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Beware Of Chicken-Novel

Chapter Volume 2 19: Boar
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Tigu could not classify what she was feeling at the moment. It was not the white hot rage, that familiar friend.

No, this was a sucking pit. There was some anger, but it was mired in other emotions. Shame, frustration, disappointment.

She stalked through the forest. Away from the stupid rat, and the stupid ‘lady’.

Tigu shuddered. It was a sneaky, underhanded trick, but it had proved that there was some danger in attacking the rat. Tigu was strong. She was mighty. And a few mouthfuls of tea had sent her twitching to the floor, Ri Zu’s Qi crawling all over hers with impunity. She had tried disrupting it, but Ri Zu had utterly ignored the attempts, her Qi swaying like the breeze to keep her hold firm.

The control was perfect. She had felt it carefully keeping the paralytic focused in the muscles she used to move, guiding the poison through her body. Intensifying it. And when she waved her paw, the feeling disappeared completely.

She wasn’t harmed at all.

But she could not.

Her pride burned with the thought.

The rat had even proved her right, after a fashion. She could not engage in direct combat without being beaten utterly. She had to poison her drink-the act of a coward.

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Though Tigu was more concerned that she had been beaten at all, instead of how she was beaten. Now that she knew what to look for, the giant bits of Ri Zu’s Qi, and the odd symbol the rat had to make, she was certain that she would not have to fear eating food in the house.

Though she would keep an eye on the rat, just in case.

Tigu’s Qi and body were stronger. Much stronger. But she had no defence against the trick Ri Zu pulled.

Tigu hacked a branch off a tree, and carried it into its heights. Her claws began to carve it into a form. A rat.

Little Ri Zu, her stupid eyes, and her annoying squeaks.

She put the wooden idol in between her teeth and crushed it.

She hacked off another branch for her petty vengeance. Perhaps she could disembowel this one? Decisions, decisions.

She glared down from her tree, ready to savage the pig with her words. But the footsteps were too heavy.

Instead of Pi Pa, out came Chun Ke.

He looked up into her tree with kind eyes, squinting so he could see her.

.’ She commanded him, even if she knew it was futile. The boar was stubborn as a rock.

So talking was all that was left. Talking, or trying to find a bee nest. She didn’t even want to look at one of the damn creatures.

And the others always said he was insightful, though she could scarcely believe it.


Steam huffed out of both of Chun Ke’s nostrils, and his brow furrowed.

Tigu preened at the words. Why had she disliked him again? He was a bit slow, but the words he did speak were good ones.

Ah, yes, his defence of the rat.

.’ He said.

He sighed, and considered, while Tigu stayed silent. It was very, very strange to hear him speak this much, and it was obvious he was forcing himself.

He trailed off leadingly, and Tigu realised what he was hinting at. It rankled. It made what was left of her pride burn.

With that, his sparking eyes dulled. He oinked.

A war of poison and blade played out in her mind. Or a silent, festering thing. Angry glares and clipped words. The Master being disappointed in her.

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Tigu sighed, and licked Chun Ke’s nose. He chuffed, pleased at her gracing him.


Ri Zu went through the form. It was painful, and tiring, and Brother Bi De had to take care of the calves, so she was doing her own studying. Her form with her needle had been laughable. She could tell Bi De did not wish to insult her, but he declared that they had to start anew.

‘Your foot is off. Correct backwards and to the right.’ Tigu stated without inflection. Ri Zu paused, staring out of the corner of her eye at the waiting cat.

She was alone with Tigu. She wanted to bolt, to run for another disciple, to flee, but she held her body in place.

The cat said nothing else, merely observing.

Ri Zu took a deep breath, correcting her footing. It felt slightly better.

It continued. Tigu watching with a clinical eye, as she went through the form. There were no snide remarks. No insults. Bland, blunt instruction


That night, they all sat together at the table. The atmosphere was tense, as Ri Zu cooked for all of them, even the cat.

She placed a cup of tea in front of Tigu. The cat eyed it… and looking directly into her eyes, began to drink.

It was not forgiveness. It was not reconciliation.

But the atmosphere at the table was slightly lighter.