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Bride of Mr.Billion

Chapter 385
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Chapter 385

Bella‘s POV:

Joey was getting more and more agitated. I comforted her. “Honey, calm down, okay?” I sighed and

said, “In fact, he didn‘t say that he would never marry me.” “He just said that he won‘t marry me for the

time being. Maybe he has his reasons, but he didn‘t tell me.”

Joey’s mood eased a lot. “You have to ask him what he meant and why he did that. If the two of you

are not married, it means that he can abandon you at any time.” “Although love will not change

because of your relationship, you should think more about yourself.”

Joey was still worried about me. I smiled and said, “Don‘t worry. I’ll find a suitable opportunity to have a

good talk with him.” “Okay.” Joey nodded with relief. In the blink of an eye, it was late autumn, and it

was getting colder and colder. Every now and then, Herbert would return to New York for a few days.

He only said that his mother was not in good health and he had to go back to visit her, but he never

said that he would take me and the children with him.

I was very disappointed. I knew that it should be because of the fact that McKenna refused to accept

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me. Maybe it was because of this reason that Herbert decided not to marry me first. I spent all my

energy on my work and trading, and I transferred my online business to other colleagues. After all, I

couldn‘t do it all by myself.

In just a few months, I had earned a million.

This was the first million in my life. I was very happy. However, it was still too risky to trade. I had to get

it by being an entity. I could buy a one–bedroom house in New York with the one million I earned, so I

was ready to liquidate the stock.

Joey said I was a fool. It was easy earned money, but I didn‘t want to make any more money. She

invested a little money and earned tens of thousands after trading with me for a few months. I only

smiled after listening to what she said, but my attitude was unusually firm. Greed was one of the bad

habits of men.

I had to stop in time. That afternoon, I came out to meet a client, so I got off work early. Herbert went to

New York again, and Lucas had gone to kindergarten. At this time, Lucky should still be sleeping. So I

bought steak and fruits in a nearby supermarket and went straight back to my parents’ home. Thinking

that I hadn‘t seen my mother for a few days, I missed her very much.

Knock... Knock... Knock... Texcitedly knocked on the door of my mother‘s house with the things I

bought. Soon, my mother came to open the door. “Mom!“I shouted loudly when I saw mom. Seeing me,

my mother was naturally very happy. She quickly opened the door and said with a smile, “Bella, you‘re

back?” “Mom, I bought steak and fruit for you.” I walked in with a smile. As soon as I stepped in, I saw

Betty sitting on the sofa. Betty looked at me coldly. She didn‘t get up or say hello. When I saw her, I

was stunned. My mother quickly said, “Bella, Betty has come to see me. I‘ll go prepare dinner first. Will

you two stay and have dinner with me?” Betty didn‘t say anything. Naturally, I wasn‘t in the mood to

have dinner with Betty, because she was very biased against me. I was afraid that I would quarrel with

her during dinner time, and it would probably make my mother sad. I was about to refuse when my

mother grabbed my hand and said, “Bella, we haven‘t had dinner together for a long time.” “Mom...” I

couldn‘t say a word of refusal.

“Mom, I‘ll help you.” This could be said to have acquiesced to my mother‘s suggestion to stay and eat

dumplings, right? I took the food in my hand and walked into the kitchen.

I was picking vegetables in the kitchen when I heard the conversation between my mother and Betty

“Mom, I‘m leaving,” Betty said as she picked up the branded bag on the coffee table. Hearing that she

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was leaving, my mother frowned and said, “Anne has gone to an international kindergarten. There‘s

nothing else for you to do when you go back.” “I have an appointment with a friend to go to the beauty

salon. Besides, I’ve been on a diet recently. so I don‘t take dinner” Betty said as she walked to the door.

“You two sisters finally ran into each other today. Why don‘t you stay and keep me company?” My

mother muttered.

Betty glanced up in the direction of the kitchen and said with a disdainful smile, “Mom, it‘s good to have

Bella to accompany you. I‘ll come and accompany you some other day. You know that I‘m not good at

talking. I‘m afraid that I might make Bella unhappy with my words, and I‘ll make you angry again.”

“What are you talking about?” My mother frowned. Before leaving, Betty said again, “Mom, think about

what I told you just now. I‘ll wait for your reply.” Upon hearing this, my mother‘s face darkened. “Mom,

I‘m leaving!” Betty said as she left.

When the door was closed, I threw the food in my hand into the bag. I was very annoyed. I was happy

to see my mother and prepare dumplings for her, but I didn‘t expect to encounter Betty again. Betty had

become arrogant and vulgar.

From the outside to the inside.

Then I went out of the kitchen, looked at my mother, and asked, “Mom, what did Betty ask you to
