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And The Daddy Is… The Infertile Guy?!

Chapter 125
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12:47 Chapter 125 In the hospital room, Warren looked at Jameson with an unusual touch of tenderness in his eyes.

Jameson, I've failed you. It was wrong ofto resent you for your mother's death when you were born." Tears streaked down his weathered face, his temples streaked with gray. He seemed much older.

Jameson's heart was bitter, and his eyes moistened.

Warren reached out a withered hand to touch Jameson's cheek, continuing, "In the blink of an eye, you're nearly fifty. I don't have many days left. I've wronged you all these years.” "Dad!" Jameson gripped his hand tightly. "You're not going to die." The grievances in his heart dissipated with Warren's apology, a long-awaited paternal love finally attained.

He never thought the day would cwhen Warren would talk to him calmly and candidly. Jameson cried uncontrollably.

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"If I can't find Enoch soon, I fear... I might not make it through the year." His complexion ashen, he said, "Before I die, I hope Howard can forgive me. I need to pass on what I have to the most promising of my descendants." After much internal struggle, Jameson could not overchis duty to be filial.

"There might be someone who can save your life!" Jameson, biting his lip, said, "Howard. is looking much better. Roselind suspects it has to do with Gwendolyn. She might be Enoch's student, but we haven't confirmed it." Jameson, ever the naive optimist, moved by paternal love, blurted out the speculation.

He hoped Warren who raised him could end his days in peace, not tormented by illness.

"Gwendolyn?" Warren had planned to play the emotional card to win over Howard, and thereby facilitate a merger between Summit Corp and the Chadwick Group, but he hadn't anticipated this pleasant surprise.

"Are you sure?" A gleam of sharpness flashed in Warren.

"Not sure, but I can ask Gwendolyn to take a look at you." It was just a guess, after all," with no one to confirm it.

"No, wait." Warren held his hand, "Wait! Letconfirm her identity first. Don't talk about this with anyone else!" Jameson obediently nodded, "Okay, I'll cto see you every day." 12:47 Outside the hospital room, Bainbridge had overheard everything! Gwendolyn! How could that country girl be related to the renowned Enoch? Howard was still a cripple! But regardless of her identity, he could no longer tolerate that arrogant country girl.

Better to wrongfully accuse than to let her He was determined to destroy Gwendolyn! go free! He clenched his fists, tossing the food he held into the trash, and walked away. Reaching the hospital entrance, he pulled out his phone and dialed Vivien's number.

The call connected quickly.

"Vivien, do you want to get back at Gwendolyn? I heard she's not even certified to practice medicine." A secretive smile played on his lips.

Vivien perked up at the other end, "Bainbridge, what's your plan for revenge?" Bainbridge chuckled coldly, revealing his scheme, and Vivien's eyes lit up.

"Good, I'll get right on it." He then used a payphone to call the fugitive Waldo.

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The next day.

Gwendolyn was seeing patients, with Aiken standing by, utterly impressed.

"Very good." Aiken nodded, "Your acupuncture technique is even beyond my own skill." y own skill" At this point, Aiken was sure that her needling was the White's acupuncture, though he was curious about Gwendolyn's mysterious experience. Gwendolyn curved her eyes in a smile: "You've taughtwell. Next patient, Bill Jones!"

Many patients cevery day seeking Bayridge Hospital's golden touch, Aiken, who was often too busy to sit down. Now with Gwendolyn's help, his load was much lighter. Into the traditional medicine clinic walked a simple and honest-looking couple.

"My husband's been having a lack of appetite lately, throwing up whatever he eats and s and his stomach keeps aching," the plainly dressed woman said, worry etched on her face. 17