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Becoming the Richest Man Alive

Chapter 194
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On the flip side, Casper rolled his eyes as he stared at the annoying couple, anticipating what they

would dare do to him.

“Why are you covered in wine, Casper? Did you get refused of somebody’s leftovers?” Charlie mocked

while Kitty looked him up and down in disgust.

It seemed like every time she met Casper, she was reassured again and again that leaving him was the

right choice.

“Poor people are indeed nothing but a speck of dirt. I’m so glad I left him.”

Letting out an internal sigh, Casper wondered what they would gain from doing this.

It would be fine if they were messing with other people. Unfortunately, bumping into him was like

signing their own death warrant because he definitely would not let them go that easily.

Casper might be a patient person, but he also had his limit. Moreover, he also had high self-esteem.

Getting ridiculed like that was unacceptable for him.

Extending his arm, he grabbed Charlie by his collar and pulled the man right in front of him so he could

stare at the man at eye level.

The latter struggled with all his strength, but no matter what, Casper’s strength was unmatched.

“Do you have a death wish? Let go of me!” demanded Charlie, yet he was not brave enough to look

Casper in the eye because the latter was emitting a cold aura. It was like he could stare right into

Charlie’s soul.

Lifting Charlie off the ground, Casper was about to say something when he felt Kitty hitting him with her


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“Let go of him, Casper! What are you trying to do?”

The woman behaved wildly. Though her attacks had little impact on him, her behavior reminded him

that she was just that — a savage, manic b*tch.

Casper watched as she acted like a buffoon and could not believe that he used to pour his heart out for

her before.

What a f*cking joke. Why am I so affected by people like them? I am different. If I want to make it big, I

need to learn to be tough.

Bearing that thought in mind, he let go of Charlie before spitting, “Stay away from me if you meet me

next time. Otherwise, don’t even think about setting your foot in this hotel again!”

Charlie was so intimidated by Casper that he didn’t dare to say anything. However, Kitty refused to

back down. “Look at yourself in the mirror before talking, Casper. What status do you have to decide

whether Charlie can come here or not? I thought you had actually bought over Tycoon, but judging by

your appearance now, you apparently didn’t.”

“Whether I bought over Tycoon isn’t your business, now is it?” sneered Casper. “Didn’t you leave me

because of money? You wouldn’t like it if you find out how much I have now, so I suggest you keep

your nose out of this.”

Upon hearing this, the woman grew increasingly furious as she pointed at Casper. “You’re obviously

bluffing. I mean, your clothes are enough to show us how poor you are, yet you’re claiming you have

money? Keep on dreaming!”

Meanwhile, Sharon was eavesdropping on their entire conversation.

Huh. She dumped this scumbag because he’s poor? This woman isn’t all that good either.

Despite that thought, her impression of Casper had not changed one bit.

At this moment, Elena had arrived with the shopping bag consisted of Casper’s new suit. She had

figured that the man would clean the stain in the restroom, so she came here, only to see Sharon

dressed in a chef’s uniform, eavesdropping on something.

“What are you doing?” she asked with a frown.

Embarrassed for getting caught spying at the restroom door, Sharon’s face turned a shade redder. She

then grabbed hold of Elena before uttering, “Perfect timing, Elena! That scumbag is quarreling with his

ex-girlfriend inside. You can see his true colors now.”

Seeing that the woman was repeatedly trying to target Casper, Elena grew a little annoyed as she pried

Sharon’s hand off of her. “I don’t know what you’re up to, but my boss isn’t a scumbag. Stop

badmouthing him in front of me!” she hissed coldly.

With that said, she entered the restroom, leaving Sharon alone outside.

“What a stubborn woman!” Sharon spat. “She’s just like Sheryl! Don’t say that I didn’t warn you when

you get dumped!”

Inside the restroom, when Elena noticed how Kitty was pestering Casper, she immediately stood

between them, blocking off the assaults.

“Sorry I’m late, Mr. Simpson. Here’s the suit I bought you. Since we don’t have that much time, I was

only able to buy these cheap products. Please forgive me.”

Hearing how Elena addressed Casper, Kitty scrutinized the other woman up and down, noticing that

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her aura, as well as her attractiveness, were more remarkable than her.

Why is someone like her with Casper? In an instant, jealousy traveled through Kitty’s veins, especially

since the woman was better than her in every aspect.

“Who’s this? Your whore?”

Ignoring Kitty, Casper nodded at Elena before taking the bag from her hand and entered the man’s

cubicle to change his clothes.

In the meantime, Charlie’s eyes lit up when they landed on Elena. He had a feeling that he had seen

her somewhere, as she felt familiar to him.

Unbeknownst to him, Kitty was staring at him as his eyes never left Elena. Seeing this, Kitty became

even more jealous. “Why are you staring at her? We don’t even know where Casper met this whore! If

you also fancy a whore, then go find one!” howled the woman while pulling on Charlie’s shirt.

“Watch your mouth,” he warned, face turning dark. “If I remember correctly, this woman is a high

executive in Tycoon. I met her before.”

“I’m Mr. Simpson’s secretary,” replied Elena as she examined the couple unhappily. “My boss has

always stayed low-key. That’s why he’s dressed like that. As his secretary, I’ve failed to perform my

duty well, so I ask the both of you to stop messing with him. After all, you and Mr. Simpson are from

two different worlds.”

Disliking what she had heard, Kitty’s rage increased as she lifted a finger at Elena. When the latter was

about to say something, Casper, who was busy changing, beat her to it.

“Ms. Schneider, if she dares to be rude to you, just call the lawyer and have him sue her,” exclaimed

the man as he strolled out from the cubicle. Since he was now wearing the newly bought suit, his

temperament had changed drastically.