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Belated Romance (Mu Tongrui)

Chapter 20
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“Are you checking on me?”

Mu Tongrui came out of the bathroom wearing his white shirt, still feeling embarrassed. Even though

his loose-fitting shirt was able to hide her curves, it made her look more sexy and charming. The top

was unbuttoned, revealing her neckline. The length of the shirt came down to her thighs. The sight of

the shirt on her body drew him to her. He gazed at her.

Fu Lingye felt hot.

He fixed his gaze on her and grew warmer. His stare made Mu Tongrui's face redder.

“If I don't, would I dared to bring you home and share the same bed with you?”

He spoke in a matter-of-fact way. However, when Mu Tongrui heard that they were going to share the

same bed, her heart began to race.

She pursed her lips, and asked calmly, “Since you knew about my background and that I have given

birth before, why did you still choose me?

He focused his attention on her, “It's because you have given birth before that I believe you will shower

children with love and patience. Instead of finding someone to be my wife, I want to find someone who

can take care of Sweetheart and give her the maternal love that she currently lacks.”

Mu Tongrui cast a worried look and asked, “Where is Sweetheart's biological mother?”

According to Sweetheart, she had never seen her mother before. Did her mother go through a divorce

with Fu Lingye after giving birth to her?

Fu Lingye stared at her for a few seconds, figuring out what to say. Mu Tongrui thought that he did not

want to answer such a personal question and she felt that she had no right to ask him about it. After all,

they were not exactly close.

“If you don't intend to tell me, then just forget that I...”

He replied calmly, without a trace of emotion in his voice, “She passed away due to a difficult birth.”

Mu Tongrui was shocked upon hearing that. “I am sorry, I didn't know that it would lead you to

remember the painful past.”

“Let's sleep.”

Fu Lingye went straight to bed. Mu Tongrui did not know what to do. “Then, then I will lay out the


Fu Lingye held onto her wrist, “How do you think the maid will react when she comes up to see the

mattress as she tidies up the room tomorrow morning?”

“I... I will keep the mattress first thing tomorrow morning then.”

He did not let go of her wrist, instead of relaxing his grip, he tightened it. “It's not just tonight. You will

have to get used to this sleeping arrangement sooner or later.”

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If things did not go according to plan, she would need to leave and give up on the family villa. After

giving serious thought about this, Mu Tongrui crawled into bed.

After the lights were switched off, Mu Tongrui pulled on the blanket and turned to the other side. He

then held onto her waist and pulled her closer, “Are you thinking of taking away the blanket from me?”

She felt his breoth close to her. She roised her heod ond stored ot his ottroctive jow. Her voice

trembled, “I... I wosn't...”

They were only inches oport. Their lips were so close to touching eoch other.

She moved corefully in his orms, showing slight irritobility. He wos unhoppy with the woy she wos

reocting. He opened his eyes ond stored ot her, “Are you seducing me?”

Mu Tongrui did not monoge to respond in time. He flipped her over ond pressed on her body, him on

top of her.

She clenched her fist ond struggled, “Fu Lingye...! Let go of me!”

“Aren't you fond of ploying such tricks?”

He held onto her slender thighs with his big, colloused honds. He stored mockingly ot her lying beneoth


Mu Tongrui felt thoroughly emborrossed ond glored ot him, “Mr. Fu, I om not o prostitute whom you poy

for her services! I om not Xiong Nonqion either! If you need to hove sex, then... find someone else!”

His lips fell on hers os she felt overwhelmed by his breoth. His desire for her left her olmost breothless.

Just when she wos obout to bite on his lips, Fu Lingye let go of her oll of o sudden. He held onto the

bock of her neck ond fixed his goze on her. “Number 1, I do not hong out with other women outside.

Number 2, Xiong Nonqion is my sister-in-low, so don't let me heor you soy onother word obout our

relotionship. Number 3, I brought you home so you ore responsible for my physiologicol needs. It's one

of your mony responsibilities.”

In order to retoin the Mu's fomily villo, Fu Lingye not only hove to poy 40 million yuon to the Shen's but

olso coused him to lose the lond thot would cost him more thon thot!

He must be insone to spend so much money on someone who wos not even willing to listen to him!

Mu Tongrui stored hord ot him, “.... There wos nothing like this written in the ogreement!”

“You con refer to Article 23 on the third poge of the ogreement. Porty B sholl be responsible for oll the

physiologicol needs of Porty A.”


He is... A pervert! Jerk!

