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Becoming the Richest Man Alive

Chapter 285
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By the time they got to their sixth turn of the final round, Harold had calmed down and was less

agitated. He knew he had lost the money, and fury would not improve the situation in any way, so he

recollected himself to focus on the game.

If he wanted to win the final round, he had to give it his all.

When he scanned the tabletop, he noticed that there weren’t a lot of good cards and that he should’ve

dealt with the situation during the previous turns. There were a few cards that he could use, but not

enough to form a sequence. At the same time, he checked the card Eugene played, which seemed to

be forming a pure sequence.

Slightly unnerved by the situation, he and Michael checked each other’s cards. It wasn’t until he knew

that Michael had two cards that could be used to form a pure sequence that he felt more at ease.

You can spend all your time waiting to form a pure sequence. If I manage to form a winning set, I can

salvage some of the losses I suffered earlier. Then, I’ll kick Michael away when we settle the accounts,

which means I wouldn’t be losing that much tonight. I’ll just have to release Terrence and Eugene, and

I’ll let Sawyer settle the rest on his own. I’ve looked after Michael for long enough. It’s time he repays

his debt. My dear disciple, this will be your master’s final lesson for you. Never trust anyone while

you’re gambling!

Harold had made up his mind to sacrifice his disciple to save himself.

After taking a look at his hand, Harold noticed that he now had a few cards of the same suits as well as

three different suits.

Eugene would definitely stop me from forming a winning set. He’s currently passively waiting, but he’ll

never be able to clear his cards in one shot. If he’s solely aiming for a pure sequence, I will definitely


Ascertained of the situation, Harold stopped worrying so much as he discarded his cards. Casper

hadn’t even formed a sequence yet, so he was certain that he could win if he managed to form a

winning set before the other two.

Meanwhile, Casper had no idea that the situation had changed and was still figuring that he might be

able to form a nice sequence. However, as time went by, the more he felt that something was off. He

had yet to combine any of the cards that could determine a definite win.

It wasn’t until then that he realized belatedly that someone was trying to form the ultimate winning set.

The heck?

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His hands shuddered as he discarded a card because he noticed he had an Ace among his cards. If

one of the players were trying to form a winning set, he would have the remaining three Aces.

A rough calculation indicated that that person could likely win a total of two hundred and seventy


“D*mn!” Casper shot up from his seat while looking at Eugene and Harold, knowing that either of the

two would have a winning set.

Why didn’t Eugene give me any tips? What if we lose the game?

After some consideration, Casper figured that even if Eugene might be the one aiming for the winning

set, he shouldn’t discard his Ace either.

Thus, he ended up laying three random cards. Since neither of the other players reacted, he supposed

he was safe.

Casper was the third person, while Harold was the fourth, so it was Harold’s turn after his. Without

hesitating, Harold laid down a sequence.

“Game over,” said Eugene all of a sudden.

“Huh?” Casper didn’t hear him clearly.

“It’s over.”

As Eugene lit a cigarette, his serious expression had given way to a casual one.

“Are you faking this?” Harold snickered. “You can’t frighten me.”

Instead of speaking, Eugene spread his cards out to reveal all of them.

“A pure sequence and two impure sequences.”

Harold had a look of disbelief on his face. “This is impossible! How could you have three of that card?”

All of a sudden, he seemed to have realized something as he stood and turned to yell at Michael, “You

d*mn brat! Did you lie to me?”

Michael was also wearing an impassive look on his face as he faced Harold. “Let’s call this even,

Master. Not only would I have gotten nothing if you had won, but you would have also kicked me away

if you had lost! Do I look like a fool?”

While Harold was enraged, Eugene said, “The game has ended, Harold. Please calculate our


“Don’t you dare do anything fishy. Pay up everything that you’ve lost,” Casper demanded. For security’s

sake, he took out his gun and unlocked it.

All the while, Harold’s face contorted with anger. Although he wanted to go back on his word, there was

a grenade and handgun in front of him. Between his own life and money, he ended up choosing the


With Michael’s betrayal and the fact that Harold never intended to pay him anyway, they only had to

calculate how much Harold lost to them because Casper and Eugene were a team.

