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Awakening The Weakest Talent: Only I Level Up

Chapter 1093: 1093 Sparring
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Chapter 1093: 1093 Sparring

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation      Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Ignoring the bewildered gazes of the queue, Lu Yu and Hu Zhan made a beeline for the pavilion. They bypassed the disgruntled group and entered, prompting a flurry of shouts.

“Hey! What’s the big idea? Back of the line!”

“Don’t you know smanners? There’s a queue here!” “Uncultured swine! Doesn’t even respect the order!”

“Someone get them out of here; they’re bothering Miss Jiang!”

Jiang Ling, startled by the commotion, whipped her head around. Her breath caught in her throat as her eyes landed on Lu Yu. His striking features were undeniably captivating.

“Who are you?” She demanded, her voice laced with indignation. “Why do you barge in uninvited?” Read Web s Online Free - Fire Fire -

The outburst drew more attention. The queue erupted in a chorus of disapproval.

“Wait your turn in line!”

“Line jumpers! That’s not how it works here!”

“He thinks he’s above us? What a jerk!”

Jiang Ling rose to her feet, momentarily speechless at the sight of Lu Yu.

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“Alright, everyone settle down,” she finally managed, her gaze fixed on Lu Yu.

“May I know why you’re here?”

“I chere under the impression you’re one of SkyplCity’s most talented individuals,” Lu Yu explained. “I’m curious about your specific talents.”

“Why do you need to know?” Jiang Ling countered defensively. “Is it any of your business?”

“Well,” Hu Zhan interjected with a nervous chuckle, “it’s like this. This gentleman here is also a prodigy. He seems to think the ‘genius’ label is a bit excessive for you. He just… isn’t convinced.” Lu Yu shot him a withering glance. “Mind your words, Hu Zhan!”

Hu Zhan scratched his head sheepishly.

“You want to know about my talent, then listen up! I possess an innate ability to tbattle pets. Most animals have an almost preternatural affinity for me. All my battle pets are tamed willingly, without any force involved. Does that impress you?”

Lu Yu crossed his arms, a hint of skepticism in his voice. “So, this talent alone makes you a genius?”

“Well,” he conceded, “the strength of a talent matters, of course. A powerful talent can make you incredibly strong. And extraffinity is undeniably rare.”

“However,” he continued, his tone turning arrogant, “compared to me, it pales  in comparison. I can tany battle pet I set my mind to, no matter how resistant it might be. My strength compels them into submission.”

Jiang Ling couldn’t help but scoff. “Quite the boastful claim, wouldn’t you say?”

The onlookers outside the pavilion burst into laughter.

“Such arrogance! Who says things like that? So full of himself!”

“He must be a good actor. Taming any animal with just force? Talk about absurd!”

“Even our City Lord, the strongest man in SkyplCity, wouldn’t dare make such a claim. And you have the audacity to spout such nonsense? Pathetic!”

Unfazed by the jeers, Lu Yu puffed out his chest with unwavering confidence. “I have the power to back up my words.”

Jiang Ling, ignoring Lu Yu for a moment, turned her head toward a figure clad in black leaning against a pillar outside the pavilion.

“Seems like empty threats,” she remarked dismissively. “You can’t even defeat my bodyguard, yet you claim brute force can tanything? Laughable, truly.”

Lu Yu followed her gaze and landed on the black-clad figure.

“Is that so?” He challenged. “Then letprove it. Letfight him.”

The moment the words left his lips, the room fell silent. A low murmur of shocked whispers rippled through the crowd.

“This guy’s crazy! Challenging Jiang Lings bodyguard to a duel? He’s asking for a beatdown!”

“Must be new in town. He has no clue how strong her guards are. Poor guy.” “He’s doomed! Doesn’t he realize he’s about to get pummeled?”

The black-clad figure, a sneer twisting his lips, sauntered towards Lu Yu. “So you were the one boasting just now, itching for a spar, weren’t you?”

“Indeed,” Lu Yu confirmed. “A duel to see who stands stronger.”

The man in black threw his head back and boomed with laughter. “Bold words for someone about to face a beatdown. If we fight, understand that I won’t hold back. Should you get accidentally crippled, or worse, don’t blme. The fault lies entirely with your own weakness.”

Lu Yu, unfazed, simply shook his head and smirked. “Alright, seems you’re brimming with confidence. Let’s begin, then.”

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Jiang Ling, her competitive spirit ignited, pumped her fist at the black-clad figure. “Crush him! Show him the power of the Jiang household!”

“Rest assured, Miss,” the man in black pledged. “This rude fellow won’t receive an ounce of mercy.”

With a predatory glint in his eye, he gestured towards Lu Yu. “Follow me. There’s an open space nearby, perfect for a brawl.”

“But wouldn’t damaging these flowerbeds be a bother?”

“Nonsense! Flowers can be replanted,” the man in black scoffed. “Besides, a proper thrashing is necessary in order to salvage the Jiang family’s reputation.

Otherwise, who knows what these onlookers will think?”

“Very well, let’s not delay any longer,” Lu Yu conceded, a hint of impatience creeping into his voice.

The two men strode toward the flower field, their movements drawing the attention of Jiang Ling and her group of suitors, including the newly arrived Young Master Liu.

Hu Zhan sidled up to Jiang Ling, his voice laced with concern. “Miss Jiang, I may be a member of the royal hunting team, not of high standing, but surely that grantsthe right to a conversation?”

Jiang Ling offered a curt nod. “Of course. Royal affiliation demands a certain level of respect.”

“Excellent,” Hu Zhan continued, leaning in conspiratorially. “This Lu Yu… he’s no ordinary man. He possesses immense power. There’s a chance he might overpower your bodyguard, especially if your guard gets too arrogant and underestimates him.”

A peal of laughter erupted from Jiang Ling’s lips. “Hu Zhan, you underestimate my bodyguard’s strength. There’s no need forto be familiar with your companion’s abilities. As long as my guard remains focused, he should survive the encounter.”

Hu Zhan threw his hands up in exasperation. Her stubbornness left him speechless.

Meanwhile, on the flower field, the black-clad figure had already drawn his sword; its tip pointed menacingly at Lu Yu.

“Do I need to wait until you unleash your battle pet?”

“Before I embraced dragon taming,” Lu Yu countered, a steely glint in his eyes. “I was a master swordsman. In a swordfight, you might stand a fighting chance.”

With a flourish, he drew his Star Piercing Demonic Sword. The divine weapon’s blade pulsed with an otherworldly light, a chilling aura radiating outward.

The man in black felt a jolt of apprehension course through him. He gulped audibly, his bravado visibly diminishing under Lu Yu’s predatory gaze.

“Forget the battle pet,” Lu Yu declared, his voice dripping with icy finality. “You are no match for me, regardless..”