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As A Trash Collector, I Collected A Imperial Jade Seal

Chapter 762 - 762: Zhihong Chen’s Antique Store
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Chapter 762: Zhihong Chen’s Antique Store

Translator: 549690339

Zhihong Chen’s Antique Store

Feng Luo and Craftsman Zhao’s eyes were locked on the stranger named Albert. A tense atmosphere filled Tan Zhihong’s antique shop.

Albert’s voice was still cold. He seemed to cfrom another world, carrying an unpredictable danger.

He leisurely walked over and faced Feng Luo and Zhao Jiang with a mocking smile.

” The two of you have already attracted the attention of the Universal Guardian,” Albert repeated again, his voice carrying a hint of provocation.”

Now, we need to talk.”

Luo Feng exchanged glances. They understood that the situation was dangerous.

They had heard that the Universal Guardian was a mysterious organization, but this was the first tthey had personally met the members of this organization.

They had to be careful.

” We’re interested in the legends of the Heaven and Earth Pearl and the Universal Guardian,” Feng Luo replied firmly.” But we’re just investigating. We have no other intentions.”

“We hope to find sclues to solve the mystery,” Zhao Jiang added.

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If you have any information, we can cooperate.”

The corners of Albert’s mouth curled up into a deeper smile. He seemed to find their response funny.”

Cooperation? He smiled contemptuously.” You know that we, the Universe

Guards, never need the cooperation of outsiders.”

Luo Feng and Zhao Jiang’s expressions becserious. They knew that the members of this organization were extremely conservative and unwilling to share their secrets.

However, they would not easily back down.

” We’re just looking for sancient legends and historical clues,” Luo Feng tried to explain their purpose.” We’re not your enemies, and we won’t threaten you.”

Albert shook his head, as if he did not believe their words at all. His gaze suddenly becsharp, as if he could see through their souls.

” You know too much,” he suddenly said.” Moreover, your investigation has approached sareas that we cannot allow.”

Zhao Jiang’s expression changed slightly. He felt a sense of oppression gradually increase.

Feng Luo also clenched his fists, ready to face any possible challenge.

‘ We just want to find sclues,” Luo Feng emphasized again.” If we can get sinformation about the Heaven and Earth Pearl and the Universe Guardian, we can leave this place and not disturb you anymore.”

Albert was silent for a moment, then slowly nodded.

He seemed to be weighing something, considering whether to share sinformation with Luo Feng and Zhao Jiang.

“Alright,” he finally said, “I can tell you slegends about the Heaven and Earth Pearl, but this doesn’t mean that we, the Universal Guardian, will cooperate with you.

This is just a chance for you to know the truth.”

Luo Feng and Zhao Jiang heaved a sigh of relief. They knew that this was the best outcome.

They eagerly waited for Albert to continue.

” The legend of the Heaven and Earth Pearl is very old,” Albert began to explain.” It is said that it is a gem with extremely mysterious power.

This gem could control nature and change fate, but it could also cause disasters.

However, almost no one could find conclusive evidence.”

Zhao Jiang frowned. This legend sounded too mysterious, almost unbelievable.

However, they were already deeply trapped and could not retreat.

” We need more information,” Luo Feng asked.” Are there any clues about the history or activities of the Universal Guardian?”

Albert paused, then said, ‘”‘The World Guardians is a mysterious organization. It’s said that they guard simportant ancient relics.

There was little conclusive evidence of their existence.

However, they did have a deep background and resources.”

Luo Feng and Zhao Jiang exchanged glances. This information might be able to help them take a step forward, but they also realized that they were already sinking deeper and deeper, and the Universal Guards would not let them leave so easily.

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” Thank you for your information, Albert.” Luo Feng expressed his gratitude.” If you have any new clues or information, feel free to contact us.”

We’re just looking for the truth. We won’t becyour enemies.” Albert did not respond. His gaze was still sharp, as if he was observing their every move.

Then, he suddenly turned around and walked out of the antique shop with resolute steps, disappearing into the crowd on the street.

Luo Feng and Zhao Jiang heaved a sigh of relief. They knew that this encounter might only be a moment of balance, but they also knew that they were closer to solving the truth of the mystery.

In the next few days, Feng Luo and Zhao Jiang continued their investigation, trying their best to find clues about the Heaven and Earth Pearl and Universe Guard.

They dug deep into historical documents and searched for ancient legends, but they could only obtain sscattered information.

However, their efforts gradually attracted more attention.

Strangers began to appear around them. They felt that a hidden force was secretly watching them.Follow current s on ɴovᴇl(F)ɪre.ɴet

Luo Feng and Zhao Jiang’s daily lives began to beccomplicated and dangerous.

They shuttled back and forth between antique shops, libraries, and historical sites, looking for clues about the Heaven and Earth Pearl and the Universe Guardian.

Every tthey discovered new information, they would inevitably feel nervous because they knew that their investigation had attracted more attention.

CPS: I’ve updated 5000 words for everyone today. The author only went to bed

at 2 0’clock.

The author had worked so hard, but there was nothing he could do about it. Grandma’s diabetes was getting worse, and she had to take medicine to lower her blood sugar. How many hundreds? Because the test was inconvenient, he had to buy a blood sugar meter, which cost a few hundred yuan. It was really too difficult. One old and one young, living in this heartless world. Please vote for us.

Sigh. In fact, everyone knew that this book was a flop, but the author still disregarded his life and continued to update thousands of words every day. If he wasn’t in a hurry to get money, then what was he?

Cry, cry, cry, cry! I feel terrible. Can everyone givesrecommendation votes and stips? The author really needs them. Thank you. Dear little cuties, givea special gift!

As for this book, everyone can rest assured. It will continue to be written in a very enjoyable manner. There won’t be any other uncomfortable plots. Everyone believes in the author. The author can still do it. Your recommendation tickets, your monthly votes, your tips, if you can give the author, you can give him a tip. Thank you. Your support is my motivation. I am really grateful to you. For your support during this period of time, the author will continue to write well. After all, your recommendation votes will be refreshed every day. If you don’t vote, it will be a waste. Therefore, everyone should vote for me. I thank everyone! Also, the author needs tips. If you vote for the author, the author will remember you. Everyone’s support is what the author needs! Finally, thank you, everyone.. Thank you so much!]