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Beware Of Chicken-Novel

Chapter Volume 2 7: A Meeting
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It was always fascinating watching another’s cultivation style at work. She watched, interested as Master Jin moved through his fields and beehives, deep in meditation. It was odd to use moving meditation so heavily. She knew not of a single Sect in the Azure Hills who used it to this extent, as Disciple Gou Ren was deeply cultivating as well. He carefully planted the rice seed in the barrels so that he could continue upon the path that he was given by Master Jin.

She knew of the technique, of course. She had even managed to perform it once. When she had first received the Jade Grass Blades, the treasures of her sect.

Something that was folly. Deviation in one's cultivation was dangerous at the best of times and giving in to a whim? It was unacceptable.

Even if those footsteps sometimes found their way into her forms in the heat of battle.

Still, she observed closely. She concentrated intently upon his Qi. How deeply he drove it into the earth. While the amount was beyond her, she could feel it. She could feel the beginnings of something taking hold and then fading.

She took a breath and tried to copy it. Deeper and deeper, she drove her Qi, searching. Reinforcing. Trying to find whatever it is the others found.

She found nothing that day.

She was just about to enter deeper meditation for the night, when her sparring partner approached, looking absolutely enraged.

Tigu’s fur was matted, and slightly sticky looking. Xiulan could smell honey on her and there was a bulbous welt on her nose.

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She was trying to look dignified as she approached for their nightly spar.

The cat really didn’t appreciate her laughter.

Blades of cutting force arced out and Xiulan’s feet unconsciously moved in time to a dance only half remembered.

The battle was short and the scuffle vicious, but she ended the battle with a cat in her lap, glaring petulantly at her.

Her fingers wove through soft fur. There was something to be said, for being able to play with your sparring partner like this, after you defeated them. It was quite pleasant.

She began her meditation again, searching for whatever eluded her.

Time, She told herself. Time.


She thought back to the guidance she had received. The touch of Master Jin’s Qi was firm, yet gentle. Her Wood aligned Qi had responded instantly and obediently, remembering the patterns he guided it through, like it was growing into place. She had to stop it from automatically just repeating the same actions, and actually understand what she was doing.

When functioning properly, they supported each other, and smoothed out odd ripples in the structure, and targeted everything. The plant, the soil, and the water.

It was amusing.

She waited patiently until he was finished instructing the other disciple, and acknowledged her.

techniques! Even when she did not comprehend the first lesson he had given, his generosity knew no bounds!

A hand clapped onto her shoulder. She nearly flinched at the sudden movement and contact, but it bore no ill will. It was meant to be encouragement. “Time for a practical application.” He declared. “Grab one of the tubs, and follow me.”

She was quick to obey, following her Master outside to a pile of dirt. It was black as pitch, and smelled of life and decomposition and yet… it wasn’t unpleasant. Master Jin appeared to be pondering something as he leaned down.

Master Jin dug his hands deep into the loamy earth and brought up a handful. He took a deep breath and sighed happily.

“This is our foundation. Each year we add to it and each year, hopefully, it will get better. Lots of people forget that the dirt is alive.” He mused.

Xiulan listened intently.

He held out the dirt for her to pursue. “You know what bacteria are, right?”

Xiulan nodded as she examined the offering. The tiny attackers who invaded the body and slew the host if they were able.

“Well, they’re not all bad. Just like you need some insects, you need some bacteria in the soil. The bacteria break down the plants and the waste you put into the soil, so that it's useable for the next things you grow. It's a balancing act. Too much of a good thing can be harmful.” He paused and seemed to be thinking of a metaphor. “Think of it like… pill toxicity.” he decided.

“A pill may help you grow your cultivation, but what would happen if you took a pill every day and damn the consequences?”

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“It would build up in your body and harm you, eventually.” She replied, her mind racing. “Is this why you don't command the plants to grow?” She asked.

He seemed taken aback by the question.

“It's a whole world in there. It would be a shame to carelessly destroy it.”

Xiulan searched once more, just letting her consciousness flow. Now that she knew what to look for, she could feel the little roots connecting each other. Forming into a web. She could feel the depths of Master Jin’s Qi.

She could feel the other. The beating heart of the land. What Master Jin had been driving his Qi into. It felt so much like him and yet not. She still couldn’t tell where he ended and this separate entity began.

There was focus. There was intent. She was being watched. She observed the glorious entity, overflowing with Qi, and with shining golden cracks running through it.

It was almost a body. Almost a human form.

The Qi stopped recoiling. Instead, it held out its arms.

The hands reached out, as if to cup her face. Xiulan approached the embrace, raising her own arms to receive the spirit.

The spirit’s hands gripped firmly the braids on either side of her head.

A metaphorical forehead connected with her own, in a rather vicious headbutt.