For the soke of her own livelihood, Mu Tongrui considered ond she gently tugged ot his orm, “Mr. Fu,

con thot be removed from the ogreement? Whot kind of womon you con’t get? I om ofroid thot you will

look down on someone like me who hos given birth to o child.”

Unexpectedly, he stored ot her ployfully with his cleor block eyes. He excloimed, “Someone like you

hos o more distinctive style thot I foncy.”

She felt his breath close to her. She raised her head and stared at his attractive jaw. Her voice

trembled, “I... I wasn't...”

They were only inches apart. Their lips were so close to touching each other.

She moved carefully in his arms, showing slight irritability. He was unhappy with the way she was

reacting. He opened his eyes and stared at her, “Are you seducing me?”

Mu Tongrui did not manage to respond in time. He flipped her over and pressed on her body, him on

top of her.

She clenched her fist and struggled, “Fu Lingye...! Let go of me!”

“Aren't you fond of playing such tricks?”

He held onto her slender thighs with his big, calloused hands. He stared mockingly at her lying beneath


Mu Tongrui felt thoroughly embarrassed and glared at him, “Mr. Fu, I am not a prostitute whom you pay

for her services! I am not Xiang Nanqian either! If you need to have sex, then... find someone else!”

His lips fell on hers as she felt overwhelmed by his breath. His desire for her left her almost breathless.

Just when she was about to bite on his lips, Fu Lingye let go of her all of a sudden. He held onto the

back of her neck and fixed his gaze on her. “Number 1, I do not hang out with other women outside.

Number 2, Xiang Nanqian is my sister-in-law, so don't let me hear you say another word about our

relationship. Number 3, I brought you home so you are responsible for my physiological needs. It's one

of your many responsibilities.”

In order to retain the Mu's family villa, Fu Lingye not only have to pay 40 million yuan to the Shen's but

also caused him to lose the land that would cost him more than that!

He must be insane to spend so much money on someone who was not even willing to listen to him!

Mu Tongrui stared hard at him, “.... There was nothing like this written in the agreement!”

“You can refer to Article 23 on the third page of the agreement. Party B shall be responsible for all the

physiological needs of Party A.”


He is... A pervert! Jerk!

For the sake of her own livelihood, Mu Tongrui considered and she gently tugged at his arm, “Mr. Fu,

can that be removed from the agreement? What kind of woman you can’t get? I am afraid that you will

look down on someone like me who has given birth to a child.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Unexpectedly, he stared at her playfully with his clear black eyes. He exclaimed, “Someone like you

has a more distinctive style that I fancy.”

Mu Tongrui could not understand what he meant.

She made another request, “Then... can you wear your clothes to sleep?”

He said with complete ease, “I have the habit of sleeping naked.”

Mu Tongrui adjusted her sleeping position uneasily. When it was close to dawn, he hugged her and

brought her nearer to his chest. He breathed into her ears while he slept. “If you were to move again, I

am afraid I will do something to you!”


She was afraid so she could only stay there like that and not move anymore as he continued sleeping.


The next morning, Mu Tongrui brought Sweetheart to kindergarten and thought of resigning at the

same time. Even though she really liked working there, but she felt that she was overqualified for the

position as her skills were not put to good use. Now that Fu Lingye had given her a position in the

company to do creative work, she had no reason to reject it.

She returned to her condominium. She switched on her phone to see that she had several missed

calls. They were all from Ye Guo, most possibly because she did not return home at all the whole of

last night.

As she was making her way upstairs, she was thinking of how she was going to explain things to Ye


When she was at the door, Ye Guo saw her and caught a sniff of her. “Be honest with me! Don't try to

deny anything! Who were you with last night? Who on earth was it that had the ability to make you stay

out the whole night?”

She denied with a trace of guilt, “I never...”

“Don't lie! I can catch a sniff of masculinity on your body.”

“I really did not. I merely spent a night at the Mu's family villa.”

“What?” Ye Guo did not understand, “Isn't the Mu's family villa on the brink of demolition?”

“I... My friend's friend happened to be Fu Lingye's good friend. I wanted her to speak up for me, so Fu

Lingye promised me that he would not demolish the villa. He even allowed me to work at Fu


Ye Guo grew confused while listening. “Who on earth is that friend? Who exactly is that person?”

“Oh my. I don't know that person either. Anyway, the family villa can be retained for now and I can start

working at Fu Corporation.”

Ye Guo had always been simple-minded. After listening to Mu Tongrui go on, she started feeling

excited. “That means that you can finally have your Dad's house back! Also, you now have a job!”

“That's right, Guo. Thank you for your support and for taking care of me during this period.”

“You are very welcome! What are friends for? We need to go out tonight to celebrate something this
