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And The Daddy Is… The Infertile Guy?!

Chapter 105
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Chapter 105 Howard frowned as he glanced at Nathan, his eyes growing colder by the second. "Beat It.

Nathan smirked sheepishly, “Oh, con. Spill the beans, man. Did Enoch help solve your get-up-and-go problem?" "Nope," Howard replied, impatience threading his voice.

Nathan deflated like a punctured balloon. “That's a bummer. I've been itching to share sgood stuff. But chin up, Howard. You'll bounce back!" He patted Howard's shoulder with a forced sympathy.

"What good stuff are you talking about?" Howard asked, his tone flat but eyes probing "Lots of goodies." Nathan cocked an eyebrow smugly. "The kind you wouldn't even dream of" He had anything one could find on the market and then some.

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He even had a storage room at hfor his treasures, a no-go zone for even the cleaning lady.

"Vulgar," Howard spat.

Nathan's face soured at that. "Hey, man. Food, love, and passion are what life is about! You wouldn't diss my hobbies if you knew the bliss of a perfect moment, the ecstasy of a stormy romance!" Howard shot him a cold glance.

Nathan grabbed his hand. "Don't writeoff, buddy. You'll cknocking one day!" "Never gonna happen." "Keep telling yourself that. When Gwendolyn gets sick of you, we'll see who you turn to." Nathan quickly straightened up. "I'll have your and Gwendolyn's outfits delivered tomorrow. Warren's birthday party kicks off at six. As a founder of Summit Corp, you are supposed to make an entrance." The word was out that the founder of Summit Corp had hit Bayridge City! "Howard, tomorrow night's for settling scores. I expect you to smash their faces in!" Howard gave him a look. "As you wish." After a lingering glance, Nathan left with a smile.

Outside the villa, an engine roared to life. The car zoomed off in a cloud of dust.

11:20 Howard reached for the black Invitation card with golden embossing, his expression unreadable Nobody expected him to have an ace up his sleeve.

Gwendolyn descended the staircase, catching the scene.

"Mr. Chadwick,” She called out, “Jeannie's asleep. I've checked. She's unhurt, just a bit shaken.” Jeannie, two years Gwendolyn's senior, was frank and simple-minded.

She was a pampered young lady, unaccustomed to real trouble.

It was no wonder she was startled.

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Howard turned the invitation aside and asked her, "What about you? Got scared?" Gwendolyn shook her head.

"I've got nerves of steel. As a kid, I'd tag along with Dr. White into the 9m wilderness, hunting for herbs. I'm not easily frightened." She sat beside Howard on the sofa, pouring him a glass of water. Her delicate, fair fingers cradled the glass, her eyes smiling at him.

"Mr. Chadwick, drink up."

Howard took the glass and looked at her, saying, "Gwendolyn, tomorrow's Warren's seventieth birthday. I'll be there."

"Then I'll go with you," Gwendolyn chimed in. She might not know the full extent of Howard's dealings or situation, but she wasn't stupid. She had her suspicions. Howard peered at her, a flicker of shadowy light passing through his eyes as if his icy heart "Okay, you'll join me." His gaze suddenly fixed on something, prompting him to stand and walk over to her.