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An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 3285
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Chapter: 3285

At this moment, they finally understood why Feng Yao was so frightened that he went

insane before.

Facing such a dangerous and terrifying place, even a normal person cannot bear it.

The key is, this is only the first half of the night. No one knows whether more powerful

monsters will appear in the second half of the night?

“It seems that this place is more dangerous than we expected.” Shi Hao sighed, his face a

little more solemn.

“As the saying goes, wealth can be found in danger. If it is not dangerous, how can we

share those rare treasures?” Qiao Yi looked calm.

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With his strength, even against the black giant eagle just now, he can still win, so there is

nothing to worry about.

“Be afraid, we are destined to hunt for treasures, but not to enjoy them.” Shi Hao shook

his head.

Thanks to their large numbers and strength, Qiao Yi, a martial arts master, was in charge.

If a disciple of the Golden Knife Sect went deep alone, he would probably suffer heavy

losses if he encountered some terrifying monster.

“Everyone, you should not stay here for a long time. Pack your things and leave here

quickly, and then find another hiding place.” Li Qingcheng issued a warning.

There was a lot of movement just now, and it might attract other monsters. Moreover, the

smell of blood here is very strong. The longer you stay, the more dangerous it will be.

For safety reasons, the position must be moved.

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“Why are you still standing there? Didn’t you hear what Miss Li said? Get moving

immediately!” Shi Hao shouted.

He ordered the disciples of the Golden Knife Sect to start packing their luggage.

“Damn it! If I had known it was so dangerous, I should have exited during the day!”

Some people in the team backed down.

“Okay, don’t say these depressing words. With Senior Brother here, Senior Qiao here, and

so many masters here, we will definitely be able to go back safely!” Another man in yellow

comforted him.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, there was only a “pop” sound.

A tree vine as sharp as a sword suddenly sprang out from the ground and pierced his

chest with lightning speed.

This tree vine penetrated from the back and passed through the chest very smoothly

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without any obstruction, as if a knife was cutting through tofu.

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How China's Gen Z Is…

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The man in yellow shuddered and froze.

His eyes widened and he looked down at the vines passing through his chest, his face full

of disbelief.

What just happened?

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