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Billionaire’s Unseen Love (Bella and Alex)

Chapter 76
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Chapter 76

76 A Reckoning in the Shadows

Alex, observing the scene from a distance, felt a mix of disbelief and unease. Lillian’s plot against

Emma had spiraled out of control, and now she was at the mercy of her own machinations. Emma,

seizing the upper hand, turned the tables on Lillian with chilling precision.

As Lillian lay helplessly on the floor, Emma addressed the men she had redirected to her service. “Do

to her what she intended for me,” she commanded coldly. Lillian’s fear was palpable as she realized

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the potential consequences of her actions,

Alex, witnessing the drama unfold, felt a surge of protective instinct for his sister. He approached

Emma, gripping her wrist, his voice tinged with disbelief. “This is going too far,” he said, struggling to

reconcile the ruthless woman before him with the Emma he thought he knew.

Emma, unflinching, met Alex’s gaze. “Your sister brought this upon herself. I’m just ensuring she

understands the consequences of her actions.”

Nathan, taken aback by the intensity of the situation, tried to intervene, but Emma was unmoved. She

released herself from Alex’s grasp with a sharp flick of her arm and left, leaving the two men to

contemplate the gravity of the situation.

Alex, conflicted, hesitated to open the door to the room where Lillian was held. But Nathan’s insistence

pushed him to action. As they entered, they found Lillian restrained but unharmed, surrounded by the

men who had been in on Emma’s plan all along.

The scene inside the room was less dire than they had feared, but the emotional impact on Lillian was

evident. She sobbed uncontrollably, her fear and helplessness a stark contrast to her earlier bravado.

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Nathan rushed to free her, his anger towards Emma growing. “How could she treat you like this?” he

exclaimed, echoing the sentiment of injustice that filled the room.

Alex, still processing the events, remained silent, his gaze fixed on Lillian. The realization that his

sister’s malicious plan had led to her own downfall was a bitter pill to swallow. The dynamics within the

room shifted, with Lillian now the victim of her own scheme, and Emma the orchestrator of a cold,

calculated retribution.

As Lillian was untied and consoled, the air was heavy with unspoken questions and regrets. The

aftermath of the gala was not just a public scandal but a private reckoning for all involved. Alex,

confronted with the harsh realities of his sister’s actions and Emma’s response, was left to ponder the

complex web of relationships that had led to this moment of vulnerability and helplessness.