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An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 3315
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Chapter: 3315

Not far away, Xue Feng, who was hiding in the dark, couldn’t help but shook his head, his

face full of contempt.

“People’s hearts are unpredictable. It seems that Brother Shi’s fiancée is not a good


“Poor Brother Shi, because of a few white-eyed wolves, he got himself involved.”


Everyone was talking and talking.

It is said that the Golden Blade Clan and the Yuanyang Clan are family friends, and Shi Hao

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and Zhang Qingqing are engaged.

Normally, if there is danger, the two of them should work together to fight the enemy and

create a good story.

The results of it?

Zhang Qingqing sold Shi Hao backhand without hesitation at all.

This cruelty is really chilling.

“Senior Brother! Senior Sister Zhang and the others seem to have escaped. What should

we do now?”

After beating them, the disciples of the Golden Knife Sect quickly discovered something

unusual, and all of them looked ugly.

They went through fire and water for the disciples of the Yuanyang Sect, but they didn’t

expect that the disciples of the Yuanyang Sect didn’t even say hello, so they fled for their

lives first, leaving them here to fight alone.

No one would be able to bear this kind of betrayal and betrayal.

“Now that things have happened, I have no choice but to fight them!”

Shi Hao gritted his teeth and fought even more fiercely.

“Hey! Are you Golden Blade Sect disciples stupid? People have sold you out, and you are

still working hard here. What’s the matter?” The middle-aged man couldn’t help but curse.

It’s really unlucky to have such a bunch of stupid young people in the stall.

“Stop talking nonsense! If you want to fight, fight. Our men will see the truth!” Shi Hao

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“f**k! What a bunch of lunatics!”

The middle-aged man yelled and cursed, and ordered to the people around him: “You two,

each lead a team to chase that bitch back. The baby is still in her hands, so don’t let her

run away!”


The two people on the left and right responded, then led a dozen members of the Illusion

Sea Alliance and quickly chased in the direction where the Yuanyang Sect disciples


The remaining members of the Illusion Sea Alliance continued to surround and kill the

Golden Blade Sect disciples.