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And The Daddy Is… The Infertile Guy?!

Chapter 198
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Chapter 198 After wrapping up their business discussion, Nathan tentatively asked, “So, what's your plan now that Selina's back, Howard? I heard the Hamilton family practically forced her to study abroad. It wasn't like she intentionally left you" Howard and Selina were together in the scar at the car crash. Howard was critically injured, while Seline was unscathed. The Hamilton family whisked Selina abroad when the doctors declared Howard's disability, It sure seemed heartless and cold-blooded.

"Oh, is that ro? Howard sneered with disdain.

Nathan slapped his cheek, regretting his choice of words. "I misspoke. But Howard, you'd grow attached to a dog after so many years, let alone a person, right? We all thought you and Selina would end up together." By all counts, whether it was family background, personal virtues, or emotional foundation, Howard and Selina seemed destined for each other.

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in circles like theirs, marriages were often strategic alliances. Why not choose someone with whom you shared a childhood and mutual affection? Who else would Howard choose if not Selina? "You all are blind," Howard coldly stated.

Feeling helpless, Nathan said, "Fine, I hope you're not acting out of spite. Don't let Gwendolyn down. She's a good girl." Howard absent-mindedly twirled his pen at the mention of Gwendolyn. His troubled and murky heart seemed to be cleansed and calmed at the sound of her name.

Eight o'clock at night, Jeannie dropped Gwendolyn off at her cozy villa after work, speaking earnestly, "Gwen, you need to have Howard pick you up and drop you off daily. Mark your territory! Otherwise, those little temptresses will have their chances to cling to him." Gwendolyn nodded obediently.

"Jeannie, thanks for the ride. It's getting late. You better head home." "Sure." "Drive safely, and callwhen you get home. Gwendolyn added with concern.

Jeannie sped off in her car, and once she was gone, the smile faded from Gwendolyn's face. Howard had promised to pick her up after work that morning, but in the evening, he bailed, saying he was too busy. Gwendolyn looked at the garage and didn't see his car there.

He hadn't cback yet.

Gwendolyn stepped into the villa, all quiet with Marina out for a walk the door beh With her mind heavy with thoughts, Gwendolyn retreated to her room on the second floor and closed the door behind her She touched her cold cheeks, and the words "post-traumatic stress disorder from the car accident" echoed in her mind, haunting her She went through her bedtroutine mechanically and lay on the soft bed, but sleep eluded her She remembered that Selina had been in the car with Howard during that accident In the wee hours, the car engine shutting off pierced the quiet Footsteps approached her door, accompanied by hushed voices "Is she asleep?" Howard's deep, pleasant voice asked.

"Mrs. Chadwick must have been tired from work. She went to bed early." Marina replied.

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"Okay, you go rest. I'll check on Gwendolyn.")

When Howard finished speaking.

Gwendolyn quickly shut her eyes and steadied her breathing. She felt the door open gently, letting in a sliver of light

A tall, imposing shadow fell across her and warm fingers tenderly LeTx m stroked her cheek. The touch was soft lingering

As Howard drew closec Gwendolyn caught a scent that wasn't his am faint, sweet fragrance that wafted through the air. Gwendolyn's breath hitched, a chill running down her spine.

the perfSelina wore, which Gwendolyn had encountered earlier that day.

The memory was vivid, all too fresh.