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Becoming the Richest Man Alive

Chapter 277
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“Harold, can I borrow your lighter?”

Eugene sounded like he had phlegm stuck in his throat. Harold felt disgusted after hearing him speak.

Harold took out his own lighter, but before he could pass it over, Eugene had already reached over and

grabbed it.

Impatient b*stard. Contrary to his inner thoughts, Harold maintained a pleasant smile. “Eugene, if you

wish to smoke, you can come here in the future. I’ll grant you a special privilege that will allow you to

smoke in any zone.”

After lighting his cigarette, Eugene immediately slapped Harold’s lighter onto the table. “I won’t be

coming again. I’ll leave after I help this fellow behind me settle his debts,” Eugene said as he pointed at

Terrence who stood behind him.

When Harold heard the man’s words, his expression instantly changed. Just then, he noticed the chips

the man had in hand, and he grinned coldly. “I don’t think you will. Despite winning so much, I don’t

believe you’re doing all this just to help him pay his debts.”

Eugene flicked his cigarette onto the ground. “Can’t I lend a helping hand? Consider this my repayment

for the kindness he had shown me.”

Casper chimed in, “Well, I’ll be d*amned. For someone like you to intervene… How much does he


Eugene tapped the huge pile of chips before him. He previously had one and a half million before

winning another twelve million. Casper had lost eight million to him. The win from earlier had netted him

another half a million. Currently, the chips on the table added up to about twenty-two million.

He said, “His debt should be cleared with the three million I’ve just won. I’ll use these chips to pay off

his debt. We also came in with an additional one and half million.”

Casper pushed half of his own chips forward. “I’ll give this to you. Take the rest of the money and bet a

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few more rounds! If you lose, this will be mine. If you win, you are free to leave.”

Harold could no longer hold himself back. If the two of them continued on, he would be unable to profit.

All the advantages would go to Eugene.

Besides, he refused to let Eugene and Terrence leave just like that. He was going to milk the cow and

catch the cheater.

Just as Eugene reached out for the chips, Harold stopped him with his cane. “It’s boring if the two of

you work together. When the time comes, and the two of you are the last ones standing, there won’t be

any meaning to this round.”

Casper’s finger tapped the table rhythmically. “If you’re saying that, does that mean you’d like to join us,

Mr. Murphy? Sure, I don’t mind.”

Overjoyed, Harold said, “How about this? Let’s go to the VIP room on the third floor. No one will

interrupt us there.”

Eugene smiled. “You want me, a handicapped person, to enter a private room with all my winnings? A

room that is isolated from the public and filled with your subordinates? Forget it, Harold. I wish to live a

little longer. What if I gave you back all the chips? You can pretend I was never here.”

Obviously, Harold had no intention of doing so. Unless he intended for his casino to close down, how

could he possibly take the chips of a customer in plain view of the public? He would be shooting his

own business in the foot.

Harold smiled awkwardly. “Hey, now. What are you talking about? I was only trying to—”

“You brought up a good point. I quite like it here, and I do enjoy having an audience.”

Casper’s and Eugene’s partnership made things difficult for Harold. The latter glanced at the dealer.

The dealer could only signal “no” furtively. Eugene’s cultivation level was so high that his tricks did not

work on the former.

Despite that, Harold was a seasoned veteran. He had more tricks up his sleeve. “Then, how about

this? Let’s stop this game. Why don’t we play something else with simpler rules? I’ll take good care of


Hook, line, and sinker. The bait was set. Casper could not refuse this opportunity. “All right, I can’t keep

losing anyway. I want to win a few rounds too. What are you suggesting, Mr. Murphy?”

Eugene stroked his chin, deep in thought. He was considering if he should agree to Harold’s


At that moment, Casper started to feel somewhat nervous. Their plan was about to truly begin.

His thoughts went back to when they first discussed their plan of action. Everyone was gathered at the

Firewolf Chamber of Commerce.

According to Eugene and the information provided by Timothy, the owner of the casino, Harold Murphy,

was an old hand in the business. Harold was a ruthless man and his greatest weakness was greed. As

long as there was a large sum of money in front of him, they would be able to distract him.

Casper played the part of a gullible bait in order to deceive Harold. If Harold’s attention was on Casper,

the former’s vision would be narrow. They would be able to limit his moves.

Eugene’s and Terrence’s presence was necessary to stir up Harold’s negative emotions. They played

their parts and provoked the old man into gambling with Eugene.

“Firstly, there is no surefire method for constantly winning at the gambling table. Only cheating will

ensure a win. A casino is a place that is purely built for profit. They will definitely use various methods,

be it in tampering with their equipment, dealers, attendants, or even their customers. Those people are

like their hands and eyes. If we want a steady win, we need to take care of these factors.”

Casper immediately shook his head. “That’s impossible. Unless they agree to gamble with us at a

different location, that’s not possible.”

Eugene said, “It’s all right if we can’t. As long as their methods aren’t too sophisticated, I have my ways

to counter them. However, Harold will never let me continue my winning streak. He will definitely

suggest a different game.”

“We would need to build up a steady momentum and force Harold to give us a perfect environment

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without interference from his equipment and people. If he wants to win, he will definitely take the bait,”

Casper added.

“Baiting him should be easy. That is the second point I was about to bring up. How much would he be

willing to bet? How much would we walk away with? A person will sober up quickly if he loses too

much. If Harold comes to his senses midway and stops gambling with us, we will only be able to win a

small sum. Our aim is to swallow him whole!”

Gunther said, “Simple. All we need to do is to infiltrate the place. If he regrets and changes his mind

halfway, we can force him to hand over the money at gunpoint.”

“Then, what would be the point of the gambling? The whole point of sending you all in is to prevent us

from having a fallout with him. If we are going to rob him so openly, there would be no need for this

whole setup. We could have just worn masks and settled things with a fight.” Eugene disapproved of

Gunther’s suggestion.

Gunther went quiet as Eugene’s words made sense to him.

“Put yourself in his shoes. Imagine if you’re the owner of the casino and you own such a large asset.

Obviously, you won’t casually put everything on the line and bet your entire fortune,” Casper continued.

It wouldn’t be too bad if they were content with just winning a few million. Perhaps it was better if they

abandoned thoughts of cleaning the man out.

“You don’t understand gamblers. A gambler is always ready to lose everything at a moment’s notice,”

Eugene said as he took a puff of his cigarette. “I have a way to force him to bet his entire fortune. We

can bait him with the promise of a large profit. We can make him feel invincible and absolutely certain

of his win. Only then will he feel safe enough to bet all his assets.”

Back in the present, Harold was hooked. Now, they only had to wait and see if he bet everything with


Just then, Harold suggested that they swap to another game. He had obviously made preparations

beforehand. If Casper and Eugene went over, they were bound to be monitored.

Since Casper was playing the role of the sacrificial lamb, naturally, he agreed. They turned to look at

Eugene, awaiting his decision.