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And The Daddy Is… The Infertile Guy?!

Chapter 234
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Chapter 234 Valor rocked up to Gwendolyn's place with the back of his Cadillac sagging under the weight of dozens of gift boxes, a grand gesture to celebrate her return from a trip to the countryside retreat of Honeysuckle Hollow.

Each box was a treasure trove of luxury, morels, ginseng, and rare herbs, the finest money could buy.

He strode in, his cheeks flushed with health, decked out in a loud floral shirt, the picture of success. Valor had shaken off his secret ailments and was now walking on air. In the high-rolling social circles of Bayridge City, the gossip mills churned with tales of Valor's escapades.

With his wealth, charm, and carefree nature, he had beca favorite in the social club scene.

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Gwendolyn surveyed the extravagant botanical bounty sprawled across her floor and tried to decline the gifts, "Mr. Peterson, this is too much. Please, take them back." "No can do," he boomed with a grin that stretched ear to ear, "When I give a gift, it stays given. Besides, I handpicked these for you." Valor, for all his personal peccadillos, was known to honor his debts.

"Just accept it," Howard chimed in, taking charge and graciously accepting the gifts on her behalf.

Valor laughed heartily, "I swung by to spill sjuicy news too. The Walker family has hit a streak of bad luck." The Peterson family and the Walker family were titans clashing in the real estate arena, engaging in petty corporate skirmishes like sabotaging each other's potted plants with scalding water or cutting intecables, and it was all part of the game.

But the Walker family's misfortune was the Peterson family's delight.

He leaned in, lowering his voice for effect, "Word is, Candy's been implicate in a murder-for-hire plot and got hauled in by the cops. On her way to the station, she had a car wreck and broke her right arm and ended up with a case of Bell's palsy." A broken arm made sense, but Bell's palsy? Gwendolyn and Howard exchanged a knowing look. Valor was blissfully unaware that the very agents of Candy's misfortune were seated right before him.

Valor crowed, "They say the hospital's best can't fix her. It seems like sdivine justice to me." Gwendolyn was at a loss for words, feeling awkward, while Howard gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. "Howard, do you think the Walkers crossed someone? Who could pull this off?" Valor furrowed his brow, contemplating their own vulnerability, "Do you think they'd cafter the Petersons too?" "No," Howard replied, his voice cool and sparing.

Valor was about to delve deeper into his theories when Marina announced loudly, "Mr. and Mrs. Chadwick, the Walkers are here." Right on cue.

"What do they want now?" Valor mumbled, confused.

1/2 10:20 Chapter 234 The Walkers, trailing behind their gifts, a collection that paled in comparison to Valor's thoughtful offerings, made their entrance. Mrs. Walker supported Candy, who was stunning despite the bandages on her arm and the droop to one side of her face. She stood eye to eye with Valor, quite the presence at five-foot-nine.

"Mr. Chadwick, Mrs. Chadwick," Mrs. Walker began, her voice laced with forced cheerfulness. “I've brought my disobedient daughter to apologize." Candy sobbed, "Gwendolyn, I'm so sorry. I only asked Jack to take those private photos, I never told him to hire a hitman or to rob. I swear it wasn't me. Please forgive me." Valor's eyes widened with realization, and the Walker family had crossed the Chadwick family.

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That explained everything.

"And taking photos isn't vile?" Before Gwendolyn or Howard could respond, Valor exploded like a firecracker, "Candy, you're truly a wolf in sheep's clothing," he raged, "Gwendolyn, don't you dare forgive her." Candy seethed, "Shut it, you little weasel." Mrs. Walker twisted her daughter's arm sharply, hissing, “Quiet."

"You such a bitch. Gwendolyn, she's been done worse. She'sbad-mouthing you you online:" Valor whipped out his smartphone, pulling up the profile of "Sweet Candy." "This is you, right? Look at the filth you've written."

The comments were a string of insults aimed at Gwendolyn, elevating Selina by dragging om Gwendolyn's nthrough the mud, calling her a country bumpkin, a whore, a desperate gold digger. Smack.

Mrs. Walker's hand flew, striking Candy across the face.