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Becoming the Richest Man Alive

Chapter 69
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Casper wanted to tell Giselle that he was Mr. Simpson, but he hadn’t figured out a way to deal with the

matter. Giselle was his teacher at that moment, and he would be in a heap of trouble if he got under her


It was just like how an ordinary man would worry before professing his love. There was a good chance

that his friendship with the woman he loved would fall apart if she didn’t feel the same. That was why

he had to be careful.

Casper was already a millionaire at the time, but some things were simply beyond the reach of money.

Giselle was never one to crave wealth. She would not sleep with anyone for money, nor would she

betray her heart and soul for it.

“I’d really like to meet that Mr. Simpson. I wonder what he looks like and whether he is married…”

muttered Giselle as she turned around to leave. Her tone was alluring and filled with so much

anticipation that Casper was tempted to change his mind. He wanted to confess that he was the young

and rich Mr. Simpson she was talking about.

What is Giselle thinking? Why does she want to know if he’s married? I-is she falling for him?

“Ms. Clauder, why are you always in the dorm room provided by the school? Don’t you have a

boyfriend to hang out with?” asked Casper nervously as he stared at her back. His hand was resting on

the doorknob when he finally mustered up enough courage to ask that question.

“Well, I guess there’s no harm in telling you the truth, so yeah, I’m still single. Why did you ask? Ooh,

do you have someone you want to set me up with? I should warn you, though. I have outrageous

demands and only want incredible guys,” replied Giselle after she turned around and smiled at him.

She put on a mischievous look as she joked about it.

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As far as Giselle was concerned, Casper was not just a student. He was a good friend who had helped

her a lot, and she saw him as someone she cared about.

That was why she was that honest and straightforward with Casper.

“Haha, okay, if I come across any incredible man, I will definitely send him your way,” promised Casper

after he was stunned momentarily.

What he really wanted to say, however, was what was on his mind. Well, I’m an incredible guy.

Shouldn’t you consider taking me as your boyfriend?

Casper couldn’t speak his mind, but he was delighted, anyway. At the very least, he learned from

Giselle herself that she was still single.

That means I still have a shot!

“Oh, then I’ll hold you onto it,” joked Giselle with a stunning grin on. “Alright then. Go to bed. It’s late,

and you have an early class tomorrow.”

Casper murmured an affirmative reply before retiring to his room. He laid on the bed for over half an

hour, but he simply couldn’t sleep. He turned on his phone to watch Giselle’s live show, but she wasn’t

streaming that night. I guess her show has ended.

That was never going to be an uneventful night. Just as Casper was unable to sleep, Giselle was also

too troubled to sleep. Her father was a drug addict, and he was saddled with debt once more. Hence,

even with all the extra income she made online, she still couldn’t repay all of his debts.

Mr. Simpson hasn’t come online over the past two days. If only he is… I would’ve shared that with him

and ask if he can help me out with that.

Drug addiction was like a bottomless pit. Giselle knew that she could have a treasure chest buried at

home, and she still wouldn’t be able to clear her father’s ridiculous debt. Her family was never a rich

one, to begin with, so they had already exhausted all of their savings.

That was why she started streaming online. She needed the money.

To make matters worse, her issue was no longer that straightforward. She recently learned that many

online streamers had copied her trend and had become her competitor.

If things kept progressing that way, her followers and income would inevitably become less. She might

even be forced to show herself to the online community. That would, in turn, end her career in Business


That night, Giselle fell asleep with a dark cloud hanging over her head.

Casper woke up early the following morning, but Giselle was in a hurry to clock in, so she didn’t invite

him to have breakfast together.

He bumped into Felix when he was heading back into his dorm. The two friends looked into each

other’s eyes. Neither spoke, but they knew what the other was thinking, so they grinned and headed

back into the dorm.

Casper knew that Felix must’ve assumed that he and Lillian had slept together the night before.

The former didn’t bother explaining himself because he knew that there was no point in saying

anything. Hence, he entered the dorm with Felix.

A place like BU was where the heir of rich families gathered, so high-end cafes were set up within the


Casper didn’t rest that morning, so he was exhausted when noon rolled by.

“You spent too much energy last night, Casper, so you better go grab a coffee to wake yourself up,”

suggested Felix.

He nudged Casper’s arm and gestured toward the cafe when they walked past it. The former had a

mischievous grin on when he winked at the latter.

Felix pushed Casper a little toward the cafe’s entrance. After that, the former returned to their dorm

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with Remy and Colton. They had classes all morning, so they wanted to head back and play some

video games to blow off some steam.

Casper seemed exasperated as his pals walked ahead of him. All he could do was stare from a


Back when he was penniless, he would walk past the cafe and be tempted to get a cup of coffee there.

The prices, however, were ridiculous, so he never walked into the place.

He sighed and entered the cafe. The first thing Casper noted was that the place was packed with

students. Everyone had expensive outfits on, and it was obvious that their parents were rich.

Casper checked the menu displayed on the walls. Holy cr*p, that is expensive! An ordinary cup of

coffee was over a hundred, and the fancier drinks were even more expensive.

The mere sight of the menu tempted Casper to turn around and leave. If he was feeling that way, then

students from low-income families would be even more discouraged. Casper knew that even if the cafe

was located in a more accessible spot, it would still have the same crowd and customers. Even those

with full-time jobs will not frequent places like these.

That being said, Casper had more than enough money, and he was already inside the cafe anyway, so

he might as well get a drink.

A long queue was in front of all six counters since there were many students in BU, and most of them

were rich. There were at least ten customers queuing up to every counter.

Casper tilted his head down and sighed in exasperation before he queued up as well.

He soon discovered that most customers were women.

The men, on the other hand, had their laptops with them and were typing away with a beautiful woman

beside them.

It felt like the men were only there to keep their girlfriends company.

As he walked closer to the counter, Casper heard a series of snickers from the queue beside him. He

turned around and saw a group of three or four women judging discriminatingly.