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And The Daddy Is… The Infertile Guy?!

Chapter 151
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Chapter 151 In Bayridge Hospital's inpatient ward, the room was filled with the sterile scent of antiseptics and a tense silence.

Gwendolyn sat obediently on the hospital bed, her eyes brimming with tears as she gazed at the elderly man before her "Mr. White," she choked out.

"There, there, my dear It's been tough, hasn't it?" Enoch let out a weary sigh. "I had my reasons for keeping my identity from you Circumstances had forced his hand. If it were up to Enoch, he'd have stayed off the radar, away from certain prying eyes.

"I don't blyou. It's just a lot to take in Gwendolyn murmured, feeling as if she'd been hit by a bolt from the blue.

Hearing this, Enoch managed a gentle smile and said, “Giveyour hand, letsee.” Gwendolyn obediently extended her bandaged hands.

Enoch carefully unwound the bandages, revealing her fingers, raw and crusted with blood. Her fingers were still swollen from surgery, like plump little sausages, a frightening sight.

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Concentrated, Enoch took a fine needle and expertly inserted it into specific points along her hand.

On the other side of the room, Valor nudged Howard with his elbow and whispered, "Do you think her hands will heal?" Howard glanced at him coldly.

Valor scolding himself, said, "Of course they Restless, he sought recognition, "I've been working my tail off, day and night. I've done everything you askedto. I'm pretty awesome, right?" Dark circles shadowed his eyes from sleepless nights.

Valor had becquite the talk around the social circles, splashing money around and charming the ladies. "Hmm" Howard responded noncommittally.

Unsatisfied, Valor poked Howard again, “How about your fertility issues? Any improvement?" Howard answered without patience, his focus on Gwendolyn.

"Con, talk to me. It's so boring just waiting here. Imagine how miserable Bainbridge must be feeling right now. It's got to be like ants crawling in his heart, unbearable pain." Valor could talk for days, but his idle chatter could be insufferable.

Howard's gaze darkened at the mere mention of Bainbridge.

"He deserves to suffer" said Howard icily.

Valor sensing engagement, pressed on, "Howard, you must be planning something big, right? After what happened to Gwendolyn, there's no way you'd let it go." Despite his impulsiveness, Valor was sharp when it counted.

Howard offered him a chilling smile that sent shivers down Valor's spine.

Don't cross Howard, a man with schemes up his sleeve! Enoch set down the needle and turned to Valor, "Pourswater." "Right away!" Valor scurried like a helpful lackey, presenting a glass of water with a bow, "Here you go.

wise sage." Previously, he had called Gwendolyn a fairy, and now Enoch was his sage. It seemed fitting enough.

"You're running on empty. Less talking, more hydrating. Enoch m remarked dryly, clearly annoyed by the chatter. Valor made a face and had indeed been indulging a bit too much lately.

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Gwendolyn and Howard exchanged a knowing look, their eyes dancing with amusement.

"Mr. White, can my hand be healed?" Gwendolyn asked with hope.

Enoch reassured her, "When I take a case, there's always hope of healing.

ΟΠ We just need a change of scenery. This place isn't ideal for recovery Howard, kindly take care of the discharge papers." "Certainly" Howard's response was prompt.

Gwendolyn wondered why they needed to leave the hospital but kept her questions to herself.

It wasn't until they finished the discharge process and stepped out into the crisp hospital air that she had a sudden realization, night on the spot.