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Becoming the Richest Man Alive

Chapter 274
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Casper’s heart skipped a beat since ten million was not a small amount.

“How would they believe you if you don’t pay a little extra?” Eugene said.

Casper turned and was about to tell Gary to get the money, but Gary walked over instead and said to

Casper, “Boss, can you even believe that? You want to give him ten million even though he hasn’t been

with us for a day?”

“Never use someone that you won’t trust.” Casper believed in his own decision and told Gary to take

out the money.

Gunther pointed at Eugene. “I recognized you. You were on the mafia’s wanted poster in Crounga!

Wow, you’re really something to still be able to stay alive for this long.”

Eugene just pricked his ears. “I did go to Crounga once and won some money there, but that’s all I can


Gunther said to Casper, “Now I know where your confidence came from.”

Everyone tidied up when Gary came with the money and settled on a simple plan. Casper would be the

first bait as the rich man, Eugene and Terrence would be the second bait, whereas Gunther and a few

gunmen would just need to enter the venue.

It wouldn’t be safe if too many people were to go to the location that they would be going, so Casper

ordered the Firewolf Chamber of Commerce to ambush from outside and not to come in.

The group of people then boarded the car and headed off to Horington Casino. The casino was open

and aboveboard as well and was hidden behind a pub. The music outside had swallowed the cheering

sounds coming from the inside. Not only that but one needed to provide a code word to be able to enter

the gambling house. Someone would lead the way after that.

Casper hid everyone’s guns inside the pile of money. Based on what Eugene had said, no one would

ever suspect money.

With that, Eugene and Terrence entered the place first. The pub was quite big. The monthly revenue for

this place should be around millions, but the casino inside would make the most money. That was the

real money squandering business.

Casper was carrying two big briefcases filled with money when he entered, and the total amount of

money combined would be eight million. One hundred and fifty thousand would be for Eugene, and the

other fifty thousand would be split three ways to Gunther and the two gunmen. They needed to gamble

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as well so that no one would suspect them.

There were many people in the pub, and the volume of the music was loud. There were also many

people with different hair colors dancing on the dance floor. Casper looked around and quickly found

the meet-up point that Terrence had mentioned.

However, just as he was planning to go over, his hand was grabbed by someone.

“Casper?” A woman’s voice sounded from behind him.

Casper’s heart skipped a beat with that. He never thought that there would be people he would know

here. He just lowered his head and said, “You got the wrong guy.” After that, he carried his two huge

briefcases and walked into the crowd.

The woman pulled on Casper’s belt after that. He was in a crowded area as well and was carrying two

huge briefcases. So, he couldn’t really break free even if he had the power to.

“Who are you?” He looked back, annoyed. He was already rolling his eyes in his mind. Isn’t this Emily,

Sarah’s aunt? I even pretended to be her boyfriend once.

Emily’s eyes gleamed. “It’s really you! Casper, you actually came to a place like this!” She was wearing

a low-cut and short tank top. Casper almost lost his mind when he saw the cleavage.

“I have something to do, so I can’t be with you now. Can you let go of me?” Casper said.

Emily’s face fell when she heard that. The happiness she felt instantly disappeared. “What? Do you not

like me that much? Am I even scarier than the devil? Why are you running away from me?”

This damn woman! I’m trying to earn money, so stop wasting my time! They already went in!

Casper was getting anxious now. There was no way he could hit her, and he couldn’t hit anyone

anyway with the suitcases he had with him now.

Emily was still pressuring him. “I have a great body and a beautiful face, but I can’t believe you dislike

me because I’m older? Didn’t you know that older women are more experienced?”

Emily was really trying her best since she would usually already be throwing a fit if someone dared

mention her age. However, in front of Casper, she was trying her best to attract his attention.

Casper didn’t give a damn about her. What is wrong with this woman? Why is she constantly looking

for me? Is it my fault that I’m too attractive? I wonder what type of guy would make a woman lose

interest in them.

Then, Casper unexpectedly saw a woman dressed in gender-neutral clothes. With that, he thought of


Well… Here goes nothing!

