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Becoming the Richest Man Alive

Chapter 211
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Once Casper had given Jeremy the instructions, he lay in bed, wanting to get some rest, but he could

not. He was bothered by how Giselle acted a few days ago.

Ever since I’ve confessed to her, she seems to be keeping a distance from me. He was afraid that

Giselle would cut off ties with him and reject him totally. Therefore, he could not bring himself to meet

up with her earlier.

“Casper, you’re back! I haven’t seen you for two days. What have you been up to?”

Felix greeted Casper as soon as he entered the dorm.

“There’s a lot going on in my life right now. It keeps me occupied.”

Casper scratched his head and glanced at Felix, who looked radiant and blissful.

“Look at you… How silly can a man in a relationship look?”

Casper teased him although he was actually slightly jealous of Felix and Wendy. How sweet it is for two

people who truly love each other to be together! That’s the best thing that could ever happen to


“Isn’t it the same for Giselle and I? We both have feelings for each other. So, why can’t we be


Casper grew upset at that thought. All of a sudden, he felt that he had countless things to say to

Giselle. Unexpectedly, he stood up and startled Felix.

“What happened to you, Casper? Are you sick?”

Concerned, Felix touched his friend’s forehead.

“I’m fine. I’ll get going now.”

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Fueled with energy again, Casper became like a different person as he dashed out of his dorm.

He jogged all the way to Giselle’s hostel. Upon, arriving, he sent her a text message: Ms. Clauder, I’m

here to see you. Then, he waited patiently for her to answer the door.

Giselle gave him a short reply: The door is opened. You may come in.

He pushed the door, only to realize that it had indeed been left open for him. Upon entering the hostel,

he found Giselle sitting there, staring blankly at her phone.

“Ms. Clauder, what are you looking at attentively?”

Casper approached her, all smiles. He leaned over and took a peek at her phone. Immediately, his

smile stiffened as he froze in front of Giselle, at a loss for words.

A photo on the phone screen showed a guy hugging a girl intimately. The girl was Elena, and the guy

was Casper.

“This was taken at Lingham Hotel the other day. Who’s this?”

Thinking hard, Casper could not identify who set him up. Elena was pretending to be my wife at that

time because she wanted to help me. I didn’t know someone took the picture intentionally and sent it to

Giselle! It must be one of Sawyer’s men. In that case, he has a lot of informants following me around.

Anyhow, none of these matters anymore. The most critical thing now is to explain these to Giselle.

“Gigi, let me explain.”

He only managed to speak a few words before Giselle cut him off. “Don’t call me that. Are you trying to

tell me that this picture is photoshopped? Don’t try to bluff me with a lame excuse.”

Casper nodded slowly. “Yes, this is a real picture, but there’s a reason behind what you saw.”

Giselle turned her head away, avoiding any form of eye contact with him. “Don’t try to make up stories,

okay? I didn’t expect you to be like that. A few days ago, I was still hesitating when you confessed to

me. I was afraid of not being good enough for you until I received this photo.”

This is really awful. How can I get out of this pit I’m in?

Casper could totally understand how Giselle felt. She refused to listen to his explanation because she

cared about him. She was not being ridiculous.

When any party of a true couple saw a photo of their partner showing affection to a person of the

opposite gender, no one would be sensible enough to calmly analyze the situation. The first response

revealed the true nature of their hearts.

“I don’t dare to listen to you anymore. I don’t know if you’re spewing any nonsense or are you telling the

truth. Maybe you’ve never been real to me all along.”

Tears streamed down Giselle’s face. Casper immediately tried to wipe it off for her but he was harshly

pushed away.

The man’s heart sank upon realizing how much Giselle hated him at that moment. Her push was full of

force and determination.

“Henceforth, we’ve got nothing to do with each other anymore. I’ll withdraw from your live streaming

platform and think of a way to return the money you’ve paid on my behalf.”

Wiping away her tears, Giselle was resolute.

Taking two steps backward, Casper’s heart shattered into a million pieces.

Each tear that rolled down her cheek was like a dagger that stabbed deep into his heart and soul.

There was no grief greater than when the heart died, and that was exactly how Casper felt.

“I understand, Ms. Clauder. I’ll prove my innocence. That person is merely my secretary, and

somebody set this up to frame me.”

He stared at Giselle in agony and left her one last message before shutting the door behind him. “Wait

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for my return.”

In a flash, he darted out of the building. Anyone who met him along the way avoided him in trepidation

as he was exuding a terrifying hostility against every living soul.

Going ballistic, he could not think straight anymore. He went to the hostel with anticipation but left with

a wretched heart. It’s all caused by that man named Sawyer!

Casper could tolerate him for messing with his hotel and even his reputation. However, he could not put

up with Sawyer sowing discord in his relationship with Giselle.

At that point, nothing else mattered. Casper could not care less about his personal development nor his

plan to generate ten times more assets. So what if I pass the test and earn myself mountains of gold

and silver? Are they comparable to Giselle? I can give up everything for her. F*ck you, Sawyer

Lingham! I’ll fight you to death today and make you beg for forgiveness in front of Giselle!

His eyes soon filled with murderous intent. Subsequently, he rushed back to his dorm to get a few

things and headed out of the campus.

“Sawyer, wash your neck clean and wait for me!”

He called Stallion, who answered in a high-pitched voice, “Anything, Boss?”

“Make use of the power of Firewolf Chamber and get me Sawyer’s location now.”

“Huh? What are you going to do, Boss?”

“Did you not understand what I’ve said? Locate Sawyer for me now!”

Stallion was stunned as he had never seen Casper act like that before. “Okay, okay, I’ll investigate it

right away and report back to you soon.”

Hanging up, Stallion passed the message to his fellow gang members to act on it. He patted his chest

to calm himself down, but he could not get rid of Casper’s loud yell that was still ringing in his ears.

“What did Sawyer do to make Boss blow his top?” he mumbled to himself.