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Becoming the Richest Man Alive

Chapter 255
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Casper was not surprised to hear the story. Even though the streetlamp looked thick, it was hollow

inside. It was only filled with wiring cables and electrical parts. Thus, he knew that he was able to break

it with his leg as well. Nevertheless, it did not mean that Gunther was not an impressive man.

Therefore, Casper assumed that the man would have the same strength as he did.

Winston continued to tell his story. He said that when he saw Gunther had broken the streetlamp with a

kick, he admired the man very much. He had the intention to get to know Gunther. As such, he did not

go to find the purchaser. Instead, he followed them closely from behind. He wanted to see who was the

person that they had planned to beat.

“The smaller man took Gunther to an abandoned construction site. Then, he took out a bag that was

filled with money. Understandably, Gunther’s eyes went wide when he saw it. As it was in the year

2011, the commodity prices were not as high as in the present day. Thus, it was estimated that the

small man had a few hundred thousand in his bag,” said Winston.

He then continued, “The man said ‘I will give you ten thousand. If you win this fight, I will give you

another ten thousand. You are worth the price.’ Then, he took out a wad of cash and put them in

Gunther’s hand.”

Winston went on to tell Casper that after Gunther put the cash in a pouch on his waist, he picked up a

steel bar from the ground next to him, intending to use it as a stick.

The man who had promised to meet the small man had arrived. However, the man had brought a group

of people with him. On the other hand, the small man only had Gunther with him. They were very

different in terms of height and width. One was tall, and the other was short. One was muscular, and

the other was thin. The scene looked ridiculous and funny.

Shortly afterward, the group of people did not think the situation was funny anymore. Holding the steel

bar in his hand, Gunther struck some people with it. Then, he took two batons from their hands. He

swirled the batons before he struck the people. It looked as if he was a predator entering a den of prey.

When the fight had ended, there were at least five wounds on his body. On the other hand, no one from

the other group was able to stand up. Gunther wanted to leave after he had taken twenty thousand as

a reward. The small man intended to make Gunther stay, but he refused.

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Meanwhile, Winston said he continued to follow Gunther from behind. After the latter had received the

money, the first thing that he had done was not to treat his injuries. Instead, he went to the bar to drink

wine. He drank until he was drunk and unconscious.

Winston brought him to the hospital. The next day, Gunther opened his eyes and found he was lying on

the bed in a VIP room. There was a thick bundle of cash in front of him. He guessed that it had to be

more than five hundred thousand.

“I said to him, ‘If you work for me, all of this is yours,’ the moment he woke up,” said Winston.

That was how Gunther ended up working for Winston. The latter was supposed to acquire an ancient

lamp that day. However, the seller refused to sell it to him because he did not show up. The moment he

arrived home, Tony was already waiting to reprimand him. However, his anger subsided in an instant

when he saw Gunther who stood behind Winston.

From that day onward, Gunther became the bodyguard for the Lanes.

Casper was captivated by the interesting story. He realized that Gunther was a mysterious person.

“Indeed, Mr. Lane is very good at judging people. Thus, it is not a surprise that he would immediately

know that Gunther would be an excellent subordinate the moment he saw Gunther.”

“Grandpa had said before that people and antiques are very similar. There are some people that you

can see through with just one glance. On the other hand, there are people that you need to look at

slowly in order to find out what kind of person they are. Gunther is the former. His aura is very striking.

With just a look, you know that he is someone special,” Winston explained.

As Winston and Casper were deeply absorbed in their conversation, they did not notice that there was

a commotion outside. The moment they noticed it, they went out in a hurry after exchanging looks.

Victoria was standing in front of a display cabinet. At the same time, a middle-aged man was also

standing in front of the cabinet. If one were to look at him, they would notice that he was not harboring

good intentions. As he was shouting loudly, he attracted the attention of many people.

“What’s the matter?” Casper approached Victoria. Upon seeing him, Victoria smiled. She looked like

she was not bothered by the man’s conduct.

Taking out a hammer, the man said, “It’s a fake antique. This is an antique forgery! I want to smash it!”

Victoria’s two subordinates quickly grabbed his hand so that he could not move.

