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And The Daddy Is… The Infertile Guy?!

Chapter 221
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Chapter 221 "ts Mr. Chadwick going to call and explain? At that moment, a flurry of thoughts raced through Gwendolyn's mind. She mustered all her courage, ready to clear the air of all the doubts gnawing at her.

And so, Gwendolyn pressed the green button and said steadily, "Hello, Mr. Chadwick." "Mrs. Chadwick, this is Quentin speaking." A stranger's voice sounded from the other end of the line, and a wave of disappointment washed over Gwendolyn.

It wasn't Howard.

"Hi there" Gwendolyn greeted.

"Mr. Chadwick is in a covert meeting. They're a discreet group, likely to use signal jammers at the hotel. It's doubtful Mr. Chadwick will have many opportunities to reach out to you, so it might be best to wait for his return to discuss matters." Quentin's words were formal, almost scripted.

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"Oh, I see." Gwendolyn's gaze fell. The subtext in Quentin's message was that she shouldn't bother calling.

But did Howard know about the interview online about the Stellar Crescent Foundation? After Quentin ended the call and erased the record of it, Gwendolyn stared at her dark phone screen, thinking she would have gotten an explanation.

She would let go if Howard admitted he couldn't get over Selina.

At that moment, a commotion stirred outside the villa.

"Ma'am, you can't go in there!" "You don't have an appointment. You can't just walk in!" Gwendolyn looked up to see the rustically dressed Gemma with a child in her arms.

"Gwen! I need to talk to you!" Beyond the fence, Gemma was bare-faced, her skin lacking youthful collagen and lined with a few more wrinkles.

"Mrs. Chadwick, this woman is trying to cin. Mr. Chadwick instructed us to ensure your safety in his absence," the security guard explained.

Gwendolyn took a deep breath and said, “Let her in. I know her." "Fine then." Gemma followed Gwendolyn into the living room with a wailing infant in her arms.

Gwendolyn got her a glass of water and, sitting on the couch, said, “Marina isn't here to host you. What brings you by?" Her gaze fell on Gemma, who was tenderly soothing the crying baby.

The child must be Herman's illegitimate son. Gemma could show such care for her husband's bastard yet regard Gwendolyn as a threat. She could be a gentle and forgiving mother, after all.

"Gwen, I, um, I cto say goodbye," Gemma said with a bitter smile. "Before I leave, I want to have a word with you." Gwendolyn's expression remained neutral.

"Gwen, I'm aware that you hold resentment towards me. I admit, I've failed you utterly as a mother." Gemma pulled a jade pendant from her bag and pressed it into Gwendolyn's hand. Gwendolyn glanced down at it. The jade was of a pure hue, lustrous and smooth.

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She recognized its considerable worth after having been with the Chadwick family for a long time.

"What are you implying? Compensation?" Gwendolyn asked.

"This has always been yours," Gemma said slowly. "Keep it as a memento." Gwendolyn gripped the jade, having expected Gemma to casking for money.

She hadn't anticipated a parting gift.

"You're Mrs. Chadwick now. I really shouldn't be saying this. But..."Gemma's eyes brimmed with tears as she spoke, "Howard and Selina have been entangled for years, and I fear you'll end up shortchanged."

"A woman should rely on herself. Depending on a man leads nowhere good, I'm the living proof!"

"You were trained by the renowned Dr. White. You have valuable skills! A woman needs more than just love in her life, she needs a career too! Trust me. No man is worth it!"