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Bride of Mr.Billion

Chapter 138
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Chapter 138

Bella’s POV:

I was very angry now!

Damn it, I had to leave the hospital as soon as possible, otherwise, I would not be able to control my

brain from always remembering that Caroline hugged Herbert!

“Bella!” Herbert appeared from behind and grabbed my arm.

“Don’t touch me.” I shook off his hand.

“Give me an opportunity to explain.” Herbert’s tone was very urgent.

“I saw you hugging each other ambiguously. What else do you want to explain?” I said loudly.

“That’s not the case.” Herbert continued to explain.

I took a step back and yelled at him, “Don’t come close to me!” I couldn’t accept my boyfriend being

intimate with other women, especially when that woman was Caroline!

I knew that at this moment, I might need to calm down. For my dignity, I should also calm down.

But I couldn’t do it!

“Okay, I won’t go over. But listen to my explanation? It really isn’t what you see!” Herbert continued to try

to explain.

“Will my eyes deceive me?” At this moment, I remembered the scene in the ward again, and my nose

couldn’t help but feel sore. — I thought he could handle this matter well, but I didn’t expect that when I

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was in the hospital ward, I saw Caroline holding him in her arms. What’s more, the most important thing

was that he didn’t push that woman away! Why didn’t he push her away?

Was it because he still liked Caroline?

But this man told me yesterday that he loved me… The more I thought about it, the more aggrieved I felt.

So I lowered my head and burst into tears. “Caroline was in a bad mood just now. She was still dreaming

of reuniting with me. I didn’t agree, but she is a patient now. I… can’t bear to make things particularly

tough for her.” Hearing Herbert’s anxious tone, I couldn’t help but look up at him. Herbert continued,

“Actually, my attitude is very clear. But I didn’t expect that she… suddenly jumped out of bed and hugged

me. I… I really wanted to push her away at that time, but I was afraid that she would get agitated… and

fall ill again…” Herbert looked at me and didn’t continue. He suddenly touched the hair on top of his head

and said in a low mood, “It was my fault just now. I didn’t push her away. But please believe me. I didn’t

push her away, not because I love her, but because I was worried that she would get sick. The doctor

said that her physical condition is not very good. In the future, I will avoid such a thing from happening!”

This was definitely the Herbert I had never seen before. Today, he not only explained it to me, but also

couldn’t speak clearly for the first time. He seemed to be very worried that I would not believe


him, and he also made a promise to me.

Herbert was a very proud man. He didn’t bother to explain it to anyone, let alone make a promise.

That was something I had never thought of.

The depressed Herbert, the nervous Herbert, and the thoughtful Herbert… were very cute.

My anger quickly dissipated. He changed for me, so I should change my attitude. I approached him and

held his hand.

“You’re not angry anymore?” Herbert was stunned.

“I didn’t expect you to be so helpless and nervous.” I looked up at him and smiled.

Herbert held me in his arms and touched the back of my head with his big hand. “I don’t know why! was

so nervous just now. I’m worried that you won’t believe me and I’m even more worried that you will leave


This was probably the most beautiful love story I had ever heard here.

My head was buried in his neck, enjoying his scent!

As the misunderstanding was resolved, the atmosphere between us became relaxed.

I was also thinking about my future life.

I suddenly thought of something, so I raised my head in Herbert’s arms. Then I grabbed his collar with

my hands and said seriously, “Herbert, let’s not see each other for half a month.” “Didn’t you say you’re

not angry anymore? You…” Herbert sounded nervous again. “I’m not angry. I’m serious.” I said calmly.

“What do you mean?” Herbert looked at me in confusion. I looked at the building of the hospital

department behind him and replied, “I don’t want to be angry with you because of what happened to

Caroline. I’ll give you half a month. You take care of her and we’ll meet again.”

I loved Herbert, so it was impossible that I didn’t care about him taking care of Caroline.

This situation would definitely happen again. I didn’t want these things to affect our relationship. That

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was why I gave him time to deal with his relationship with Caroline. Herbert thought for a moment, then

nodded and said, “Okay, I’ll listen to you.” “If half a month is not enough, I can give you more…” Before I

could finish my words, Herbert interrupted me immediately. “You don’t have to add it. Half a month is


“Well, I don’t want to hear or see any more ambiguous relationship between you and Caroline after that.

Not one bit!” I looked at Herbert with a very serious expression, and my attitude was tough.

“I promise you!” Herbert nodded.

“See you in half a month.” I reached out to hug him again and then turned to leave.

I turned around, but he hugged me again.

I was about to push him away when he said in my ear, “You’re too cruel. I can’t see you for half a month!

It’s too unbearable.”

“If you handle it as soon as possible, maybe it won’t take half a month.” I smiled and pushed him away.


“Goodbye!” I quickened my pace. I was really afraid that I would change my mind and be reluctant to

leave him.

I loved Herbert, but this was my bottom line. I wanted a unique love, and I wanted to have a complete

possession of Herbert. His love belonged to me. I couldn’t give my love to anyone. I couldn’t do that. I

was sure he would be able to handle the relationship between him and Caroline.

I knew that I would be very sad if I didn’t see him for half a month. I would miss him very much. But I had

to persevere!