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Bride of Mr.Billion

Chapter 402
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Chapter 402

Bella‘s POV:

Elsamara did not panic at all when she saw Betty throwing herself at her. Instead, she rolled up her

sleeves, as if she was ready to fight with Betty.

Mother and I looked at each other. I couldn‘t let them fight because it was useless. On the contrary, they would make themselves look bad.

Mother and I stood in the middle of Betty and Elsamara, separating them.

“Betty, don‘t get agitated!” Mother hugged Betty, who was making a scene.

Seeing that it was mother, Betty immediately pointed at Elsamara and shouted, “Mom, didn‘t you see

how she bullied me? If you are my mother, let me go. We should teach this b*tch a good lesson!”

“Betty, stop fooling around, okay? Listen to me. Hurry up and go back with me!” Mother took Betty‘s

hand and was about to leave.

Betty was unwilling to give up. She refused to leave and threatened mother, “Am I your biological

daughter or not? Can you stand to see outsiders bullying me like this? Hank treats me like this, and you

treat me like this. Are you the closest person to me? I don‘t want to live anymore!”

Betty was like a madman. Mother had been pestered by her, and her face was very ugly.

At this time, Ryan, who was standing on the side, said loudly, “That‘s right. The person who destroyed

other people‘s family is being powerful, but the original wife was bullied. This is completely wrong.”

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His words aroused everyone‘s blame on Elsamara. Elsamara‘s expression gradually became ugly. I

couldn‘t help rolling my eyes at Ryan, and then I saw the blue veins on the back of my mother‘s hand

protruding. I stepped forward and tugged at Betty‘s arm. “Don‘t fool around, Betty. Didn‘t you see that

mother‘s condition isn‘t very good? Are you trying to piss her off?” At this time, Betty said to me, “My

good sister, we don‘t have a good relationship, but you can‘t help the mistress bully your own sister,

can you?” “You..: I knew, Betty and I couldn‘t make things clear at all. The protagonist of this matter

must come out and make it clear.

Then I shouted loudly, “Hank, come out if you are a man. Don‘t let the two women fight for you and put

all the blame on thern!”

Two minutes later, an elegant man in a gray and white suit came out

Betty, seeing Hank, pointed at him and scolded, “Hank, you coward You finally came out!”

Elsamara looked worried when she saw him. She stepped forward and whispered, “Why did you come

out? I didn‘t ask you to come out, did 1? I can solve this problem”

Hank glanced at Betty coldly When he faced Elsamara, his eyes were gentle. He whispered to her, “I‘m

a man. I should take responsibility for this.”

09540 When I saw this scene, I knew that Hank and Elsamara really had feelings for each other. It was over between him and Betty.

In an instant, I felt sad for Betty. But this was also a result that could be predicted. I just didn‘t expect it

to come so fast.

Then, I asked, “Hank, what‘s your relationship with this woman? Do you know that you haven‘t divorced

yet? You are looking for a lover outside. Don‘t you feel ashamed and guilty?”

Although Betty‘s behavior was a little irrational, Betty stood on the moral high ground this time. Even if

she got a divorce in the end, it would be Hank‘s fault. After all, he cheated on his marriage.

“This is the man who has a wife and a child and is looking for a mistress outside. Look at your child,

she‘s so pitiful! You have no sympathy.” At this time, Ryan, who was holding Anne in his arms, began

to curse Hank

When the onlookers heard this, they all stared at Hank with contempt.

I knew what happened between Hank and Betty in the past. Betty had occupied a large part of the

reason for their divorce.

I couldn‘t help glancing at Ryan and said in a low voice, “Shut up!”

At this time, Hank opened his mouth and said, “Betty, I‘m sorry!”

“Are you done with your apology? What‘s your relationship with this woman? Tell me!” Betty shouted

while pointing at Elsamara.

Hank turned to look at Elsamara and replied, “I‘m indeed in a relationship with her. I love her.”

Hearing this, I couldn‘t help but be stunned. Hank was a very shameful person. I didn‘t expect him to

admit that he cheated on his marriage in public today. It seemed that he really loved Elsamara.

At this moment, my heart was very complicated. In fact, Hank was not a bad person. On the contrary,

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he was a very righteous person.

The reason why he became like this today was also because of Betty.

Betty‘s madness was coming to an end.

Maybe she could be free after the divorce. For her, it might be a good thing.

I turned to look at Anne, who was still sobbing in Ryan‘s arms. Perhaps the eternal harm was on her.

This child had to face endless quarrel between her parents at such a young age. When her parents

finally stopped quarreling, she had to live a single parent life.

Perhaps from the very beginning, their marriage was a mistake, and I was the one who had caused all

of this. At this moment, I was full of guilt towards Anne.

Betty was stunned at first, then stared at Hank desperately, and then rushed to him like crazy!

“Hank, how dare you say that you love that b*tch? I will beat you to death, I won’t let you have a good

time!” Betty scolded as she hit Hank.

This time, Hank didn‘t move at all. He let Betty scold him and lowered his head.

I knew that Hank was also carrying a heavy cross in his heart. He was redeeming himself. After all, he

was sorry for Betty. Looking at this, I felt extremely uncomfortable.

Betty didn‘t seem to be good enough to beat and scold Hank, so she scratched Hank‘s face with her

long nails! In an instant, several bright red marks appeared on Hank‘s face, which made him feel very


00 540 Seeing this, Elsamara immediately rushed to Betty and shouted, “Betty, It‘s all my fault. I‘m the

one who seduced him. If you‘re angry, come at me!”

Of course, Hank would not let Elsamara suffer. The next moment, he pushed Elsamara aside. “What

are you talking about? I am a man, and this is my responsibility!”