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An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 3299
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Chapter: 3299

Anything that comes close will be strangled to pieces.

Wherever Qiao Yi passed, he was devastated and unstoppable.

Such power attracted many people to applaud it.

However, at this moment, the golden tree vine that had been silent finally reacted.

The front end of it was raised high, and then it was whipped toward Qiao Yi like a long


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Because the speed was too fast, the golden tree vines directly cut through the air,

carrying a sharp roar, and smashed down hard.

This blow was earth-shattering, the situation changed, and it made people’s scalp numb.


Qiao Yi’s pupils shrank and he didn’t dare to widen his eyes. He immediately crossed his

swords and raised them in a block, facing the blows of the golden tree vine head-on.


When the two sides touched, there was only a loud sound.

A powerful shock wave, centered on the impact site, swept away in all directions.

Wherever he passed, flying sand and rocks were flying, and smoke and dust were


Some gray tree vines and silver tree vines that were close by were blown to pieces,

leaving a mess on the ground.

When the smoke clears.

A huge deep pit appeared where the golden tree vine was cut.

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Qiao Yi stood in the deep pit, sweating profusely and panting.

His arms were numb, his mouth was cracked, and traces of blood slowly dripped from his

fingers to the ground.

At this moment, his face was solemn, and he no longer felt relaxed at all.

The blow from the golden tree vine just now was so powerful that even though he blocked

it with all his strength, he still suffered some minor injuries.

It is certain that in terms of strength, he is no match for Golden Tree Vine.

If you go head-on, I’m afraid you won’t get any benefits.

“I didn’t expect this thing to be so powerful.”