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Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 80
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Mu Tongrui furiously rushed to the 66th floor from the underground parking lot, but was stopped by Xu

Kun outside the office.

Xu Kun said nicely with a smile, “Miss Mu, the boss is having a video conference. It is not appropriate

for you to go in now.”

Mu Tongrui lost her temper completely. “Mr. Xu, why did you bring someone to smash my car?”

In fact, she wanted to ask why Fu Lingye sent him to smash her car. She knew for a fact that Mr. Xu

must have been ordered by Fu Lingye to smash her car!

Xu Kun touched his nose embarrassedly. “Miss Mu, umm... why don't you ask the boss later? I-I am not

very clear about it either...”

Fu Lingye's behavior today not only puzzled Mu Tongrui, but also surprised him. Although Fu Lingye is

very resolute and decisive in business, and anyone that dares to offend him will definitely not end up

well, how can a weak little woman like Miss Mu anger boss?

Besides, as long as his line wasn't crossed, Fu Lingye won't bother to get back at women. But, what

has Miss Mu done today that angers the boss so much that she ends up so miserable?!

Mu Tongrui gritted her teeth and glared at the closed door, fuming.

She wanted to contact Qi Yanli tonight to return the car to him, but in the blink of an eye, Fu Lingye had

smashed the car!

How can I return Qi Yanli now?

Where can I get eight hundred thousand? What's worse is that this car has just been bought and it has

not been insured!

Mu Tongrui paced up and down the corridor in front of the office, causing Xu Kun to feel dizzy. “Miss

Mu? I think the boss's video conference will not be ending very soon. Would you like to go back first?”

“I'll wait here.”

She wasn't in the mood to work now.

Eight hundred thousand was gone all of a sudden!

Fortunately, when Xu Kun knocked on the door after about ten minutes, Fu Lingye had let them in.

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Mu Tongrui strode into the office. “Fu Lingye, why did you send people to smash my car?”

The man sitting on the black executive chair tapped his fingers on the office desk lightly, looking calm

and composed, not at all like someone who had just done something wrong.

What a shameless man!

“Did you see with your own eyes that I sent someone to smash your car?”


Mu Tongrui was so angry that her face was flushed. “Mr. Xu has already acquiesced, so don't you try to

deny it! Anyway, I don't care, you have to compensate me for this car! Whether it is in cash or buying

me a new one—”

Before she could finish speaking, Fu Lingye interrupted her, his eyes darkening, and his voice

becoming colder, “What now? Do you like that car that much?”

Damn it! It's eight hundred thousand Can I not like it?

“I know you're rich, but why did you smash my car?”

He humiliated her last night, and smashed her car today. Damn it, did I even confess to him that I liked

him when I was in the mountains?

Screw it!

“I did send someone to smash the car, because I don't like that car.”

And I don't even like that she drives the car.

Why does she treasure the car other man gave her so much?

Mu Tongrui really wanted to curse. It's none of my f*cking business that you don't like it!

But, being civilized as she was, she finally held it back, gritted her teeth and scolded him, “You are a


“Get out.”

“If you don't compensate me, I'll stay here for the rest of the day!”

Mu Tongrui thought that the phrase “get out” was directed at her, but Xu Kun nodded and said, “Okay,

boss. I'll leave you to have a talk with Miss Mu.”

Speechless, Mu Tongrui was ashamed and angry. “Fu Lingye! What exactly do you want?”

Fu Lingye grabbed her wrist and pulled her into his arms. Being caught off guard, Mu Tongrui fell

straight into his chest, and fell down on his thigh.

Blushing, she struggled hard for several times, but was firmly held by him. The man leaned in to her

ear, saying, “Since you think I'm a pervert, if I don't do anything pervy, how can I be worthy of being

called a pervert?”

Mu Tongrui was rendered speechless.

Damn it! Bastard!

The man’s warm breath touched her cheeks and neck, while her heart was racing, But, because there

was nowhere to vent the rage in her heart, the grievances stuck in her chest were growing like

snowballs. Yet, at this moment, he was even so frivolous toward her...

She felt a lump in her throat. “Why are you doing this to me?”

She clenched her fists, punching his shoulders and chest hard. Then, she said chokingly with her

reddened eyes, “Fu Lingye! When exactly did I provoke you? You bullied me again and again, but I put

up with it. But why did you smash my car? I'm not as rich as you! Hundreds of thousands are a huge

amount for me! That's someone else's car! I don't know what I should return to the owner now! I don't

care! You must compensate me!”

Bawling, she scratched his neck like an angry kitten. Fu Lingye didn't dodge, and soon there were

several scratches on his neck.

She was too much, so the man grabbed her thin wrists and put them behind her, causing her to be

completely unable to move. She glared at him with her big, reddened eyes, while her tears were racing

down her cheeks silently, looking very upset.

It tugged slightly at Fu Lingye's heartstrings inexplicably.

“I will buy any car that you want for you. I forbid you to accept gifts from other men.”

Mu Tongrui was stunned. What does he mean?

Did he know that Qi Yanli gave me the car?

“W-What do you mean?”

The man stared at her glowingly with his dark eyes, uttering a word through his thin lips, “Literally.”

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Mu Tongrui was dumbfounded, while her head was in a mess. She moved her lips, not knowing what to


Fu Lingye raised his hand and wiped the tears from her face. “Have you cried enough?”

His voice was neutral, but his movement was extremely gentle.

Mu Tongrui blinked, and a teardrop fell down. She sniffled hard and said weakly, “You have to pay me



The man replied calmly, “I will transfer 800,000 directly to Qi Yanli's account.”

“Why did you know that Qi Yanli gave me that car?”

The man didn't answer, but said coldly, “You are not allowed to have any contact with Qi Yanli, nor

accept what he gives you.”

Speechless, after Mu Tongrui thought hard for a few moments, she wondered, Is he jealous of Qi


But her rationality told her that he didn't like her at all. Why would he be so jealous?

Could it be that Qi Yanli is his enemy?

She swallowed hard, and asked in a low voice, “W-Why can't I have any contact with Qi Yanli?”

“Because you are my woman.”

Mu Tongrui's ears became hot, while she muttered, “But I have the freedom to make friends.”

Seemingly a little dissatisfied, the man frowned slightly and said, “I don't care who you make friends

with, but you can't make friends with Qi Yanli.”

With her face down, she was no longer thinking about this problem. After being silent for a while, she

asked dully, “Fu Lingye, are you jealous?”

The man seemingly didn't expect to be questioned, as he fell into deep thought.

Am I jealous?

When she looked up, the man turned his handsome face away slightly, while Mu Tongrui felt her heart

skip a beat, and stared at him blankly.

After a long while, Fu Lingye looked back, staring at her. “If you continue to stare at me like this, I may

do something to you.”