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Becoming the Richest Man Alive

Chapter 207
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When Hanson woke up, he found himself bound with ropes and gagged with tapes. He was lying in a

corner of a dark room.

“You recovered pretty fast. If you woke any later, I would have splashed you with a bucket of cold

water,” Casper said indifferently.

He pulled a chair and sat down in front of Hanson.

“You’re the one who kidnapped me? What are you trying to do? Do you even know who am I? How


He could not finish his sentence the moment Casper stuffed a shoe into his mouth.

“Aren’t you a food blogger? Why don’t you comment on the taste of this shoe?”

Casper exerted more force, causing blood to gush out from the corner of Hanson’s mouth. Immediately,

the latter looked at Casper pitifully, pleading for mercy. Only then did Casper remove the shoe.

“What do you want from me? I’ll give it to you. Money? Tell me the amount, and I’ll collect it for you.

Please don’t harm me! We can discuss any terms you have.”

Within seconds, Hanson had turned into a coward. Though it was dreadful to see, his attitude had

made it easier for Casper to interrogate him.

“I only need some information from you. As long as you answer sincerely, I’ll guarantee that you’ll be

safe and sound. However, if you lie to me, the next thing that goes into your mouth won’t taste as nice

as this shoe.”

Casper’s stern warning sent a cold chill down Hanson’s spine.

“Please ask away. You can ask me anything. I swear to tell you everything I know.”

Casper was well pleased with the man’s cooperative behavior. Digging his ear, Casper asked, “Well, do

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you know the heir of Lingham Group, Sawyer Lingham?”

Hanson nodded heavily. “Yes, yes, I know him. I’ve crossed paths with the Linghams before.”

“For what reason?”

“Um… About that…”

“Hurry up and say it!”

A layer of powder from Hanson’s face dropped due to extreme shock when Casper yelled at him.

“When I… I was making videos in the past, the person in charge of the social media platform

introduced me to the Linghams. They saw my videos and wanted to discuss something with me.”

A cold glint flashed across Casper’s eyes. He lifted Hanson’s chin and questioned coldly, “What was it

about? Come clean with me.”

Hesitated, the man answered, “What is it that you’re trying to find out? If money is what you want, I

have enough to satisfy you.”

“Who wants your dirty money?”

Casper tilted his chin with one hand and stroked his face with another. Then, he slapped Hanson’s

mouth. “You’re a man. Why did you apply such a thick layer of powder on your face? Must you apply

make-up in the first place? Which guy are you trying to seduce?”

Casper snapped his fingers, and Jeremy appeared a moment later. Pointing at Jeremy, he said, “This

fellow over here has only one interest. He likes men. People have nicknamed him ‘The King of The

Queers.’ I see that you’re tired of hiding your little secret. Let this fellow give you a treat.”

Jeremy widened his eyes in disbelief. He was stunned to hear the new identity Casper had given him.

After seeing the man’s gesture, however, he immediately acted like one with a strong urge and started

unbuckling his belt.

“Thanks, man. I promise to let him have a once-in-a-lifetime experience.”

Hanson widened his eyes, terrified. He struggled to wriggle backward while shouting repeatedly, “No!

No way! I said no! Stop! Don’t come near me!”

Upon seeing how horrified Hanson was, a smug settled upon Casper’s face. “Then, tell me all about

the Lingham family. Oh, don’t you try to create any stories. If you do, I shall get my fellow man here to

help cure your constipation.”

Trembling in fear, Hanson contemplated between letting the cat out of the bag and getting sexually

harassed for two seconds. Finally, he made his decision. “Three years ago, I uploaded some videos on

the internet and gained some popularity. At that time, the person in charge of the social media platform

told me that the Linghams were looking for me. He told me that my time for fame had come.

“I thought it was a golden opportunity for me to climb up the social ladder, so I went to meet the

Linghams. Lo and behold, they were looking to enter the food industry and were looking for chefs. After

watching my videos, they thought I was a genius chef with impeccable skills. Thus, they wanted to

employ me as the head chef. The remuneration they offered was insane!”

He continued with a shaky breath, “However, I wasn’t the person who had come up with the cooking

techniques I taught in my videos. It was my ex-girlfriend, who knew nothing but cooking…”

Before Hanson could finish his sentence, Casper landed a tight slap on his face, which resulted in a

loud clap resonating in the room.

“If one more bad comment comes out from your mouth about Sheryl, I’ll punch out all of your teeth.”

Casper was furious. How dare he say something like that!

Right then, Hanson finally understood Casper’s motive. He cried, “Oh no, did Sheryl send you to take

revenge on me? How much did she pay you? I’ll give you double.”


Hanson received another blow, and the prosthesis fitted in his nose was beaten crooked this time.

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Casper was stunned for a moment, then sneered at him, “You even did plastic surgery?”

“Nowadays, who doesn’t do it to change their fate? If it weren’t for my handsome face, would Sheryl

have been so loyal to me? Could I have attracted so many fans?”

Covering his face, Hanson vented out his frustration in front of Casper.

“I know I’m a scumbag for lying to Sheryl, but it was society’s fault for pushing me to take such a step. I

can’t stay with a woman who only knows how to cook. I’m a celebrity on the Internet who will meet all

the socialites. It’s impossible for Sheryl and I to have a future together.”

Enraged, Casper’s hands began shaking. He knows he’s a scumbag, yet he acts all righteous as if he’s

got a valid reason to do so. Caspar wanted to crush Hanson’s head so badly. Thankfully, Jeremy

stopped him. “Boss, it’s more important to question him about the matter.”

Upon hearing the advice, Casper reined his anger in. Pointing at Jeremy, he told Hanson, “With that

disgusting face of yours, you’ve cheated many times, right? You ought to tell me everything now.

Otherwise, my man here will insert his seven-inch weapon into you and let you feel the pain felt by all

those girls.”

Feeling glum, Hanson stammered out a reply, “I… I admitted to the Linghams that I don’t know how to

cook, but I wanted to cling on to them. Hence, I told them that my girlfriend was a rare gem — a genius

chef. They were very interested to employ Sheryl. In order to reflect the value of my existence, I shared

with them that I could help to connect them with her because she only listens to me.”

Casper furrowed his brows. “This was different from what I heard.”

Hanson quickly justified himself, “The matter did go off track. She caught me going out with another


Casper nodded as he pieced the puzzle in his head. “Sheryl found out that you betrayed her and

refused to listen to you anymore. However, you couldn’t explain that to the Linghams. Therefore, you

came up with such a vicious idea!”