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Beware Of Chicken-Novel

Book 5: Chapter 2: The Strongest Technique
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Bi De kept his story simple, short, and to the point. His Great Master had once said a man should be able to explain an important issue in twenty words or less.

One might say telling a random Spirit Beast about their quest was foolish; it could have been in league with the demons after all. However, Bi De doubted that, and they were effectively attempting to bring an army through Master Forest Sweeper’s home. It would have been terribly impolite not to speak to him.

Being honest was the only correct choice.

Yushang, Han, and Fengxian were shaking slightly; Yun Ren’s eyes were open all the way as he took deep, calming breaths, his arm around Shao Hen’s bicep as the man’s knees wobbled and his sweat froze on his face. Ri Zu’s shadow was writhing like a living thing, and Yingwen was standing perfectly still though his eyes were slightly glassy.

Nezan seemed only mildly concerned, while Shen Yu looked the sas always.

“Yes, Master Forest Sweeper. And after seeing your might, this Bi De postulates that they intended to use you as a shield, should any try and track them down above ground,’ Bi De said. He swallowed again, keeping his voice as even as he could.

Bi De understood that most groups of cultivators would not have hesitated to march into the forest before him—and judging by the Spirit Beast’s strength, the demon's plan would have succeeded with the death of all but a rare few who stepped within the Spirit Beast’s realm.

Lightning flashed as a peal of thunder broke the air and Master Forest Sweeper grew bigger, his body becoming one with his mantle as clouds gathered above the forest. Half their party fell to their knees, and Bi De staggered as the air froze in his lungs. Nezan stepped forwards, to place himself in front of them… when the Thunderhoof seemed to struggle with himself for a moment. He snapped back into his natural form and his intent retreated.

Bi De could suddenly breathe again.

“Quite rude of you, to frighten the children like that,” Shen Yu spoke for the first time, his voice mild, but his eyes were sharp and dangerous.

Master Forest Sweeper sucked in a breath before the moose turned back to Bi De and the rest of his companions, who were still picking themselves up and recovering from the effects of the mighty Spirits Beast's fit of pique.

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Still, both Shen Yu and the Spirit Beast nodded at each other, as they acknowledged each other's strength.

Bi De let out a breath.

“We thank you for your hospitality, Master Forest Sweeper,” he said, bowing.

The Spirit Beast nodded, and another arctic blast issued from his nose as he exhaled slowly.

This time, however, instead of a blast of wind the snow outside the forest shuddered. And then it rose as chunks of snow and ice formed themselves into the shape of smaller Thunderhooves.

This narrative has been purloined without the author's approval. Report any appearances on Amazon.

The constructs bowed and lowered their shoulders, their intent clear.

Soon, they were all astride steeds of ice and snow, marching into the luminescent trees.


One would expect that once out of the wind and under the boughs of the trees it would be warmer.

The forest was a fountain of freezing Qi—and yet despite that, or perhaps because of it, there was an abundance of life.

The forest floor was completely clear of snow, which exposed pale blue grass that was vibrant and alive. Unlike the outside world of perpetual darkness, the forest was lit up bright as day, glowing with the cold light produced by mushrooms and lichens growing on the trees.

Birds formed of crystal flitted through the air, snowy white deer with antlers of ice bolted at their approach, and monkeys that looked like Huo Ten, completely white in color, stared down at them from the trunks of the trees.

They moved quite swiftly through the forest, their mounts galloping silently beside the massive form of their Master.

The Spirit Beast looked down at her and seemed slightly amused by her question.

“Twenty-second? Do you get many guests?” Yun Ren asked curiously.

“That is generous of you,” Bi De replied, surprised by the depths of the mighty Spirit Beast’s kindness.

Bi De mulled over this answer as they continued deeper into the forest. People always spoke of how grudges could last for thousands of years. As if only hatred could echo through the ages.

They rarely thought of the other side of the coin.

The kindness of a single mortal saving lost travellers through the ages.


They journeyed for perhaps half a day into the forest, their tireless snow mounts sprinting full speed. The cold grew bitter and deep as they travelled further into the forest—until the mantle of Master Forest Sweeper wrapped around them like a cloak and the worst of the chill was rebuffed. Yet it was still present, seeping into their bones.

Then, they passed another stone cairn, fashioned in the shape of a Thunderhoof’s head; and the air abruptly warmed again. Not like Master Forest Sweeper’s mantle, but true warmth.

They found a firepit nearby, and a log to sit upon, as Ri Zu comforted a sulking Yushang. Master Forest Sweeper shrunk slightly as he beca more manageable size. He seemed to find Yushang’s reaction most amusing.

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He sighed as he settled into the clearing, and once more addressed them.

“Infiltrators,” Shen Yu said with a sigh. “They’ve gotten a lot better at hiding, the worms.”

Truly, courtesy was a powerful technique.

“Thank you for your care, Master Forest Sweeper,” Bi De said, bowing.

The Thunderhoof nodded regally.

He felt srelief from the rest of his companions at that, as another Thunderhoof walked into the clearing. It was obviously young, with small antlers, and he had a large pack on his back.

Bi De’s eyes widened. He had seen the Thunderhoof once—as well as heard Yun Ren’s endless complaining about the beast repeatedly sneaking up on him and scaring him for fun two years ago.

“I’m going to be getting you back for that!” Yun Ren threatened, jumping to his feet.

Bi De watched the reunion with amusement. As did both Shen Yu and Master Forest Sweeper.

The mood was quite light as they dined together, the young Thunderhoof regaling them with a story of what happened to him after he left for the north.

It appeared fate truly did have ways of reuniting people sometimes.


Somewhere else, thousands of Li away, another group was marching towards their own reunion.