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An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 3358
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Chapter: 3358

There was also a “sizzling” sound mixed in, like the sound of metal rubbing against the

ground, sharp and harsh.

“Get out! Get out!”

After seeing the red lantern, Li Qingcheng’s expression changed and he quickly ordered to


The troops were well-trained, and although they did not know the situation, they still acted

according to orders.

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However, everyone had not yet completely evacuated.

Two floating red “lanterns” have rushed to the palace gate.


I saw a huge black shadow flash past.

Several members of the escort team who were unable to retreat were directly swallowed

up by the black shadow and disappeared completely.

When the black shadow stopped, everyone could see its true face.

It was actually a giant black python twenty to thirty meters long!

The giant python has a single horn on its head, its b*dy is thicker than a water tank, its

b*dy is as black as ink, and its scales are like armor.

Moreover, under the belly of this giant black python, there are two sharp black claws.

And the red lantern that everyone saw before was actually the eyes of this black giant


It has two claws on its belly, a single horn on its head, eyes like lanterns, and a hideous

and terrifying face.

This can no longer be called a python, but a legendary dragon!

“This, this, this… what kind of monster is this? How can it be so huge?!”

Everyone was shocked when they looked at the giant monster that looked like a dragon or

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a python.

Everyone’s eyes widened with shock on their faces.

No one expected that such a strange beast was hidden in this palace.

That huge b*dy, those scarlet blood-like eyes, that bloody mouth, and that extremely

terrifying pressure.

Just taking a look at it can make people tremble with fear and make their scalp numb.

At this moment, whether it is an acquired martial artist, an innate master, or Qiao Yi, the

martial arts master, all feel as if they are facing a formidable enemy.

Even the pack of wolves and tigers that had been fighting crazily with humans couldn’t

help but stop their movements.