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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 72
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Chapter 72 Protecting Her

She yelled at me. “Chloe, you seem pretty comfortable, huh? Acting all high and mighty as

the boss. Do you think you’re qualified?”

I sat calmly in my chair and looked at her.

Johnson followed her inside, attempting to mediate. “Ms. Murphy, why are you here? Can’t

you resolve it at home? There are so many people here, and it’s not the right place.

Besides…” 1

“Is she afraid of causing a scene? Who does she think she is?” Melanie was on a roll, her

words cutting.

I could see the employees standing and looking at us through the frosted window. I turned

to Johnson.

and said, “Tell them to go home early.”

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Johnson quickly went to disperse the curious employees. They left the office reluctantly.

Typically, they’d vanish even if there were only twenty minutes left in the workday.


I relaxed in my seat and watched Melanie. “Please go on with what you just said.”

Johnson sensed the tension and positioned himself between us, just in case.

Melanie looked at me with the arrogance of a bull and spat, “Drop the act! You’re just

sitting there and benefiting from such a serious problem. Did you do something? Did you

drug my brother?!”

Melanie seemed concerned about the recent transfer traced to my account.

“So, you’re aware it’s serious? Who started it? Whatever the problem is, it’s between me

and my husband,” I said calmly. “Why are you so concerned?”

I remained calm in my chair as Melanie seethed. Then Matthew walked in.

He yelled at Melanie, “Have you lost your mind?!”

“Why’d you give her the money?!” Melanie screamed. “Maybe she had something to do

with all this. Why else would people look into the ‘founder of the company? Is she trying to

claim credit?”

Melanie had surprising insight and was digging deep

I got up and said, “Matthew Murphy, you came just in time! I have a question for you! Who

gave Melanie

Be judecity to provoke me?”

Thening to Mature, Isaid, “You’ve pretended to be his wife twice now. Do you think you’re

the real deal? you become your broder’s sook aon? I glared at Melanie, not wanting to let

her win “You

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I closed the distance between us as her face contorted with hostility.


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Matthew pulled Melanie behind him and faced me. He shouted angrily, “Enough, both of

you. Can’t you give me a break at such a horrible time?”

He was trying to shield her, which sent a chill down my spine. The beautiful moments we

used to share had faded, leaving only bitterness.

So, you’re saying I’m causing a scene, right?” I asked, my voice trembling with rage and

sadness. As I approached Matthew, I wondered if this was all there was to us. I was too

optimistic when I thought he would find his way back.

All the hopes that I had for the future were gone. “You should take a closer look, Matthew.

This is my office.”

“So what?” Melanie chimed in. “Without you, things wouldn’t turn out this way. If you

could make my brother happy, would he seek out someone else?” 2

“I dare you to repeat that!” I yelled, feeling a sting in my heart.