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Awakening The Weakest Talent: Only I Level Up

Chapter 1075 - 1075: 1075 Reporting the quest
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Chapter 1075 - 1075: 1075 Reporting the quest

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation      Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Chapter 1075 Reporting the quest

Lu Yu and Hu Zhan set Ott on their trek back to SkyplCity. They followed a narrow forest path, their steps leading them home.

Halfway through the journey, Hu Zhan broke the silence. “So, this quest is a failure, right? A bit of a rough start.”

Lu Yu offered a helpless shrug. “Technically, with enough effort, I could probably track it down. But it would be incredibly time-consuming.”

“Yeah, no point wasting ton a wild goose chase. Besides, the longer we search, the less likely we are to succeed.”

“At least we disrupted the enemy’s plans,” Lu Yu interjected, offering a silver lining. “That alone is a victory in its own right.”

Hu Zhan gave a slight nod of agreement. “Defeating the enemy is all that matters. Now, what do you think Zhao Qingya will have to say?”

Upon returning to SkyplCity, they made their way towards the villa district. Arriving at Zhao Qingya’s residence, Lu Yu spotted a figure seated in the courtyard.

As he approached, the figure cinto clearer view. A young woman with short hair, adorned in a long robe and shawl, stood up to greet them. “I’m Zhao Qingya’s assistant,” she introduced herself softly. “I’m here to gather information about the quest. Miss Zhao is currently occupied in her office and unavailable for a personal meeting.”

Lu Yu nodded in understanding. “No problem, we can handle this.”

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He launched into a detailed report. “We located the target—a Venomous Dragon, a true giant dragon with immense power. While capturing it alive proved impossible, we did manage to drive it off. It shouldn’t be able to return for quite stime.”

“Additionally, the Venomous Dragon had built a nest with eggs. If we monitor that location, we might catch it returning eventually.”

The assistant diligently recorded Lu Yu’s account in a leather-bound notebook. Pen poised, she captured every detail. Once finished, she excused herself. Tʜe source of this ᴄontent ɪs NovᴇlFɪre.nᴇt

“Thank you for your time. I’ll head back and report to Miss Zhao. Once she’s reviewed the quest details, she’ll provide instructions for your next steps.”

With that, she departed, leaving Lu Yu and Hu Zhan to watch her go before returning to the villa.

Inside, Jiang Xun was engrossed in a , his face etched with concentration.

“Any progress on taming the Frost Dragon?” Lu Yu inquired, approaching him.

Jiang Xun glanced up, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. “Uh, not yet… It’s proving a bit tricky, but I’m giving it my all!”

“Take your time,” Lu Yu assured him. “There’s no rush; you’re still new to this.” “Thanks; I’ll keep at it.”

“Sounds good. Carry on with your reading.” As Lu Yu turned to leave, Jiang Xun suddenly piped up.

“Hey, Big Brother Lu! I was wandering around the city today and overheard sfascinating stories. Want to hear them?”

Lu Yu paused, considering it for a moment. “Sure, tellabout it. What did you hear?”

Jiang Xun’s eyes sparkled with excitement. “So, I was walking through the city when this incredible team entered. It caused a huge commotion; everyone was cheering—they looked amazing!”

“I squeezed through the crowd to get a better look.”

“They were all decked out in white armor, with these red dragon patterns on it.

So majestic, like an elite army!”

He paused, clearly impressed by the sight.

“It sounds like you witnessed the SkyplCity Guard Army. Quite the spectacle, I imagine.”

Jiang Xun’s eyes widened. “That’s right, the city guards! I heard their captain is a famous hero in the city. What was his nagain…? Li Tianen! The whole place erupted when he appeared!”

“Someone revered as a hero by the entire city must have accomplished extraordinary feats protecting SkyplCity. Such a grand welcwouldn’t be given lightly,” Lu Yu mused.

“Do you know anything about this Li Tianen?” He turned to Hu Zhan.

“He’s a household nin SkyplCity. A prodigy since his youth, he joined the City Guard Army as an adult and made significant contributions, rising to fwithin their ranks.’

“His return likely signifies a mission report. The City Lord’s residence would be his first stop, followed by Zhao Qingya’s office.”

Hu Zhan elaborated, “Considering his mission involved capturing a dangerous dragon, it would fall under Zhao Qingya’s purview.”

Lu Yu nodded in understanding. “I see. Our paths probably won’t cross much, then?”

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“Not likely. Our work is largely independent. However, occasional assistance from the City Guards might be necessary for certain quests within SkyplCity.”

“That makes sense,” Lu Yu acknowledged, nodding slightly. “So, should we wait here for Zhao Qingya’s message?”

“Why wait cooped up here? It’s dull,” Hu Zhan countered with a suggestion.

Lu Yu turned to leave, ready to head out. “Alright, let’s go then. No point in sitting around.”

“Hold on,” Hu Zhan stammered, his previous enthusiasm waning. “Now that I think about it, she’s busy. Wouldn’t dropping by unannounced disrupt her work?”

Lu Yu eyed him curiously, a hint of amusement creeping in. “Are you afraid of your boss? What’s the big deal? Just go.”

“Who wouldn’t be a little apprehensive? Even though she’s not my direct superior, she’s well-acquainted with mine. If I get on her bad side, things will definitely get difficult for me.”

“Remember, as my subordinate, you can’t afford to offend her. One misstep, and your dreams of joining the royal family are dashed forever!”

“The only path to interacting with the royals is through steady progress.”

Lu Yu released a helpless sigh before nodding. “Alright, alright, I get it. But we still need to go. Don’t sweat it so much. Even if we interrupt her work, what’s the worst that could happen? I think she’s fairly reasonable.”

“That’s easy for you to say. She’s known for having a short temper with most people.”

“So, are we going or not?” Lu Yu pressed impatiently. Read Web s Online Free - Fire Fire -

“Fine, fine,” Hu Zhan conceded. “We’ll go, we’ll go. Lead the way.”

With Lu Yu in front, they exited the villa and headed towards the central office district of the city. The city’s offices were located within the sprawling manor of the City Lord. This grand estate encompassed numerous villas and apartments, housing a significant number of personnel who could work directly on the premises..