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Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 345
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When Yanchen handed the DNA test report to Tongrui, Tongrui did not take it just yet. She was looking

at him warily.

When Yanchen handed the DNA test report to Tongrui, Tongrui did not take it just yet. She was looking

at him warily.

“Mister, you…”

Kun Ye who was behind him rubbed his nose and smiled, “Ms. Mu, we are not bad guys and Mr.

Yanchen here has no ill intentions. You don’t need to worry that you might get poisoned just by holding

this report.”

Tongrui took the report awkwardly and asked with a frown, “What is this?”

“Let me introduce myself to you. My name is Song Yanche, and when we first met on the plane, I had a

strong feeling that you resemble my mother when she was young, so I selfishly put a tracker in your

bag. However, my hunch doesn’t betray me because you are indeed my biological sister.”

It was only a few sentences but the impact of the news was overwhelming.

Tongrui was stunned. She thought that he was just joking, “Mr. Song, are–are you kidding with me?”

What kind of luck had befallen her lately? It seemed that everyone wanted to be acknowledged as her

family or something.

Zhengyuan was the first one to do that, and now, she suddenly had a biological brother.

Which family did she belong to, then?

Yanchen jerked with his chin, “If you don’t believe me, take a look at that report.”

Tongrui unsealed the envelope and took out the report. She checked the result and it was stated clearly

that–Gu Yuqing and Mu Tongrui were mother-and-daughter.

“Who is Gu Yuqing…”

“She’s my mother. Of course, she is your mother too.”

Tongrui was completely caught off guard. It was hard for her to process this news.

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Yanchen tried to provide some closure to her, “I know that it’s going to be hard for you to accept this as

it is right now, but that’s alright. I am going to stay in Florence for an extended period of time, so you

have a lot of time to take in the news. If you have any questions, you can always call me.”

Yanchen gave her his name card.

Tongrui took it. Deep down, a plethora of emotions were fighting in her heart.

“But… This is impossible. Mr. Song, can the report be wrong?”

Yanchen’s gaze darkened as he said, “The possibility of a mistake is close to zero.”

“But that’s impossible. Back then, someone told me that I was his biological daughter, and we did a

DNA test as well, and it showed that I am his daughter. What’s more, my mother was his first lover.

Now, you’re telling me that I am your sister…”

Tongrui was utterly confused. Who should she believe?

Yanchen saw how confused she was, so he suggested, “What about this? If you don’t believe me, I will

let the doctor do the test again. You can tag along in the whole procedure to make sure the test is


Tongrui could not fathom any possibility of this man trying to extort her or cheat her. There was simply

no reason for him to do that.

Furthermore, Tongrui was a good judge of character. From this man’s look and aura, she did not feel

any malice from him. He would not be one of those bad guys.

Yanchen dressed in the same way as Lingye, so he must also be a successful businessman. He was

wearing an expensive watch that looked like it cost a million dollars. Tongrui could not imagine this man

to be some scammer.

However, if Yanchen was not lying right now and this report was valid, what was the deal with

Zhengyuan’s report?

There was no way she could be Zhengyuan’s daughter and the daughter of the Song family at the

same time. One of the reports must be wrong.

Suddenly, an inexplicable ray of hope poured into her heart.

If she was not part of the Fu family, Lingye and her would not be cousins like they were supposed to be

now. That meant…

However, it also occurred to her that Lingye and her had already parted ways.

From Lingye’s tone, it seemed that there was no room for discussion. Even if they were not related by

blood, was there any reason that she would go back to him?

Tongrui began to feel sad again.

After Yanchen left, Tongrui continued to stare at the DNA report for a long time. Then, she decided to

call Yanchen.

“Hello, it’s me, Tongrui.”

“I know. Go on.”

Tongrui bit her lips and asked, “If I am really a daughter in the Song family, why did you guys…

abandon me in the first place?”

Yanchen answered, “Our family did not get rid of you, but it’s a long story. It’s something to do with the

internal workings of the family. By the time you make up your mind and are willing to come back to

South City with me, I will tell you everything that you want to know.”

“Am I… really a daughter of the Song family?” Tongrui still could not believe this.

Her origin was really a mystery. She did not know whether she was from the Fu or the Song family.

Yanchen laughed, “My intuition tells me that you are. My intuition rarely fails.”


After hanging up, Kun Ye who was driving asked Yanchen who was in the backseat, “Mr. Yanchen, did

we scare her?”

“Of course, she would be. Imagine some strangers suddenly show up at your door claiming that they

are your blood relatives. However, this is fine, I still need to find Xi in Florence. In the meantime,

Tongrui could process this new information. One more thing, Zhenyun might know that we are here in

Florence to look for Xiao. We should send some bodyguards to watch over her.”

“Roger, Mr. Yanchen. Zhenyun is just waiting for us to ambush her. We should do that when we go

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back to South City. She must be courting death if she really wants to touch Ms. Mu!”

Yanchen pinched his brows when he thought of the matters in South City, “How is Mother’s condition


“The doctors called today and told me that her condition is worsening. We need someone to donate

compatible blood stem cells as soon as possible. Mr. Yanchen, tell me… Although Ms. Mu is one of us,

she has never been with us since the beginning and we never raised her up. If we want to ask for her

help so that Mrs. Song’s condition can be relieved, do you think Ms. Mu will help us?”

Yanchen shut his eyes and sighed, “I won’t allow Mother to pass away just like that.”

“Mr. Yanchen, you don’t need to worry too much. I was simply asking. Ms. Mu seems like a kind

person, so I figure that she will agree to help. Donating blood stem cells won’t do any harm to

someone’s body anyway, so she doesn’t have a reason not to donate. What’s more, it’s not like the

Song family really abandoned her deliberately. If she learns the truth later on, she would not blame you

or Mrs. Song.”

Yanchen rubbed his temples, “We shall talk about this when we get back to South City. Have you found


“Yes, Ms. Ye is working part-time in a private art exhibition center in downtown Florence.”

Yanchen snorted, “She’s better than last time. She knows how to do some part-time work to feed


“Mr. Yanchen, are we going to pick her up now?”

“Not now. What time does she get off work?”

“Around five-thirty.”

Yanchen checked his wristwatch. It was only three-thirty now, “Let’s go to the hospital and do another

DNA test.”

“Alright, Mr. Yanchen.”