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Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 49
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Xiang Nanqian let go of all her self-esteem and dignity to “seduce” Fu Lingye but to no avail. Not only

Lingye showed no response, he did not even look at her once and shut her out. She stood outside his

bathroom disheveled while tears of humiliation rolled down from her eyes. She questioned the man in

the bathroom while sobbing, “Why would you touch a girl with the dubious background like Mu Tongrui

but not me? Fu Lingye, am I not better than Mu Tongrui?”

Sadly, only the pounding water sound from the shower responded to her.

Could it be that she was his sister-in-law?

No. She must not let Mu Tongrui snatch Lingye away from her... ...

... ...

At Mu Family's Villa

After leaving Fu Mansion angrily, Mu Tongrui returned to Mu family's villa and did house chores for the

entire night. She was supposed to feel tired but to the contrary, she did not feel sleepy although she

had already laid on her bed. She tossed and turned and felt absolutely alert. The weirdest thing was

that her mind was thinking of the whereabouts of Fu Lingye at that moment.

Hopefully he won't be... ...engaging a prostitute.

When such thought came to her mind, even herself was shocked.

What was that got to do with her if Fu Lingye went to look for a prostitute?

It was close to 11 o'clock at night, however, she could not help but to switch on her cellphone.

She retrieved her contact list, scrolled the cursor to Fu Lingye's number and hesitated on whether to

give him a call. But she held back as she did not want to be scolded for calling him.

However, she really missed Sweetheart.

Once she thought about her, she gave him a call as though it was her right.

She only wanted to call him and ask whether Sweetheart had fallen asleep!

The phone rang for quite a while before it was connected but she was not ready with what to say. She

heard a soft and gentle female voice from the other side of the line, “Tongrui? Why're you calling Lingye

at this time?”

This voice was clearly identifiable to her.

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Xiang Nanqian... ...Why would she pick up the phone call on behalf of Fu Lingye?

“Sister-in-law, may I... ...I speak to Fu Lingye, please?”

“Lingye is taking his shower. I'll ask him to return your call when he is out of the bathroom.”

The hand of Mu Tongrui, which held the cellphone, froze and after she heard the sound of water

pounding, she said, “It's okay. There's nothing important.”

Once the conversation ended, the pale-looking Mu Tongrui hanged up the phone quickly.

After hanging up the phone, she sat on her bed but could not calm herself down even after a long time.

She touched her chest feeling puzzled. But it was not the first day she knew about the “adulterous

affairs” between Fu Lingye and Xiang Nanqian. They even had a son so there was nothing non-

intimate that they had not done.

After engaging in this conversation, Mu Tongrui realized that she could not sleep at all.

In her mind, the scene of Fu Lingye hugging Xiang Nanqian continuously appeared. She was upset

and jealous but she tried to convince herself that the burning sensation in her was due to her lack of


She covered her head with her blanket and forced herself to sleep!

... ...

On this side, Xiang Nanqian deleted the call record from the cellphone directly and gave the bathroom

door a glance before placing the cellphone back at its original spot. She said to the man in the

bathroom, “Lingye, there's a parent-child activity class for Xiaohan tomorrow afternoon. Don't forget to

go with me. Otherwise... Xiaohan will be sad.”

Lingye, who was in the bathroom, did not reply but Xiang Nanqian knew that he had heard her. She

clenched her hands and walked out of the room.

When Fu Lingye was done with his shower, he walked out of the bathroom to where his cellphone was

placed while drying his hair with his towel.

He's a germaphobe and other than being a clean freak, he could sense easily when people had

touched his things.

His looked at his cellphone for a few seconds and frowned while picking it up. He checked his call

records and messenger but did not see the call from Mu Tongrui.

His hand, which was holding the towel, froze while his eyes dimmed.

What's wrong with him? Why would he hope that Mu Tongrui had contacted him when she was the one

who wanted to return to Mu family's home?

Her existence was only for the purpose of meeting the requirement of Old Master Fu in wanting a

daughter-in-law. But she was hot-tempered and had a complicated relationship with his nephew. If it

was not because of her being the biological mother of Sweetheart, he would have crushed her to death

for giving him a slap.


Mu Tongrui had insomnia for the whole night and woke up late the next day. She had to rush to her

workplace. Once she got off from the metro, she ran to her company while thinking of buying a car one

of these days.

In the past few days when she was staying at Fu family's mansion, Fu Lingye did not even give her a

ride although it was convenient for him to do so. She thought that it would be better to buy herself a car

instead of relying on others.

She managed to punch in before 9.30A.M. and not long after, Xiang Nanqian also arrived at the

department. She heard her colleagues talking.

“Good morning, Ms. Xiang.”

“Ms. Xiang, you look really good today, a little different from usual.”

Xiang Nanqian saw the eye bags of Mu Tongrui and said with a smirk, “Oh yes, I slept extraordinarily

well last night. Tong Rui, you don't look too good, are you unwell?”

Mu Tongrui complained a little in her heart but replied with a polite smile “Not at all. I slept well last

night. Thank you for your concern, Ms. Xiang.”

Since the incident where Xiang Nanqian used Xiaohan to frame her, Mu Tongrui had no good feeling

about Xiang Nanqian.

But looking at the energetic look of Xiang Nanqian, it was most likely that she had a great time with Fu

Lingye in bed.

As for Mu Tongrui, sparks of jealously started to burn in her heart.

She told herself that the feeling was most likely caused by her lack of sleep.

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In her heart, she had been cursing Fu Lingye several times. But before she could start her work, Xiang

Nanqian walked out of her office and said to her with a smile, “Tongrui, Mr. Fu wanted to see you at his


Mu Tongrui was stunned and she wondered why Fu Lingye wanted to see her.

But she knew that it would not be anything good based on the look of Xiang Nanqian.


When she reached the doorstep of the CEO's office, Mu Tongrui raised her hand and knocked the door

until she heard a deep voice of a man saying, “Come in.” She then walked into his room.

Once she entered the room, the man on the black executive chair threw a folder at her.

“Hey... ...! Fu Lingye... ...! What's the matter with you?”

The hard corner of the plastic folder hit her arm and resulted a lengthy and obvious red scratch mark

on her white and rather sensitive skin.

“Look at how much loss the company had suffered due to the agreement that you had translated!”

Mu Tongrui was in shocked and quickly bent down to pick up the agreement. After flipping through it,

she noticed that the page with the contract amount was changed from fifty million to five million. One

zero was omitted.

But she remembered clearly that she had crossed check the amount of fifty million several times. How

did it turn out to have one zero less?

“What more could you explain?”

The voice of the man was cold and oppressive. Mu Tongrui said with a frown, “I remember translating it

to fifty million and submitted my work to Ms. Xiang after I finished yesterday. I wonder whether it could

be Ms. Xiang...”

Before she could finish her sentence, Fu Lingye interrupted her with an even colder voice and said,

“Are you trying to put the blame on others over your mistake?

“I'm not... ...but because I was worried that I might get it wrong, I verified the translation for a few times,

I'm sure I... ...”


Mu Tongrui's watery eyes trembled for a moment. Why was she so silly to even think of an

explanation? Fu Lingye would definitely believe Xiang Nanqian as they just had a good time in bed last

night. There was no reason for him to reprimand Xiang Nanqian over her matter.