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And The Daddy Is… The Infertile Guy?!

Chapter 156
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Chapter 156 In the bathroom, the warm amber light cast a suggestive hue over everything The mingling scents of Howard's cool cologne and the steamy air created an intoxicating moma Gwendolyn felt a primal urge stir within her intoxicating her senses.

She couldn't help but draw closet, and closer still to him.

With a firm grin, his powerful as cradled her lower back, lifting her onto the sink counter Sitting beneath his suit jacket, she caught. sight of his eyes, now dark with desire, and felt profoundly drawn to them The flickening lights danced as desire mared to be set free.

Careful to avoid her injuries, Gwendolyn's hands found his shoulders, her neck arching back.

"Mr Chadwick. Her voice was a desperate whisper.

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Howard held her with restraint, his head nestled against her neck, breathing heavily.

"Alnght. Once you're healed His voice was a husky mess.

What did he mean by that? Once she was healed, what did he intend to do? Do you prefer silk or cotton sheets?" he asked, changing the subject.

His simple question set her ablaze like a flame.

Tears welled in the comers of her eyes as she mumured, "Cotton" He responded with a gentle nod, his fingers softly tracing her back.

"Gwendolyn, I was scared that day" Howard's voice was raw, "When I got through on the phone, hearing Waldo attack you..." His hand tightened on her waist as if to affirm she was truly there.

"Mr. Chadwick, I'm okay," she cooed, her voice thick with sweetness.

Howard slowly created distance between them, leveling his gaze with hers.

"Gwendolyn, now that your identity is exposed, many will cseeking your healing. If you don't want to see them, just refuse. Fil handle the rest," he said eamestly She nodded vigorously, "Yes!" Her nose tingled, her eyes stung, and her heart was engulfed in a bittersweet floral aroma, Mr. Chadwick, how wonderful! Her cheeks flushed pink, her eyes shimmering like ripples on a lake in spring.

"Mr. Chadwick, my wound... It hurts a bit.” After speaking, she leaned in and mimicked his earlier gesture, planting a kiss at the corner of his mouth.

It was both innocent and impassioned, utterly unfair.

"Gwendolyn." He called her name, a raw edge of control in his voice.

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Her eyes were clear as she looked at him, "You're my painkiller. We don't have to wait... until the wound heals: Her words sparked another fierce blaze Sweeping her up, Howard carned her out of the bathroom.

Gwendolyn felt dizzy as she found herself on a plush bed, with him towering over her. That was when she began to the That began to feel a twinge of fear. Looking down at her, Howard spoke with restraint, "Gwendolyn, rl give you just one chance to regret this." Then he pulled a silk comforter over her, saying. "Have a good rest." Gwendolyn's large eyes gazed up at him, her lips caught between her teeth.

"Don't look atlike that," he said in a deep voice, his face pale and the reddish birthmark the glowing. Next time, I won't hold back.

He stood and walked back into the bathroom, and soon the sound of the shower filled the space, audible even through the closed door Gwendolyn hid under the covers, her face burning red.

10:21 1 As sleep crept upon her, she closed her eyes slowly sinking into dreams.

When Howard emerged from the bathroom, cool and composed, he found her curled up sweetly under the covers, asleep He was about to do something when a knock on the door sounded