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Beware Of Chicken-Novel

Chapter Volume 2 5: But One Flaw
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Meiling woke up crying. Her body was positioned as if she was cradled around her little brother, yet nothing was there. Jin’s arm was around her, and there was dampness on his cheeks.

She scrubbed at her eyes, confused, and wondered why she felt so sad, yet so happy at the same time.


The best part about everybody you know being super humans, is the fact that you can turn mundane, back-breaking labour into games.

Seeds flew through the air, and embedded themselves into the soil, perfectly equidistant from each other, and with terrifying speed. Tigger and Xiulan’s faces were masks of concentration as they tossed them from the line, trying to see who could get them in faster.

The rest of the seeds were tossed far more slowly, and with more care, but they were still thrown. Both Meimei and Gou Ren were laughing at the sheer absurdity of the exercise, but it was honestly good for control. Probably.

Who am I kidding, I just invented martial arts wheat farming. Now I just needed my next disciples to be a panda and a dude with a pigtail.

People who were good at this whole “transported to the past” thing would have already made a seed drill, and would be praising the wonders of science.

Judging by how fast Xiulan and Tigger were tearing into the field in their new “shounen rival” style of friendship, the answer was no.

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..I probably should just ask Brother Che about it though. Make life a bit easier for other people.

It was damn hilarious watching the normally rather prim Xiulan start arguing with a cat. Gone from hating each other to thick as thieves in a single night. A strange friendship, but it was good that Tigger had made a friend.

I wasn’t taking part, because it was “unfair”. It probably was, but I kind of wanted to kick somebody’s ass at something. Instead, I got the actual work portion. Fixing any of the wheat seed that had missed the target, making sure they were covered, and giving them a nice drink from my magical Qi bucket.

If I was lucky, I could get in a double wheat harvest. If I wasn’t… well I would be fine with just one.

There was a soft moo, and the sound of cowbells. The two heavily pregnant cows, Lonlon and Malon, were getting taken for a walk by Chunky and Peppa, who were cheerfully watching over them. Babe the ox meandered with them. In their wake Big D and his hens followed, clucking away and snapping at the flies that dared to bother the big animals.

I watched the events fondly. The animals wandering. My wife and my friend trying to one-up each other by chucking wheat seed.

The cultivator and the cat glaring at each other like they were mortal enemies.

The melancholy, wistful feeling from the morning had long since faded, and the day was slowly getting better.

I was a bit concerned to find Washy still gone in the morning. Hee had spent a day away once, after he had broken a jar and nearly ruined the stuff that was in it, fearing my wrath. But this time, nothing was broken, nothing was nibbled, and he was still gone.

They were, to use the vernacular, courting death.

I snorted.

Well, I did say they could come and go as they pleased. I just hoped Washy was having a good time.


Xiulan stared at herself. Or rather, the statue of herself, carved out of wood, as she put back on her robe.

She would much rather be working on the technique she had been given, but this was an interesting enough distraction, to observe a spirit beast attempting to ascend.

“You’re really quite good at this.” she complemented. Tigu turned to stare at her, and huffed.

She seemed particularly proud of that, preening and sticking her nose in the air.

‘You also did the pillars for the wedding, did you not?” the cat nodded.

“The composition was utterly amateur, but I suppose the technical skill was competent.” Xiulan mused. Her honourable father had many fine carvings that surpassed what this little beast could do. “You have a long way to go.”

The cat stumbled and glared as Xiulan looked completely innocent.

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Tigu grumbled under her breath, and turned to look at the statue.

The cat turned up her nose at Xiulan’s body.

“Are you claiming your form is superior to your Master’s?” Xiulan asked, incredulous.

Xiulan huffed out a laugh at the sheer arrogance. Some would find it enraging, that a mere cat claimed itself superior to them. Xiulan took it as it was. The empty boasts of a child.

Tigu’s claws flashed, and Xiulan winced as two large objects hit the floor.

It looked a lot more like Senior Sister than it did Xiulan with sharp, predatory eyes, and a lithe athletic body.

The thighs, and muscle in the arms were hers though.

Xiulan sighed, and followed the cat. She wondered if the little beast would actually be able to take a human form.

Ah well, she had a favour from it, and she would be collecting that favour, whether the cat could transform or not.

Cold air billowed out from the pit in the ground, sharp and frosty. Xiulan opened the door, and was met with… a sight.

Jin, nude. Jin, defeating an enemy, also nude. Jin, doing a flip, again, nude.

She stared blankly at the ice sculpture’s waist, and what was there, her face flushing.