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And The Daddy Is… The Infertile Guy?!

Chapter 185
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Chapter 185 Gwendolyn sneaked a peek at the ringing phone. It was a call from Nathan.

Howard picked up with a cool detachment in his voice. "What's up?" "Con, man, we're throwing a party!" The background noise on Nathan's end was a cacophony of chatter and music, seeping through the phone line. "Not tonight, I'm booked." Howard was quick with his rejection.

Gwendolyn gave him a curious glance, knowing full well that Nathan was his old college buddy.

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"Don't be like that! Look, Ryan and the gang are back in Bayridge City. They've set up a little reunion just to see you. Ever since that car wreck, you've been out of touch with everyone,” Nathan explained, his voice earnest.

He was genuinely hoping Howard would reconnect with his old life.

Nathan pressed on, "You planning on keeping Gwendolyn under wraps forever? We all know you're hitched, and that your wife's been mentored by that famous doctor. Tto show her off, right?" His point hit home.

Gwendolyn was listening close by, getting the gist of the conversation.

Howard tumed to her "You up for it?" Gwendolyn licked her lips, "Mr. Thomas says it's been ages since you've seen them. Maybe we should go?" She was curious about his world, about the life he led before she cinto the picture.

She wanted to know what the once unbridled and gallant Howard was like, and what his friends would say about him now "Alright" It was only after Gwendolyn's nod that Howard said to Nathan, "Textthe address. Keep it cool, no monkey business." Nathan chuckled on the other line, "Of course! It's my first tmeeting Gwendolyn. We'll make sure it's all prim and proper." Howard ended the call.

Gwendolyn looked at him, hesitantly, "Should I change into something else?" Would her casual clothes be disrespectful when meeting his friends? "If you u want to change, 111 wait for you," Howard said, letting her decide.

With a smile, Gwendolyn replied. "Then I'll go upstairs and put on a dress." She dashed up the stairs with a spring in her step.

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Left alone in the living room were Howard and Marina, the housekeeper.

Marina sighed, "All this food will go to waste." "You can enjoy it yourself," Howard said with a hint of amusement Marina shot back, “I'm healthy as a horse. I don't need all these special dishes, I made them for you, worried you're not back to full strength after your illness."

"Was that call you made in the kitchen for my benefit too?"Haward asked, raising an eyebrow. "Do you mean you two haven't... Marina stared at him in disbelief, "Really?"

She couldn't fathom it. Young and in love, living under one roof, and they could still hold back. The content is e on novelenglish.net! "I'm not a beast. She's still healing from her injuries."

"Mr. White already said Mrs.

Chadwick's on the mend, just waiting for her fingers to fully recover. You must be pulling my leg. Well, these dishes can wait for Mr. White to get back home." Marina stood firm on not wasting food.

Howard didn't try to dissuade her. But he knew when Mr. White chto Leaning casually against the stairwell, Howard waited.

dishes, it would probably not be a pleasant sight After a short while, Gwendolyn emerged in a sweet French-style dress, ready for an evening out