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Beware Of Chicken-Novel

Chapter Volume 2 18: Rat and Cat
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Bi De watched over the little ones with serene grace. The young cows bucked and gamboiled around the field, chasing and being chased in equal measure. It was a sight he was incredibly fond of. The young ones knew absolutely nothing of danger. To them, all of Fa Ram was safe and pristine, untouched by anything that could harm them.

This was truly the pride of a protector. One who knew his charges were safe, as the result of his direct actions. Indeed, after the births, many of Basi Bu Shi’s ilk slunk around the outskirts, as well as the largest of their kin.

All of them fled. Not a single creature had attempted to breach the boundary. They slunk, and sniffed, examining his protection for weak points. None dared to test the line. They knew that to cross over it was death, while he was on watch, and he allowed them his mercy. As long as interlopers did not truly intrude, he stayed his mighty spurs, and did not strike them down.

Though it was little true mercy. Sister Tigu needed to eat, after all, and though the masses of Chow Ji’s kin fled from the area, these few creatures remained. Though it was always quite a shock to see her dining upon a wolf that outmassed her ten times over.

Tigu ranged freely in this way, and together, all threats to Fa Ram were defeated before most even knew of them.

And the Great Master was not there, and so her frenzy had redoubled. In Truth, Bi De knew that the Great Master did not consider her honour stained. He surely saw straight through Tigu, and was attempting to turn this into some form of lesson. The sort of lesson Sister Pi Pa had divined, in making the girls work together.

He hoped that it may resolve some of the strife, but he was still convinced that it would end in a battle. Pi Pa was more optimistic, but would be sitting in on the lesson again, and make sure it did not get too out of hand.

He noticed that the calves had strayed, going to where they were not supposed to, and bothering those that they were not to bother.

His swift legs carried him to his destination, and he gently shooed the little ones (little, they were nearly fifty times his mass already) back away from those they were about to bother. Their little eyes were hungry for the balls of fuzz.Their wool was apparently very valuable, and not to be soiled, or chewed on unduly.

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So he gently scolded them, his voice a much lower pitch and not nearly so loud. They fled joyously, returning to their games. He could not believe he used to find Pi Pa and Chun Ke annoying when they bucked and played so. The folly of his own youth and arrogance.

The sheep were placid creatures, bleating occasionally, but otherwise content to stand in their little triangle formation, and go where directed.

He hopped onto Fu Zi’s back, and gently picked a few sticks out of the sheep’s wool. It was wonderfully soft, but was prone to picking up an enormous amount of detritus.

Bi Di stood guard for a while longer, his attention never wavering, when Brother Chun Ke came to relieve him.

They bowed to each other, and they swapped positions, Chun Ke going to play with the little ones, and Bi De setting off along the Great Pillars. He absently flowed through a form on his way back to the coop, allowing his body to flow, and surrounding his body with his Qi. He was on the cusp of a new Lunar technique, he could feel it. But nothing good would come from forcing. The Lunar Blades of the Crescent Moon, and the Split Faces of the Half Moon were much different techniques. He wondered what the face of the Full Moon would reveal to him?

He continued upon his path, and ventured past the hives, to a spot where he was met with regularity. He nodded politely to his visitor.

The bee was constantly tended to by two of it’s brood, climbing over her, grooming, and another two standing guard. It was odd behaviour. Sister Ri Zu noted that it should be hiding in it’s nest at all times, with the birth of it’s first clutch, but it still came out to observe him, accompanied by an honour guard. He was certain it even attempted to dance for him once, the silly little thing, wiggling about.

Knowing what the little creature wished for, he retrieved a small sample of the Qi filled maple syrup that the Great Master had originally fed her from, and offered it. The offering was accepted, and the little queen bee danced for him, in her own, wiggling way. He had his own thoughts on the creature. Could it have a spark? If so, she was the smallest thing he had observed to contain thought. And she could not yet truly communicate.

He observed it politely, as one should when thanked. But his mind was not fully upon the bee. He was worried about the lesson. He knew Sister Pi Pa would tolerate no violence within the house, but he was still a bit worried about Sister Ri Zu.

He nodded to the bee, as her wriggling stopped, and he went on his way, going back towards the coop. The windows were all open, to let the spring breeze blow through, and refresh the stale air.

He hopped up into the window sill, and observed.

The air had some tension in it, as Ri Zu spoke. Her tones were clipped, and her diction exacting. She had slowly been reducing the amount of odd double-words her kin had used, and her voice was calm and steady.

There was none of her passion here. None of her wonderful enthusiasm. But similarly, there were no snide remarks from Tigu. She sat blankly, occasionally lapping up some of the tea before her.

The cat bristled dangerously, but accepted the rebuke.

She seemed to glare at one of her own paws. ‘Capturing such a small thing is…’

Indeed, her body was the poorest out of all of them for capturing a bee directly. Her razor claws and teeth like daggers cut and shredded delicate carapace easily. It was doubly hard, when all of Tigu’s Qi was optimised for cutting. To blunt her teeth in the heat of the moment would be a challenging task.

They sat in silence, Sister Pi Pa observing them from her station.

It was a blunt statement. One that surprised Bi De as much as it seemed to surprise Ri Zu.

Ri Zu twitched some more, and then a serene smile spread across her face.

Ri Zu nodded her head, and raised one of her paws in a gesture that caused Bi De and Pi Pa to flinch.

It was a gesture Chow Ji had used. Something burned into their minds as wicked and arcane.

.’ the rat returned pleasantly.Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

The cat keeled over, her Qi flaring and sparking uncertainly.

She shoved a digit into the tip of Tigu’s nose.

She turned her back on Tigu, and waved her paw, green medicinal Qi surging. Tigu’s muscles abruptly relaxed, and she started gasping.

There was silence once more in the coop.

Tigu rose to her feet, her face impassive. He expected more stumbling, but instead, it was almost graceful. Ri Zu tensed, as did Bi De. He expected anger. He expected wrath.

Instead, Tigu simply turned, and left. Her face was a mask.

Bi De complemented the impressive showing of his Sister.

Ri Zu jumped and started flailing.

With that, she stood up, and left.

Bi De hopped down from the window sill, and went to sit beside Sister Ri Zu. She clambered onto his back, as was her proper place, and she buried her face in his feathers.

The Disciples of Fa Ram would protect their own. But Bi De would be pleased, if Sister Ri Zu wished to join him in the morning training.

There was silence, and then a nod.