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Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 28
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The man's dark and cold gaze made Mu Tongrui's sweaty pores stand up. She explained incoherently,

“I, I don't...”

She really wasn't trying to together with both of them at the same time.

Fu Hongye glared at Ye Zibo and apologized to Fu Lingye, “Ling Ye, I am truly sorry. This bastard is not

sensible. Bring Ms. Mu and Sweetheart home. Let us forget about what happened today.”


Ye Zibo looked at Mu Tongrui unwillingly. He said to Fu Lingye, “Uncle, can I talk to you alone?”

Fu Hongye was in extreme anger, “After making such a big joke, what else do you want to talk to your


However, Fu Lingye was extremely patient as usual, “Sister, it's okay. Let me have a private talk with


Ye Zibo followed Fu Lingye to the garden in the backyard of the Ye family house.

In the living room, they left behind Fu Hongye, Mu Tongrui as well as Sweetheart.

Fu Hongye took a deep breath, sinking his chest, and calmly said, “Ms. Mu, since you are Lingye's

wife, why do you come to my house for lunch as Zibo's girlfriend?”

“I... Aunt, Zibo and I...”

“Just a second, according to seniority, you shouldn't call me aunt. You should call me sister just like


Mu Tongrui was extremely embarrassed. But how could she explain to Fu Hongye that she and Fu

Lingye were not legit couple?

“Sis, sister, I met Zibo in Paris. I have alumni relationship with him. After I returned to China, I never

had time to explain to Zibo that I was married to Fu...Lingye, so...”

Fu Hongye frowned, “So you did have a relationship with Zibo before but you are in two different

relationships at the same time. Or should I say that you met Ling Ye through Zibo and you found out

that Lingye was a better man, so you gave up on Zibo?”

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Fu Hongye looked at her and smiled sarcastically.

“I have no idea. I didn't know that Lingye was Zibo's brother-in-law, and Zibo and I weren't even

boyfriend and girlfriend...”

“You have been together with Zibo for three years and yet you are not in a relationship with him? Ms.

Mu, I don’t understand your feelings or how messy your private life is, but since you’re married to

Lingye now, do not provoke Zibo anymore. Please don't provoke other men as well.”

Mu Tongrui bit her lip, squeezed her palm and said, “Mdm. Ye, it doesn't matter what you think about

me. Zibo and I have never been in a relationship. I always consider Zibo as my good friend.”

Sweetheart standing at Mu Tongrui’s feet, with her small face looking up, staring at Fu Hongye,

frowning her whitish eyebrows, and said with a hint of protecting Mu Tongrui, “Aunt, my father and

Mu'mu love each other sincerely. I don't like Zibo!”

Fu Hongye felt very annoyed. Her son was deceived by this woman and now even Sweetheart sided

her stepmother. Her good impression for Mu Tongrui had been completely ruined now.


In the backyard garden.

Ye Zibo said straightforwardly, “Uncle, Tongrui already told me everything between you and her.”

Fu Lingye put one hand in his pocket. His face was calm and he only raised his brows, “Oh? What did

she tell you?”

“She told me that the connection between you and her was just a trading relationship. I know that she

pretended to be your wife for the sake of getting back Mu family villa. Uncle, I love Tongrui. Those three

years in Paris, I have always liked her. Uncle, I hope to get your blessing for me and Tongrui.”

The man's thin lips twitched slightly, “You like her, but does she like you?”

Ye Zibo stayed silent for a few seconds and said, “No problem if she doesn't like me now. After you

return the Mu family villa to Tongrui, I will compensate for the money you lost. Return Tongrui her


Return her freedom?

The way Zibo said was like Lingye is fighting over a woman with Zibo. Lingye said in a deep voice, “I

didn't force her to stay with me. She is an adult and she will be responsible for every decision she

made. No one needs to pay for her. If you are talking about this matter, we have nothing more to

discuss about.”

Fu Lingye finished talking and had already turned around. Ye Zibo hurriedly stopped him, “Uncle, do

you love Tongrui?”

Fu Lingye didn't turn his head but he spoke lightly to Ye Zibo behind him, “I have already slept with her

regardless of feelings.”

Critical strike.

Ye Zibo stood still in place for a moment. He hasn’t regained his composure even after Fu Lingye

entered the house.


After Fu Lingye returned to the living room, she hugged Mu Tongrui with his arms and smiled at Fu

Hongye, “Sister, allow me to introduce you formally. This is my new wife, Mu Tongrui.”

Both Fu Hongye and Mu Tongrui's faces were not very good. However, Fu Lingye remained silent.

“Sister, we won't stay for lunch today. I will bring Tongrui here another day.”

Later on, Fu Lingye left Ye family house together with Mu Tongrui and Sweetheart.


After returning to Mu family villa, Fu Lingye went straight into the study room.

Sweetheart cleverly shook Mu Tongrui's hand and made an unhappy little grimace at her, “Mu'mu,

daddy is angry. Go talk something nice to him.”

Mu Tongrui hesitated for a long time before going upstairs. As soon as she opened the door of the

study room and went in, she was scolded by a male voice, “Get out, knock on the door before coming



Mu Tongrui had to go out again and closed the study door. She raised her hand and knocked on the

study room door lightly, and asked in a polite manner, “Excuse me, Mr. Fu. Can I come in now?”

“Come in.”

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Mu Tongrui pushed the door in, bit her lip, and swallowed for a while before she slowly said, “I came to

explain to you that Zibo invited me

to his house for lunch. I didn't know his mother would misunderstand me and him. Relationship

between me and Zibo...”

“Do you love him?”

Fu Lingye raised his face. His black eyes fell straight on Tongrui's little face, asking her a very

straightforward question.

Mu Tongrui was taken aback. She remembered what Xiang Nanqian had said to her for no reason. Mu

Tongrui bit her lips and said, “Whether I love him or not has nothing to do with Mr. Fu. You and I are

together because of an agreement. When the agreement is over, there won’t be any relationship

between you and I. I don't have to inform Mr. Fu about who I love.”

After Mu Tongrui spoke, she felt that she was obviously provoking Fu Lingye. She carefully glanced at

the man's face with the edge of her eyes.

Fu Lingye hit his fingers lightly on the desk while holding on to a pen. He got up suddenly and strode

towards Mu Tongrui.

The tall and straight figure of Fu Lingye approached step by step and an invisible pressure formed

around Mu Tongrui. She stepped back subconsciously until she slammed her back on the door panel

behind her. Mu Tongrui looked at him vigilantly, swallowed her saliva, and asked in fear, “When will the

agreement between us end?”

“Why? Can't wait to be with my nephew?”

Fu Lingye’s handsome face suddenly approached and his hot breath gushing on her little face, causing

slight itchiness. She was confined in that small space. She could not control her brain and even her

heartbeat speed up. Fu Lingye's sweet magnetic voice slid over her ears with a hint of teasing and

mockery, “Did you forget that we have a sexual relationship besides the agreement?”

After returning to Mu family villa, Fu Lingye went straight into the study room.