Casper gritted his teeth. “Stop annoying me. Truth be told, I’m not interested in women.”

Emily was stunned to hear that, but she immediately retorted, “There’s no way! You stared at my body

for a long while when we first met!”

“Please, that was all an act, okay? Sis, let’s not waste each other’s time.”

Casper’s “sis” scared Emily, and she immediately let go of his hand. He quickly walked into the crowd

after that, leaving Emily behind, dumbfounded. Her eyes seemed to have lost some light as well.

Casper squeezed out from the crowd and walked to a door in the pub. However, two men stopped his

path and asked, “What are you doing?”

Casper was wearing a cheap-looking shirt and a pair of jeans. He was also carrying two huge boxes,

so the two men thought that Casper was here to fix something.

“On the night sky of the North, there’s a cloud. The crow slips into a group of phoenixes.”

He provided the secret code. Eugene laughed the entire day when Casper first said the code out loud.

Eugene even said that the owner of the gambling house was uneducated since this code was mostly

used by gangs when they were robbing. But now, it had become a passcode to enter the gambling


Both the men exchanged glances after that since the secret code was correct. Without even looking at

his face, they started checking every part of him, starting with his hands. They needed to make sure

that Casper wasn’t bringing any weapons or surveillance equipment with him.

However, what Casper didn’t know was that Emily was actually following behind him. She used her gut

feeling to look for him and saw two men touching Casper’s body.

She was so shocked that she covered her mouth. Due to what Casper had told her just now, the scene

that she was looking at now had a completely different meaning to her.

Not only that but especially when one of the men was checking on Casper’s lower parts. “What now? I

didn’t bring any weapons with me,” Casper said.

The man’s hands remained on Casper’s butt as he replied, “You didn’t know? This is a good place to

hide weapons. So, we need to have a thorough check here.”

Emily just felt like she had eaten something disgusting as she retreated a few steps back. She couldn’t

believe that Casper was someone like that.

“Weapons? There? Blargh!”

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She quickly ran into the toilet.

After that, Casper kicked the man away from him. “Move! I’m here to enjoy myself, not to be touched by

any of you!”

Casper immediately opened up his briefcase, and the two men were stunned to see the number of

banknotes in the case.

Casper even took out ten thousand and threw it on the man’s face.” Let me in, now! Or I swear your

boss will beat you to death when I tell him!”

The two men quickly let Casper pass through the door. They didn’t even bother checking the box

anymore since the money was real. Naturally, they wouldn’t dare stop any businesses for the gambling


Casper managed to successfully enter the door. He had to walk a long walkway before he arrived at

Horington Casino. He finally got to see what it really looked like.

Horington Casino was even bigger than the pub outside. There were three floors, and each floor was

flooded with people. It looked bigger than the gambling house Dragon and Tiger Gang had. This

gambling house would be considered luxurious as well if it was in Marsingfill.

Casper did not have his phone, but both him, Gunther, and the gunmen would be meeting in the

restroom. He then walked into the restroom with the briefcases. They did not notice any surveillance

cameras there, but they were still careful, acting like they didn’t know each other. They passed the gun

around under the gap in the toilet cubicle.

To prevent suspicions, they even went out of the toilet in order, and Casper would be the last one to get


Based on what Eugene had said before, Eugene would only need one hour to attract everyone’s

attention in the gambling house onto him. Casper and Gunther would be able to locate him by then.

Casper then looked at his watch. Phones weren’t allowed in the casino, but expensive mechanical

watches were allowed because it would be easier to spot if any surveillance devices were installed in

the watch. Not only that, but the watch was expensive as well and could be used as collateral in times

of need. Casper bought a few watches like these at the last minute just for occasions like these.

Casper quickly walked out of the toilet after forty-five minutes had passed and went to the first floor to

change his money for chips at the counter. He took out eight million to be exchanged, and the person

behind the counter was shocked to see that. After the person had checked the money with a currency

detector, he then gave Casper eighty chips worth one hundred thousand each. However, after Casper

left, the man quickly took out his phone and dialed a number.