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And The Daddy Is… The Infertile Guy?!

Chapter 208
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Chapter 208 From the very beginning, the terms of their relationship had started with a contract, its clauses poised to spring to life once the twas up.

Huddled in the comer, Selina murmured, "Guys and girls, sometimes things get heated cause of hormones. It happens, What you've seen ofand Howle... well, we've been through a lot more.” She offered a bashful smile.

Gwendolyn stood there, dazed.

"Gwendolyn," Selina went on, "he's just acting all tough, throwing a hissy fit. I wouldn't want our history to hurt a sweet soul like you. If you don't believe me, let's make a bet "A bet on what?" Gwendolyn played along, curious.

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Selina suddenly loughed, grabbed her hand, and led a leap into the Sapphire Serenity Lake.

Caught off guard, Gwendolyn plunged into the icy, profound depths of the lake, swallowing mouthfuls of water and being enveloped by a cloak of drowning terror, Gwendolyn thrashed about in the water, her lungs squeezed with air, a suffocating weight pressed against her. Through her blurring consciousness, she saw a man of reserved elegance shed his coat and dive into the lake, swimming toward Selina.

Her heart plummeted, chilled as if whipped by the harsh winds of a late winter storm, her blood icy.

As Gwendolyn's strength ebbed, she closed her eyes and let herself sink.

In her despair, a hand suddenly clutched her clothes, and a voice sneered, "Howard's instinct to save Selina is in his bones. You should be grateful I'm even bothering to save your sorry life." Ryan's tone cwith disdain. Gwendolyn's head buzzed, and her stomach twisted in pain.

"Gwendolyn, if you know what's good for you, you'll divorce Howard fast." Weak to the core, her eyes fluttered closed, catching a glimpse of Howard swimming Selina to shore An acute pain spread from her heart to her entire body, colder than the waters of Sapphire Serenity Lake in the dying days of spring.

Ryan dragged her to the shore, where a crowd of guests had gathered, fussing over a tear-streaked Selina and a protective Howard.

Her delicate form trembling, Selina clung tightly to Howard's waist, her wet clothes clinging to her frame.

It was as if they were declaring to the world their rightful place together, with Gwendolyn as an unwelcinterloper.

"Do you see how perfect they are for each other?" Ryan taunted. "Without me, you'd be dead. Howard couldn't care less about you would only ever save Selina." e had or He Ryan seized the opportunity to sow discord, the only one aware of the deception he had orchestrated to create this misunderstanding.

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Clutching her chest and coughing, Gwendolyn stood soaked and forlorn.

Her dress, once pristine, was muddied and disheveled at the time.

Guests glanced at her occasionally, a mix of pity and disdain.

Tonight, Bayridge City bore witness to the unbreakable bond between its golden boy and darling girl, a tale told n: for over a decade. It was not a fairy tale that a country girl like Gwendolyn could ever hope to shatter

Selina gripped Howard's shirt among the crowd, her eyes innocent and bright as she said, "Howie, go check on Gwendolyn, please! Craning her neck toward Gwendolyn, she yelled, "Gwendolyn, are you alright? I don't know why I fell in. It felt like someone pushed me, and I just reached out for someone close." The guests looked at Gwendolyn with suspicion.

At that moment, only Gwendolyn and Selina were by the water. Selinam wasn't foolish enough to jump in herself. So, had Gwendolyn pushed Selina? up within her Gwendolyn's body tensed, a surge of rage welling up The whispers and the impulse drove her to Selina, her hand raised high, delivering a resounding slap.

Smack! The sharp sound echoed as fer palm met Selina's cheek.