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Begging For A Reconciliation

Chapter 41
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Han glanced at Leah and he mumbled something. He seemed to be in a daze, and he did

not recognize Leah.

Swaying a little, he staggered toward the pond. The short fence around the pond would

not be able to stop him from falling into the pond.

A few steps before he reached the fence, Leah pulled him backward. Irritated, she sighed,

“How much have you had to drink?”

Han paused and he sat down in the gazebo. He stared at Leah, perplexed. She could not

tell what he was thinking. She was restless.

She took a deep breath. She was about to leave when Han grabbed her wrist. He was

pulling her so hard she fell onto his lap, but he remained unmoved.

Not wanting to raise any suspicion should any White family member see them, she

struggled to stand up. “Please let me go.”

Her pleas fell on deaf ears.

Han locked her arms behind her back, “Are you afraid of me?” Leah knew she had to try

another way to escape. She tried to remain calm. “Why should I be afraid of you?”

He pressed on. “If you’re not afraid of me, why do you run away every time you see me?”

“I am not running away from you.”

“Yes, you are.”

“I’m not.”

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“Sarah White.” He said her name out of the blue.

Her heart skipped a beat. “What?”

“Stop denying it.” He looked at her with an expressionless face. She let out a sigh. “Mr.

Howard, you are drunk. I’ll call for your assistant to send you home.”

He shook his head, “First, I have a question for you.”

“Shoot.” She replied in a heartbeat. She would answer any question if it could make him


Han studied her face carefully. For a moment, she thought he seemed less withdrawn. He

began to speak. “Do you know a woman named Leah Murray?”

Caught off guard, Leah broke out in a cold sweat. Does Han recognize me? Why would he

ask me if I know Leah Murray?

Han was always hard to read. Even when he was drunk now, she couldn’t tell what he was

thinking or feeling. She steadied herself, “No, I don’t. Who is she?”

He looked disappointed. With a sigh, he replied, “She was somebody I used to know. She

used to play the violin. You reminded me of her when you were playing on the stage.”

“Mr. Howard, you don’t let go of grudges easily, do you?” She said sarcastically.

Han was stunned. He hated Leah, but he didn’t feel happy when he found out she was

dead. “No, I don’t. Even if she’s dead, I won’t stop hating her.”

“Why?” Her heart sank. “Why do you hate her so much?”

He shook his head in response and he staggered to his feet. He gazed at her. “You have

beautiful eyes. What a pity.”

She did not understand what he meant. She was about to ask him when he blacked out

and he fell toward her. She put him down on the bench in the gazebo and she found his

cell phone.

“Hey, what’s your passcode?” She tried to unlock his cell to call for his assistant, but Han

was unconscious. She decided there was nothing else she could do and she stood up to


She had only taken a few steps before changing her mind. She could not leave him there.

As she carried him to the White residence, she mumbled to herself, “You’ll be the death of


When Leah finally put Han down to rest in the living room, the party was already over. It

was 11 p.m. and everyone had retreated to their bedrooms.

She was alone with the unconscious Han in the living room. She had thought about leaving

him in the living room, but she knew Sasha would be suspicious if Han was left there.

Letting out a long sigh, Leah carried Han to her room. She put him down on the couch. She

wiped his face with a hot towel like how she used to take care of him when he was drunk.

He would be reluctant when she tried to take care of him in the past. Now, he let her do

her thing without any resistance. She stared at him and she sighed. “If only we didn’t fight

so much.”

On the other hand, Sasha returned to her bedroom early tonight. She did not even have

her dinner. She was excited to see Ian, but he was fixated on Leah all night long.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she got. Grumpy and hungry, she walked

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toward the kitchen around 11 p.m. to grab something to eat. To her surprise, she saw Leah

carrying Han into the house.

Sasha smirked and she took a photo using her cell phone. “Let everyone see for

themselves what a whore you are, Sarah White.” She uploaded the photo to social media.

The next morning when Han woke up on the couch, he had a massive hangover. He tried

to fight away the dull pain in his head to sit up, but instead fell onto the floor.

The noise woke Leah up. Sleepily, she approached him in her white pajamas. “You’re

finally awake! You should leave now.”

Han looked at Leah, trying hard to recall what happened last night. “Why am I here?”

“You had too much to drink. I wanted to call for assistance, but you wouldn’t help me

unlock your cell phone. So I had to bring you back here.” She answered matter-of-factly.

“You should leave now. I wouldn’t want my parents to see you here in my room.”

“Did you take care of me last night?” Han asked, still in a daze.

Leah nodded and she pushed him toward the door. “Yes, I did and I don’t want to take care

of you ever again, so please don’t get yourself drunk next time. Goodbye, Mr. Howard.”

She closed the door with a loud thud. Han stood in front of the door, baffled. He looked

down at the camisole he was clutching, deep in thought.

Leah fell asleep soundly after sending Han away. She didn’t have to worry about having a

man she used to know in her room now.

However, her sleep was cut short when she heard a knock on her door. “Sarah, I need to

talk to you.”