Lucas‘s head and said with a smile. “Why did you say that? “Daddy, you like

to spend money on mommy, don‘t you? A boy must spend money on a girl Otherwise, what‘s the point

of a boy earning money? Lucas said matter of factly Although I felt funny, I still said with a serious face,

“You have to learn how to make money before you can spend money on girls, do you understand? And

money is not everything. It‘s not like a girl will fall in love with you after you spend money on her, do you

understand? “All girls like beautiful clothes, beautiful shoes, and bags, don‘t they? Lucas tilted his little

head and looked confused

Herbert smiled and touched his head, “When he grows up, he will naturally understand.”