She assumed that he was there to create a commotion. “If he is looking for trouble, take him outside.

Remember to throw him further away. Don’t let him come back here.”

It was only then that Casper managed to look at the antique the man claimed to be a forgery. It was an

enamel glass. His expression changed immediately after he gave it a brief scan.

Noticing his odd expression, Victoria asked calmly, “What’s the matter, Casper? Is there a problem?”

Discreetly, he nodded. “It’s a forgery by Francis. It looks like the group has targeted you from long ago,

Ms. Stalling.”

They understood what had happened in an instant. It was obvious that the man was there to extort

money from them.

The man released himself from the grasp of the two subordinates. “Hah! I can’t believe that Victoria’s

Chamber is a place for crooks as well. Look at the glass. Can you see the inside-”

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Casper. “Wow! This is really an antique forgery.

It’s good that you can see it!”

The crowd who had gathered there were stupefied. What is happening here? Is it really antique


Catherine was also there watching the commotion. She then said coldly, “What is this gibberish? You

haven’t learned enough. This enamel glass is decorated delicately using the cloisonné technique. How

can you say that it’s fake? Are you with the man?”

As Tony had been deceived by Francis before, the former did not dare to say anything. Instead, he

merely walked forward to have a better look at the glass. Then, he caught Casper’s glance. It dawned

on him immediately. Pretending that he had also known that it was fake all along, he said, “This is

unfortunate. Ms. Stalling, you have a fake antique here in Antique Fair.”

It was better for him to tell the harsh truth than for an outsider to tell it. Moreover, it was better when

one turned themselves in rather than being caught in the act. The punishments differed tremendously.

Waving her fan lightly, Victoria said, “I’ve made a mistake today. I can’t believe that there’s a fake

antique in Victoria’s Chamber. It’s my misjudgment. Let me smash the glass into smithereens.”

The man who was looking for trouble was dumbfounded. I haven’t even said anything. Why are these

people eagerly admitting that it is a fake?

Catherine was even more stupefied. Using her cane, she walked up to them slowly. “Are you crazy?

How can this enamel glass be fake?”

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Many people were gathered there. Most of them were people who had dwelt in the antique community

for so many years. They also had good skills. Thus, they were in doubt as well. Even if we haven’t

inspected the glass closely, we can’t see that there’s any problem with it.

After wearing a pair of gloves, Catherine took out the enamel glass from the cabinet. Then, she said,

“Have you misjudged it as well, Mr. Lane? Everyone, please look at it closely. How can this be a fake


The man sneered. “It’s obvious that you aren’t able to see anything. You don’t have the skill to see it.

Give it to me. Let me teach you how to find the marks for an antique forgery.”

Catherine’s expression darkened all of a sudden. She was angry that the man had said she was not an

expert in the area. Catherine was widely known to be an appraisal expert in Horington. Otherwise, she

would not be the head of the Yaeger family.

“If you can’t find it, I won’t let you off easily.” She gave the glass back to him. Unperturbed, the man

took it. Then, he widened his eyes and looked for the markings of an antique forgery.

Casper scrutinized his movement closely. With a low voice, Casper said to Victoria, “The person is an

expert in forgery. Thus, someone must have told the man that this thing was fake. If you look at him

closely, it is obvious that he is looking for the markings that they had told him about.”

She nodded. Glancing at Catherine briefly, Victoria noticed that the latter’s expression had darkened.

Then, she said, “It’s good that Old Mrs. Yaeger has come out to help us. If she can’t see that it is an

antique forgery, we can’t be at fault for possessing it. But I’m worried about my reputation. It going to be

ruined. After all, Victoria’s Chamber has never sold a fake antique.”

Casper nodded as well. It was something that they could not prevent as the risk would always be there.

Not one antique dealer would dare to say that they did not have any fake antiques in their shop.

Moreover, antique forgery had become an “art” in modern society.

The man had found the markings that the person had told him about. Thus, he gave the glass to

Catherine while pointing at the marking.

In a thoughtful way, Tony offered his high-powered magnifying glass to her. At that time, members of

the Yaeger family surrounded them. They were afraid that the man would run away. However,

Catherine’s expression turned odd after looking at the spot with the magnifier.