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Blood Elf Monarch

Chapter 343 The Forces
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It was late at night, but the two newlyweds did not waste any time acting like a couple. Instead, Tristan and Illiana were busy, the tables and floor lined with so many scrolls and maps as they drew up plans for the upcoming battle.

Usually, Tristan would jump straight to satiating his desires, but the upcoming battle weighed heavy in his mind, and Illiana was prepared for it.

"These are the information about the number of forces we gathered here in the capital."

When Tristan saw how detailed the list was, he was once again in awe by the dark elves' initiative.

[Blood Warrior Tribe]

[Leader - Ghrall - Orc OverLord]

[Orc Warchief : Karra, Scarr, Guldan, One Ear and two more]

[Orc Champions: 95]

[Uruks: 2890]

[Orcs Grunts: 6120]

[Orcs Gretchin: 1435]

[Wood Elves]

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[Magus - Laril of Vanyar, Tolith of Ithilien]

[Saint :Elroth and 32 more]

[Elven warriors : 3250]

[Dark Elves]

[Magus - Illiana, Rogar, Dios, and two more]

[Saint : 20]

[Elven warriors : 2500]

[Ururks : 10.000]

[High Elves]

[Saint - Theon and 30 more]

[Elven warriors : 200]


[Magus: Tobias, Cecilia, Faros]

[Saint : Sterling, Vain and 42 more]

[Kingsblade : 98]

[Arcadia Knight : 4000]

Tristan read through all the information, and his gaze turned pensive. Something was weighing his mind as his eyes darted all around the amount of forces they obtained. It was too little, and he couldn't help but feel worried about the safety of this kingdom.

"This is not enough." He muttered to himself, but the dark elf was still able to hear it. She stared at him, trying to understand what was currently bugging him.

After a pause, the dark elf added. "This is already more than half of all the available forces in this land. It was made from the combined might of Arcadia, the wood elves, the dark elves, the high elves, and the orcs. Even with half the forces we have gathered up here in the capital… was it not enough?"

Tristan took a deep sigh. Indeed, he has to admit that Illiana is a talented tactician and a smart woman, but she had spent all of her life in a civilization that somehow refused to advance beyond the middle ages in human world terms. Meanwhile, Tristan has watched a lot of sci-fi stories and movies, and he has an inkling of the kind of forces he would probably face.

Thanks to that, Tristan could imagine the true strength of the Omega empire. For now, if the information he received regarding the strength of the enemy was correct, he should be fine, while if the enemy has something like a particular planet sized base that could obliterate the enemy in one hit, there was no way he could have eked out a win. If that was the case, Tristan would be better off surrendering and giving up for both his and his citizens' sake.

Professor Emmet, with the help of Siegfried, calculated that at minimum, the enemy would enter battle with a minimum of half a dozen space cruisers as a normal response unit for a missing space cruiser.

Assuming the enemy would go in with the minimum amount of forces, that would mean they have to face 15 plus magus level fighters, 300 plus saints, 600 space knights, and 30.000 space soldiers.

Such was the minimum expected amount of force. It means, there is still the very tangible possibility that they will send more. In the worst case scenario, they may even send double or even triple the numbers listed. Even if they only have to contend against the minimum amount of forces mustered by their enemy, it is very difficult to win.

In the Arcadia Alliance, here now at the base there were only a total of 9 magus and a little over 100 saints.

In other words, even if the outcome of the battle was only determined by the amount of forces they had, they were still going to lose.

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All of this did not take into account the technology and high-quality equipment they have access to.

"They have more forces than us, they have better equipment, and they have access to flight. That will increase the difficulty of this battle by tenfold"

Tristan sighed while he stared at the scrolls and maps once more. It would not be an exaggeration to say that they are running out of options.

They stayed silent for a while, both embroiled in their own thoughts. They know that although Professor Emmet has prepared a cannon and guns for their own usage, it would still be too far from enough to successfully drive away the invaders.

Right as Tristan almost lost hope, Illiana spoke.

"If you are that worried about the availability of equipment for our forces, I think we should ask for help from the dwarves hiding in the impassable mountains. They love their seclusion, and it's rare to find them outside the mountains, but we are still in this situation together, and our problem is their problem, too."

What she said quickly brightened up Tristan's mood. This situation may be the best time to accept the dwarves' invitation, after all, he did help the blacksmith master Belot along with his two apprentices Bofur and Bifur.

"Yes! That would be really helpful. good idea!" Tristan once again praises his new wife and Illiana always looks as if she didn't do anything special..

Tristan debated going there himself, however, time constraints made him decide to send an envoy there and hope for the best. He hoped the dwarves could make a weapon that is able to pierce the space knights' armor and ships.

Now, the other factors have mostly been taken into consideration, but Tristan believed that the true deciding factor of the battle was the power of Magus.

Unfortunately, Magus was in short supply and high demand, and there are not many people who could become a magus even though they could train thousands of people with magical potential.

At this moment, Tristan was once again irritated with the Mist expedition held by the high elves. If only the other remaining Magus did not come for the expedition into the mist, Tristan calculated that Arcadia might have just enough to even out the odds in their favor

Tristan took a deep breath. Unfortunately, focusing on issues he could not solve will only waste time. He has done every preparation he could, and it is time to focus on cultivating his own strength.

There were only days left before the enemy would come, It's time to increase his own capabilities.


Written by Avans, Published exclusively by W.e.b.n.o.v.e.l,