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Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 68
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Mu Tongrui opened the bag and was surprised to see ——

It was a maternity test report.

There were two names identified. One was hers and the other was a little girl called Fu Siqi.

Fu Lingye leaned casually against the wall with one hand in his pocket. He went on to explain,

“Sweetheart's full name is Fu Siqi. Her nickname is Cheng.”

She knew about it the first time when Sweetheart told her that.

She gripped on the paternity test report.

Even though she had guessed and had doubts concerning this, she did not expect this coming at all.

Sweetheart... was really her surrogate child from 3 years ago.

Images of Sweetheart flashed across her mind. Her adorable face was becoming clearer. Why did she

only realize it now that Sweetheart's big eyes closely resembled hers?

Her tears fell onto the report. She curled up into a ball, and sniffed, “You... Did you know about this all


When Fu Lingye agreed to return her the family villa and made that agreement with her, did he know all

about it then?

He looked at her and said in a steady voice, “The reason why I agreed to let you have the family villa

was because I knew that you were Sweetheart's biological mother.”

She lifted her hand to wipe away her tears. “Then why did you not tell me this earlier?”

“I was not certain of the reason why you came close to Sweetheart and I at the beginning. I did not

want to bring home someone who wanted to make use of Sweetheart, even if that person was her

biological mother.”

Mu Tongrui could understand his actions. She still needed time to digest the truth, so she swallowed

her saliva and stared at the paternity report again. She asked, “Does... Sweetheart know about this?”

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“She does not know yet. However, I will find a suitable time to tell her that you are her mother.”

Mu Tongrui shook her head all of a sudden, and pleaded, “Let's keep this between us. Let's not tell


He frowned and stared at her. What did she mean?

“We... got together initially because of the agreement. If Sweetheart were to find out that I am her

biological mother, she would want us to be together. I know that you do not like me, and do not want to

be with me. After all, I did not fulfil my responsibilities as a mother in the last 3 years. She is still very

young, so I do not want to change her life. The current arrangement will be the best for her.”

Fu Lingye inched closer and his gaze penetrated into her, “Do you mean that you do not plan to fulfil

your responsibilities as her mother in the future?”

Mu Tongrui was startled and she continued to explain herself, “No, it's not that... I will take care of her

and show her concern in the future, but...”

“If you do not want to fulfil your responsibilities as Sweetheart's mother, then she does not need you



Mu Tongrui choked. Why is this person so difficult to communicate with?

“I will not fight for her custody rights. Even if I want to, I will not be able to. I know I am not fit to be her

mother, and I do not have the ability to give her a life better than now. However, I hope that you will still

allow me to visit Sweetheart even when you marry someone else in the future.”

Marry another woman? Did she not understand what he said even though he had made it so clear?

His eyes sank and he was about to flare up when there was a voice from a child coming from outside.

“Mu'mu, are you awake? I am going to come in!”

Mu Tongrui dried her tears quickly and waited for Sweetheart to push the door open to see Fu Lingye

inside. She blinked her eyes and looked at Mu Tongrui, whose eyes were red. She frowned and asked,

“Daddy, did you bully Mu'mu? Mu'mu, why did you cry?”

Mu Tongrui could not control her emotions. She bent down to hug Sweetheart tightly and her tears

flowed again this time. She said in between sobs, “Sweetheart.... I am sorry.... I am so sorry....”

—— I have been such a terrible mother. I caused you to be bullied by the other kindergarten children

simply because you did not have a mother.

Sweetheart's hand hung onto Mu Tongrui's neck. She wiped away the tears gently on the face, “Mu'mu,

what happened to you? Why do you need to say sorry to me?”

Mu Tongrui stared at her innocent face and her tears continued rolling down. She took a deep breath

and squeezed out a smile. “I... I did not manage to celebrate your birthday with you the last time, right?

I wanted to buy you a birthday cake and sing you a birthday song. However, I am sorry that I am late.”

Sweetheart reached out to wipe away her tears and said warmly, “It's alright. Daddy has already made

a promise to take Mu'mu and I out to celebrate my birthday tonight!”

Mu Tongrui looked at him standing beside. He said, “Let's organize some things. We will bring

Sweetheart out tonight to celebrate her birthday.”

Was it going to be only the three of them?

Mu Tongrui felt a little strange. It was going to be her first time being out with father and daughter after

learning about Sweetheart's history. She could not help but feel uncomfortable.

Fu Lingye saw her hesitation. He frowned and said coldly, “Why? Are you not willing to?”

“No... Nothing. Of course, of course I am willing to celebrate Sweetheart's birthday with her.”

Then, was she unwilling to celebrate Sweetheart's birthday with him around?

Fu Lingye looked stern, and he stretched out his hand to hold onto Sweetheart, “Let's go, Sweetheart.

We will head downstairs first.”

He sounded unhappy, as though she was the one, he was upset with.

However, Mu Tongrui's thoughts were all on Sweetheart, so she did not pay much attention to Fu

Lingye's emotions.

“Alright, Mu'mu, hurry up! Daddy and I will head downstairs first to wait for you!”

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Mu Tongrui nodded her head, “Okay.”


Mu Tongrui had changed her clothes before heading downstairs. When she was about to reach

downstairs, she saw Xiang Nanqian coming home.

She froze after seeing Fu Lingye and Mu Tongrui bringing Sweetheart out. She asked, “Lingye, where

are you and Tongrui bringing Sweetheart to?”

Sweetheart happily replied her, “Auntie, Daddy and Mu'mu are going to bring me out to celebrate my


“Then... I guess you won't be returning home for dinner?”

After Fu Lingye lifted Sweetheart up and replied her coldly, he said to Mu Tongrui who stood beside

him, “Let's get going.”

Xiang Nanqian felt a wave of jealousy seeing the three of them walk out with their backs facing her.

After Lingye have saved and brought Mu Tongrui home, have their feelings for each other deepened?


Mu Tongrui kept her eyes on Sweetheart in the car.

Sweetheart lifted her head to look at Mu Tongrui, who could not seem to take her eyes off her, “Mu'mu,

why do you keep looking at me today? Am I too adorable?”

Mu Tongrui stroked Sweetheart's head, “Yes, Sweetheart is too adorable and beautiful today. I cannot

take my eyes off you.”

Sweetheart laughed and burrowed herself in Mu Tongrui's chest. Mu Tongrui lowered her head to kiss

Sweetheart's forehead.

She thought she was filled with terror after thinking about the surrogacy from 3 years ago. However,

thinking about it now reminded her of Sweetheart's adorable face. Her heart no longer felt empty. She

felt extremely fortunate to have gone through the surrogacy, bearing Sweetheart in the process. It was

something she will never regret doing in her lifetime.