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And The Daddy Is… The Infertile Guy?!

Chapter 141
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Chapter 141 After Sanford left, Howard silently pulled out his smartphone and dialed the number buried at the bottom of his contacts list. The recipient picked up almost immediately..

In a hushed tone, Howard began, "Mr. White, I'm sure you've heard about the incident in Bayridge City. Gwendolyn needs your expertise now." He understood why Enoch had concealed his identity, adopting a new nfor reasons of his own. Asking him to resurface would be a tough ask.

"Her fingers're badly broken. The doctors say they might never heal properly unless we can get ahold of Enoch, the renowned healer from back in the day. I remember your showeda slew of certifications once. Well, Gwendolyn could really need your help. now. I'm sorry to bother you, but....” His voice carried a sincerity devoid of any arrogance.

The response on the other end was a string of grumbles and curses.

Unfazed, Howard continued to sweet-talk for several minutes more.

Finally, after laying out the entire plan, the person on the other end agreed.

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Howard ended the call, his fingers thoughtfully caressing the edge of the phone as the hint of a smirk played on his lips. Everything was in place, now all they needed was the catalyst.

"Stay here, keep watch. Don't let anyone near the room," Howard instructed the two bodyguards stationed by the hospital room door, before leaving to ensure one last detail, a detail that would undoubtedly bring Bainbridge immense pain.

"Understood, Mr. Chadwick," the guards replied, standing as immovable as statues on either side of the room. Even the nurses steered clear.

In the afternoon, the quiet of the hospital was shattered by noise echoing from the stairwell at the end of the hallway.

A crowd surged from two elevators, a sea of people led by Mack and Polly, followed by a throng of distraught family members of patients and reporters.

The duo, Mack demoted and Polly reprimanded, harbored deep resentment.

They thought they finally found a fault in Gwendolyn.

Behind them were the misled family members of the chronically ill, all caught in a storm of grief and anger, desperate for an outlet. And there were Bill's parents, an elderly couple in their seventies, overcwith tears.

As they reached the 21st floor, the disguised reporters switched on their miniature cameras.

Chapter 141 "Gwendolyn's staying in room 2106," Polly said coldly.

"Mr. and Mrs. Jones, look at that. She's even got professional bodyguards at her door. Bill's disappearance has to be connected to her." Mack incited furiously, "Maybe she was so furious she had her goons do something to Bill." At Mack's words, Mrs. Jones rushed forward, walling.

"Giveback my son." Having seen the news about Bill's alleged mistreatment by a negligent doctor and being unable to reach their son, the distraught parents had cto the hospital. Misled by the so-called "good Samaritan" Mack, they created this spectacle.

They'd heard the stories of the wealthy and powerful committing unspeakable acts.

"My Bill must've been harmed by her." Mrs. Jones collapsed to the floor, her cries echoing through the halls.

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"Please leave, you're disturbing the patients," the bodyguards said, blocking the crowd from getting any closer to room 2106.

"Gwendolyn. Cout." "Giveback my son." "You hurt my boy, cout!" Mrs. Jones' voice was heartrending.

The other families, empathizing with her pain, began to cry and shout at the door as well, "Quack, cout." "Gwendolyn, are you hiding like a coward?"

"She doesn't care about her patients.

If doctors don't care aboutlif@and e death, who can. we turn to?" Those words seemed to strike a nerve with the crowd.

They surged forward, trying to breach the bodyguards' defense to dragn Gwendolymout and give her a piece of their minds. "Gwendolyn, we need answers." "Giveback my son." The clamor and chaos filled the air, rousing Gwendolyn from her rest.