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An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 3353
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Chapter: 3353

There are many wolves in the pack, and under the leadership of the Silver Wolf King, they

are even more ferocious. When they run into the crowd, they start biting and attacking like


In just one encounter, more than a dozen warriors fell into a pool of blood.

Fortunately, there were a large number of warriors, many of whom were innate masters,

and the situation was quickly stabilized.

Although there were casualties from time to time, the wolves were also falling one by one.

Only the mutated tiger covered in red was somewhat unstoppable.

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This mutated tiger is extremely powerful and invulnerable. Ordinary weapons can’t hurt it

even if it cuts on its fur.

On the contrary, it will arouse the ferocity of the tiger and make it more cruel.

In front of this mutant tiger, ordinary Houtian warriors have no ability to resist at all and

can only be slaughtered.

Even ordinary innate warriors can only barely protect themselves and cannot do anything

to the tiger.

“Damn it! Isn’t this giant tiger too fierce? It can’t be killed at all!”

The mutated giant tiger rampaged through the crowd, killing everyone. In just two

minutes, it had torn apart more than a dozen people.

For a moment, the warriors were so frightened that they did not dare to step forward.

“It’s no match for him if he fights alone. If you ask us all to come together, we’ll just hack

him to death!”

“Fellow martial arts comrades, stop hiding your secrets, get rid of these monsters as soon

as possible and make a fortune early, so as to avoid long nights and endless dreams!”

“That’s right! Kill it quickly!”

After some shouting, all the forces formed a brief alliance, and all the innate masters

mobilized to kill the mutated tiger together.

Although the mutated tiger is powerful, it can’t stand up to a large number of people, and

those who attack are all innate warriors.

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After being besieged, wounds appeared on his b*dy.

It’s just that compared to that huge b*dy, some wounds that are neither deep nor shallow

will pose no threat in a short period of time.

While everyone was fighting with tigers and wolves.

Above the sky, a huge strange bird was swooping down silently.

This giant strange bird is completely black, with feathers like knives and claws like steel.

Under the moonlight, it emits bursts of cold light.


Lu Chen seemed to notice something, and suddenly raised his head, only to see the giant

strange bird just passing overhead, like a small passenger plane, rushing into the crowd at

lightning speed.