During the final four rounds, Casper won the first round, so Harold owed him sixty million. During the

second round, Harold’s move helped Eugene win, so he owed the latter sixty million. Eugene won

during the third round, so Harold owed him seventy million.

However, the fourth round was when Harold lost the most money. He helped Eugene form a pure

sequence, losing to the latter a whopping six hundred forty million.

After deducting Terrence’s debt of twenty-five million and the chips worth twenty million that Horington

Casino lent to Casper, Harold lost a total of seven hundred eighty-five million.

“Oh, I should be paying you a million, so the total will be seven hundred eighty-four million.”

Eugene was even merciful enough to give Harold a discount of a million.

“Does this guy have this much savings? Will he even pay us obediently?”

Casper was a little worried when he noticed that the staff of Horington Casino around them had placed

their fingers on the triggers of their guns.

Eugene stood up and cried, “Hmph! They’re nothing but dogs! We don’t have to fear them now that

their master has collapsed. Why would they want to engage in a gunfight with you when the customers

of Horington Casino are still around? Don’t make me laugh! They’re delighted to witness this old guy’s

fall! According to the rules, your boss lost more than seven hundred million to us, so this gambling

resort is officially bankrupt. You can step up now if you still wish to fight for this old guy. However, those

who are delighted can come to the ground floor and clap their hands. Whoever claps the loudest will be

offered one million.”

What happened next made Casper’s jaw drop. Eighty percent of Horington Casino’s staff came to the

ground floor to clap. The cacophony managed to even make the tables tremble slightly.

“F*cking hell.”

Casper wasn’t sure what to say about those people, so he could only swear to express his


“This is an age where wealth dictates everything.” Eugene snatched Harold’s cane away from him. “Go

on. Show us the way to your tiny vault. All gamblers are the same and will never trust banks. They

must have stashed their cash away.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Before that, let’s take everything to the counter where people exchange their chips for money on the

ground floor,” Casper suggested.

Both of them dragged Harold, who was drained of all strength, along to the counter on the ground floor.

There was still some thirty million in cash. Casper scratched his head as he thought about calling his

subordinates to come and retrieve the money, but his phone was left outside.

At that moment, Michael handed Casper’s phone back to him smilingly, seemingly having just taken it

from where it was kept.

Casper glanced at him in surprise. Despite feelings of disdain toward the latter, he praised, “Not bad.

You have a keen eye.”

After making the call, the other customers walked up to them. They wanted to return their chips and

leave the place as soon as possible.

Those customers were all privileged in some sense, so Casper figured he should best not offend them.

After taking a look at the thirty million on the floor, he instructed Gunther and two gunmen to exchange

the chips the customers held with the cash and put the remaining cash away if there were any left.

What followed was the most important part. The men of Firewolf Chamber of Commerce rushed into

the space, after which Casper led them to the third floor. There were a few rooms over there that were

either used for illegal gambling or money laundering, a surveillance room, as well as Harold’s office.

Although Harold kept on throwing a hissy fit along the way, it didn’t work on someone as heartless as

Eugene. In the end, Harold was forced to unlock his vault behind a hidden door. Casper estimated that

there should be ninety million worth of cash, gold, and diamonds.

Is that all? Casper heaved a sigh mentally, thinking that they perhaps wouldn’t be able to get back the

full amount Harold owed them. I think he might have purchased a yacht or stored more cash at home.

“Professional gamblers would only spend a tenth of their money on here. There must be more,” said


After spending another ten minutes dealing with Harold, Eugene finally managed to pry the location of

the second safe out of him. Casper nodded internally. Cunning people always have a backup plan for

everything. It’s expected of this sly fox to have two secret vaults.

There was a lot more loot in the second vault. There was almost twenty million worth of cash, a few

passbooks, and stock receipts.

“Didn’t you say gamblers don’t trust in these? Why does he have so many of them?” Casper made a

rough calculation. Damn! This is worth around six hundred million. Harold is capable of making money.

“Both parties are merely using each other,” Eugene replied after a brief pause.

Upon listening to Eugene’s words, Casper couldn’t help but feel like the former sounded rather proud.